
November 20 Alachua County Planning Commission Meeting

Press release from Alachua County

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The Alachua County Planning Commission will meet on Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2024, at the Alachua County Administration Building (12 SE 1st St., Gainesville). This meeting begins at 6 p.m.

The committee will take public comments in person only. The meeting can be viewed on Cox Channel 12, the AC TV app (Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku), or the county’s Video on Demand website.

Items for the Planning Commission Meeting:

Z24-000007 Flamingo Sports Center Special Exception – This is a request by Clay Sweger of EDA Consultants, Inc., agent, for Wu Lingzheng, owner, for a special exception to allow an outdoor recreation facility that exceeds the limited use standards. The site is approximately 21.05 acres, has a future land use designation of rural/agriculture (one dwelling unit per 5 acres), and is in an agricultural zoning district. The tax parcel number associated with this request is 07089-002-000, and the address is 9409 SW Archer Road. For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Mehdi Benkhatar at mbenkhatar@alachuacounty.us.

Z24-000010 – This is a County-initiated text amendment to the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan’s capital improvements element to update the five-year capital improvement project schedules for recreation and public-school facilities and to update the multimodal transportation capital improvement project schedules for fiscal years 2025 to 2040. For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Ivy Bell at imb@alachuacounty.us.

Z24-000011 – This is a County-initiated text amendment to the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan future land use and housing elements to establish inclusionary housing requirements for certain land use actions and voluntary inclusionary housing incentives for transit oriented developments and traditional neighborhood developments and to revise policies relating to potential incentives available for affordable housing. For more information contact, the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Ivy Bell at imb@alachuacounty.us.

Annual Workplan – The annual workplan for the Local Planning Agency and Planning Commission will be reviewed. For more information, contact the Alachua County Growth Management Department at 352-374-5249 or Chris Dawson at cdawson@alachuacounty.us.

View the Planning Commission agenda.
