12 applicants for Judge Walter Green’s seat selected for interviews
Press release from 8th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission
ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – The Eighth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission has selected applicants for interviews for the vacant Alachua County Judge seat created by the retirement of Judge Walter Green. The interviews will be held Wednesday, February 14, 2024, beginning at 9:00 a.m., at the Alachua County Criminal Courthouse, Gainesville, Florida.
The applicants selected for the interviews are as follows:
Time Slot Applicants
9:00 – 10:00 Katherine Floyd, Jonathan Ramsey, Shawn Thompson
10:15-11:15 Eric Atria, AuBroncee Martin, Adam Lee
11:30-12:10 Cary Torres, Dorene Inkeles
1:00 – 2:20 Adam Hapner, Yolanda Means, Adam Stout, Evan Gardner
The interviews are open to the public. Deliberation sessions, which generally occur before the interviews begin, during breaks, and at the conclusion of the interview session, are confidential.
JNC Commissioners
Rebecca Shinholser
Christopher Elsey
Norm D. Fugate, Chair
Brian Kramer
Candice Brower
Brent Siegel
Lindsey Turner, Vice Chair
Robert Woody
Eliminate any with Woke sympathies, memberships in ACLU, SPLC, DNC, BLM, Antifa and Church of Satan. Nuff said.
As long as whoever steps in continues Judge Green’s strong approach to keeping criminals in jail especially ones that assault officers…..
You might notice our crime ignoring, wrist slapping SA, Brian Kramer is on the nominating commission. He is one of the causes of our current violence and criminal activities. Even more than the judge being replaced was.
Tell them that 🙈🙈🙈🙈💔💔💔💔
Panel is ALL democrats. Ya’ll are screwed again.
hang on there sport…..Katherine L Floyd is a registered Republican
That doesn’t qualify as an informed statement
NOT Eric A., he’s a pro-trans kids grooming “rights” lawyer. Google it.
I cannot comment, I don’t know any of these people, I have lived in Alachua county for 40 Years, and do not recognize any of these names, that is PATHETIC on my part. No wonder we are in the mess we are in.
Here’s who I recommend and NOT…
for Judge Green replacements
Eric Atria – NO, indigents, pub. def., “trans kid rights”
Katherine Floyd – YES, estates, wills, business, probate
Evin Gardner – NO, asst. public def., and litigation
Adam Hapner – OK, fed. st. atty, prosecutor Ft. Laud.
Doreen Inkeles – OK, civil family law, Trenton Adam Lee – OK, gen. purpose, good reviews
AuBroncee Martin – NO, SPLC, BLM etc
Yolanda Means – NO, pro-BLM defender Jonathan Ramsey – OK, local ambulance chaser at FFP firm
Adam Stout – NO, criminal defender Shawn Thompson – OK if not jaded, DA’s att’y
Cary Torres – NO, immigration law, crim. def., ambulance chase
I know Adam Stout, good man was also a S.A.. And a veteran.
As far as the rest Aubroncee, would make Judge Green look like some Radical right winger.
Thank you but I have a tendency to vote with my own views and opinions in mind
Just a heads up: Aubroncee Martin would be like Walter Green 2.0
Former public defender, liberal, the whole 9. I’d strongly suggest against him. Known him for a while.