School district providing free meals to children and teens beginning June 21

Press release from Alachua County Public Schools
Beginning June 21, any child age 0-18 can receive a free breakfast and lunch at one of 93 locations in Alachua County through the Free Summer Meals program. The ACPS Food and Nutrition Services Department is offering multiple pick-up options to meet families’ needs, including in-person service, bus stop locations, and curbside grab-and-go meals. The department’s food truck will also visit three neighborhoods in southwest Gainesville, including Hidden Oaks, Majestic Oaks, and the SWAG Family Resource Center this summer.
Starting June 24 and continuing through the summer, the district’s free grab-and-go meals curbside distribution will be available at 19 locations on Thursdays from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Meals for all seven days of the week will be provided.
The Summer Meals Program, funded by the federal government, is open to any child regardless of family income. Children do not have to be enrolled at a particular school or program to receive meals. They also do not have to be eligible for free or reduced-price meals during the regular school year to take advantage of the program.
If children are not present at pick up, families will be asked to provide the child’s name and date of birth or a form of ID such as a report card or birth certificate. All information will be kept confidential.
“Families can take their children to the site that’s most convenient for them,” said Maria Eunice, Director of the district’s FNS department. “They just drive or walk up during the serving times and enjoy a nutritious meal.”
For more details on free meal sites, serving dates, and times, families can visit the Food & Nutrition Services website at or call (352) 955-7539.