Superintendent must file daily reports to FLDOE

Press release from Alachua County Public Schools

Alachua County Public Schools Superintendent Carlee Simon received the following letter yesterday evening regarding the district’s masking policy:

Dear Superintendent Simon:

As you are aware, on Friday, August 20, 2021, the State Board of Education found that the School Board of Alachua County’s requirement for medical documentation to opt-out of masking did not comply with Florida Department of Health Emergency Rule 64DER21-12, Protocols for Controlling COVID-19 in School Settings, which requires public schools to “allow for a parent or legal guardian of the student to opt-out the student from wearing a face covering or mask.” In this same order, the State Board of Education ordered you to report information to me.  Specifically,

Upon the School Board of Alachua County’s failure to timely document compliance within 48 hours of receipt of this order, the Alachua County School Superintendent shall certify, upon request of the Commissioner of Education, an updated report documenting any instance of the School District of Alachua County’s enforcement of the unlawful face covering mandate policy against a student, including, but not limited to, instances of a student being sent home, reassigned, disciplined, suspended, isolated, stigmatized, warned or harassed because of the student’s failure to comply with the School Board of Alachua County’s unlawful face covering mandate policy.  Such report shall include the student’s name and grade, parent’s name(s) and home address. If the School District of Alachua County does not have any instances of enforcement to report, the Alachua County School Superintendent shall submit a certified report asserting such fact. This request from the Commissioner of Education shall be continuous in nature until the Alachua County School Superintendent can certify and establish full compliance.

In order for you to report the required information to me in a manner that protects student information, please use I request that you update and certify the information daily by 5pm.

Failure to timely comply with your reporting obligation, pursuant to State Board of Education Order 2021-4024, may lead to more sanctions.

Richard Corcoran
Commissioner, Florida Department of Education
