Upcoming meetings for the City of Gainesville

Meeting notices for the City of Gainesville, including agendas and details on how to watch or attend, can be found here.

Update 9/21: Additional topics added to the September 23, 2021 Special Meeting City Commission RE: 1)Adopt Ordinances on 2nd Reading Related to Fee or Rate Changes (if any) 2) 2nd Public Hearing to set the Final Millage Rate and Adopt the Final Budgets for FY 2022 by Resolution 3) Approval of the RTS EEO Program Revised Report 4) Transit Services Agreement 5) Agreement for Age Based Fare Free Transit Pilot Project 6) Funding Agreement with ElderCare 7) Adopt Resolutions to FDOT for Construction and Maintenance Agreements 8) Selection of three Commissioners to serve on City’s Finance Committee 9) Select Mayor Pro-Tem and fill Vacancies on City Commission Committees 10) Fifth Budget Amendment to FY 2021 General Government Financial and Operating Plan Budget 11) Resolution Amending and Restating the Rules of the CCOM to Create a Separate Audit Committee and Finance Committee.
