
UF bans some travelers from campus

Press release from University of Florida

As Spring Break concludes and classes resume next week at the University of Florida, UF officials want you to know what is being done to prepare in light of the ongoing COVID-19 situation.

Effective immediately, no one who has been to China, Japan, South Korea, Italy or Iran within the past 14 days will be permitted on the UF campus. This applies to students, faculty, staff and visitors, with the exception of anyone seeking or receiving medical treatment at UF Health or UF Health Jacksonville. 

No cases of COVID-19 have been reported on the UF campus or in Alachua County. However, UF is taking numerous precautions to protect the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff, including:


Last week, UF administrative leadership activated the structure of UF’s Emergency Operations Team and Policy Group to facilitate institution-wide preparedness and response actions for this health threat. More than 60 members of the university’s administration are meeting regularly to address specific areas of campus operations: public health actions; student and employee care; continuity of academic, research and business operations; and public information and communications.


  • Installation of additional hand sanitizer dispensers throughout campus, to be placed at strategic locations such as building entryways and high-traffic locations;
  • Distribution of bottles of hand sanitizer to be placed on instructors’ desks;
  • Distribution of the Trushot restroom disinfectant and cleaner to the custodial workforce;
  • Purchase of extra supplies of hydrogen peroxide for general disinfection purposes and for use on transit buses;
  • Purchase of the Clorox Total 360 electrostatic disinfectant spray system, to be used in the event of a reported COVID-19 case on campus. This system disinfects the front, sides and backs of surfaces.

Campus housing

Additionally, UF’s Division of Housing has instituted the following precautionary measures for campus housing areas:

  • Daily wiping down of high touch surfaces in all residence halls
    • Doors doorknobs, handrails, elevator push buttons
    • Desks, tables, chairs, arm rest of chairs
    • Counters, offices, phones, keyboards, laptop keypads in common spaces
    • Bathroom fixtures, toilets, sinks
    • Water fountain push buttons
  • Areas are being cleaned using microfiber cleaning cloths which are frequently changed
  • Areas are being disinfected using Diversey Oxivir TB
  • Supervisors are monitoring desk area locations to ensure hand sanitizer bottles are kept replenished at the desk and not allowed to run low
  • Focusing on after-hours cleaning as it related to areas that are visibly soiled and immediately cleaning those locations.

Currently, large gatherings such as athletic events and spring commencement are continuing according to schedule. UF officials are prepared to modify those plans if warranted. However, please be aware of CDC guidance, which recommends that the elderly, anyone with a compromised immune system and anyone who is sick should avoid such events. If this applies to you, please reconsider your plans.

As with any situation involving an infectious disease, one of the most critical elements is the individual – you. We cannot stress strongly enough the importance of closely following CDC guidance for preventing infection:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.