Tacachale celebrates 38 years of holiday lights

Press release from Tacachale Center

GAINESVILLE, Fla.—Tacachale Center in Gainesville is hosting a special community event to celebrate the Holidays and is inviting the public to come and enjoy the fun! Tacachale is located at 1621 Northeast Waldo Road and is home to 250 people with developmental disabilities. 

On December 7, Tacachale will host its 38th annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at 6:30 p.m. The tree lighting ceremony is a festive event with tree trimming and holiday songs. There is a strong chance that Santa Claus may make a surprise appearance. The festivities are free and open to the public. Community members are encouraged to attend and participate in the fun activities. Local news anchor David Snyder will return as this year’s Master of Ceremonies, and 1000 Voices of Florida, Inc. will perform.

In addition, Tacachale is seeking sponsors for its Christmas Home Adoption Program. Individuals or groups who would like to sponsor a home are asked to provide a gift for each person living there and to throw a small party with light refreshments. For more details, contact Erin Saunders at (352) 955-5528 or erin.saunders@apdcares.org.

In the spirit of the season, the generosity of the Gainesville community is sought to help fulfill the Holiday wish lists of Tacachale residents. Tax-deductible donations can be made to Tacachale Christmas 2022 and mailed to:

Tacachale Volunteer Services                                                             
1621 NE Waldo Road
Gainesville, FL  32609
