Project YouthBuild to host graduation ceremony for Class of 2024

Press release from Project YouthBuild
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The Project YouthBuild (PYB) Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony is scheduled to take place at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, May 22, at the UF Straughn Professional Development Center. Chief Joe Dixon of Gainesville Fire Rescue will address the graduates as the 2024 keynote speaker. Graduates not only earned their high school diplomas but also completed a registered pre-apprenticeship program in the building trades.
“We are excited to recognize the incredible accomplishments of all the young people from Project YouthBuild’s Class of 2024,” said Jonathan Leslie, PYB Executive Director. “Each graduate demonstrated great perseverance and determination to reach their goals.”
Founded in 2009, the Class of 2024 is the sixteenth class to participate in commencement. Students range in age from 16 – 24 years old and have dropped out of school. National graduation rates for young people who drop out of school and re-enroll to pursue their high school diploma vary anywhere from ten to 35 percent. Since 2009, Project YouthBuild’s graduation rate is nearly 80%.
The Class of 2024 has earned over $35,000 in college scholarships and volunteered over 11,000 hours at local non-profit organizations. All graduates earned a Presidential Volunteer Service Award for their contributions to the community.
“Each year, we typically receive two times more applications from young people than we can accept,” said Leslie. “We are working to increase our capacity to serve more young people who need an educational, occupational, leadership, and pre-apprenticeship program to reach their potential. We believe in the power of young people and want to create more opportunities for them to be successful.”
Project YouthBuild is a 9-month educational, occupational, pre-apprenticeship, and leadership program for young people ages 16 – 24 who have a low income and have dropped out of school. While enrolled in Project YouthBuild, young people have the opportunity to earn their high school diploma, nationally recognized construction and healthcare credentials, and an education award to be used for post-secondary education or trade school. Young people participate in a rigorous leadership program helping prepare them for civic engagement and employment. Lastly, young people spend nearly half of their time completing hands on-training while renovating affordable housing in the local community.