17-year-old charged as adult with drug and unlawful firearm possession
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Damorie Lamontay Miles, 17, has been charged as an adult with unlawful possession of a firearm and possession of Oxycodone.
A Gainesville Police Department officer conducted a follow-up investigation of a crash that happened on October 29 in the parking lot of Sweetwater Square Apartments; while viewing surveillance video at the complex, he reportedly saw Miles getting out of the passenger seat of one of the involved vehicles before the crash at 12:37 a.m. After the crash, he reportedly got back into the car, which left the scene of the crash but stayed in the complex.
The officer reported that body-worn cameras of two officers who responded to the crash showed an interaction in which Miles got out of the rear passenger seat of the vehicle and identified himself by name, then walked away, saying he lived in the apartment complex; however, he reportedly did not provide a valid address or apartment number.
An officer at the scene reported that he saw a bag containing two Oxycodone pills in plain view in the vehicle. A further search reportedly produced a 9mm Glock with an extended magazine and 31 rounds of ammunition under the seat where Miles had been sitting. The gun had been reported stolen in May 2023 in Gainesville.
An officer’s body-worn camera video also reportedly showed an interaction with a witness who said she saw Miles carrying a gun that day and that he’d had the gun “on him” during the crash. She said Miles had moved the gun under the seat when officers approached.
Miles had previously been trespassed from Sweetwater Square Apartments and was on juvenile probation, with an electronic monitor and a curfew from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. In January 2020, he entered a plea of nolo contendere to burglary of an unoccupied dwelling and was sentenced to probation.
Miles was arrested on the morning of November 1 and transported to the Juvenile Detention Center. Formal charges of possession of a controlled substance without a prescription, possession of a firearm by an adjudicated delinquent, and possession of a firearm by a minor under 18 were filed on December 1, and Miles has now been moved to the Alachua County Jail.
Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $45,000, and Miles has been released on bail.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Great way to ruin your life at the age of 17.
He probably has already ruined his life to have charges moved to adult court. He may have a extensive juvenile history.
Time to flush this 💩 down the hole.
Mr. Jim Beam, I sincerely hope you don’t have any family that are in this age group. This child life is just beginning and it seems the devil has complete authority over this child. I rebuke your statement and I am going before the throne of God, pleading the blood of Jesus over this child’s life. There is nothing to hard for God. Father God, I come before you pleading for grace and mercy for this child, there is nothing too hard for you God. I pray you touch this child’s mind and heart so he will know that there is a better way. Hallelujah! I am claiming the victory for this child’s life to be revamped to serve you un- conditionally in the name of the father, son and precious holy spirit. Amen.
Bail should have been $100,000, not $45,000. He needs to learn his lesson to stay out of the criminal justice system! What was he going to do with that stolen gun? 5, 10, 20, life!
Would you want a relative of your’s to have an excessive bail at the age of 17? I am calling a spade a spade. It has been orchestrated genocide on African American makes before the Black Panthers, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King era. I am not upholding any thing wrong this child has done but if you read the chronicles, it clearly shows the devil has complete authority over this child. Instead of assisting the devil devil in seeking this child out to dstroy and devour him we need to be sending up timbers for all young men’s whether they are Blacks, Caucasians or Hispanics. Gainesville is like Sodom and Gomorrah right now. Instead of us wishing the worse for our future generation, we need to recapture the village that was instrmental in directing us in the right path.I plead to God that the prayers of the righteous availeth much for this young man. If god forgives us why this young man be forgiven and get a reprieve to get a chance to turn his life around and serve Almighty God. There is nothing too hard for God.
We’ll be supporting this thug for many years to come. What a waste.
If God takes control, you will not be defining someone’s child as a thug. There is power in the tongue. I speak positive things in this child’s life. If all the God-fearing christians come together, crying out to God, not only for this child but all the other children that are under attack from Satan, Gainesville wouldn’t have all the murders downtown near the university of florida, in affluent neighborhoods or anywhere in this city. I guess all the professors that are killing people(Las Vegas incident where 4 people were killed), ex- GPD officer getting arrested for buying drugs, police officers getting arrested for stealing from Walmart are things also. Are you defining all the prominent people that commit white collar crimes as thugs too?
Oh dear, another taxpayer subsidized existence down the drain in District 1 😢😢😢😢🤡👹🍦🍦🍦🍦D
What about all the millions that went down the drain in District 1 from instructions from the Mayor of Gainesville? What about the monies spent on a gun violence summit that went down the drain that was suppose to prevent these types of things gun violence and murders near the university of florida. Let’s not be selective about one incident,come clean about everything that is happening in the city of Gainesville. The joint legislative audit committee and representatives of the state of florida has asked for the Mayor of Gainesville to resign because they feel his leadership has cost millions to go down the drain. Talk about Mayor Ward the same way you are bashing this 17 year old child. This child has a chance with God. I don’t see this with the Mayor and his reprobate mind. I pray that God touch this child’s mind and heart so he can have a powerful testimony to help someone else change their lives.
Another “Lost Soul” he will probably get probation. He will violate then be sent to prison where he will get further educated in the life of a criminal. Seventeen prosecute “Parent” he is a minor. I’m sure no father in his life. Make parents start excepting some sort of responsibility. I firmly believe that unless children are removed from these households by the age of 6 YOA, they will have no future. Stating the Truth Hurts, only if true.
I have seen both parents in children lives and these children parents were Judges, Attorneys, Doctors and Educators. The devil doesn’t discriminate because his job is to seek destroy and devour. During this era, the system prevents parents from disciplining children to prevent a lot of this because the parents will be on mugshots. I am not speaking nothing but positive on this young man’s life because God has the power to revamp this whole situation and the calling I see on this young man’s life I can see him as a powerful warrior for God.
I will pray to my god for this child
“Our pasta, who art in a colander, draining be your noodles. Thy noodle come, Thy sauce be yum, on top some grated Parmesan. Give us this day, our garlic bread, …and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trample on our lawns. And lead us not into vegetarianism, but deliver us some pizza, for thine is the meatball, the noodle, and the sauce, forever and ever. R’amen.”
There is no man that hath Power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death; and there is no discharge in that war; neither shall wickedness deliver those that are given to it. Ecclesiastes 8:8
Guess his Bright Futures scholarship must have fallen through.
So true. If he did not come from the “underserved” part of the neighborhood, in twelve years he would be a qualified brain surgeon at Shands. Instead, he will be housekeeping in a 10 by 10 foot concrete box at Raiford. What a waste of potential brain surgeon talent.
This is an understatement that you made about the underserved neighborhood. I was borned and raised in Gainesville and I have seen criminals that emerged from affluent neighborhoods such as Hailey Plantation, Avalon etc. It isn’t the neighborhood that breeds criminals, it is the devil that takes control. It is not the neighborhood you live in that breeds success but how you excel coming out of neighborhoods that are defined as under-served or is a high crime neighborhood. If you read the chronicles, Gainesville Sun and watch the televised news,the entire city of Gainesville is out of control with criminals from all neighborhoods. Don’t fault parents for what children are doing, attack the devil for attacking these children by sending fervent prayers to God.
It is ironic that you mention this child being a brain surgeon. I have heard rumors that this child had a severe head injury as a child that prohibited his growth. Maybe at this date if someone can make a referral to a neurosurgeon to examine this child, maybe he will emerge as a top neurosurgeon. To God be the glory!
The Bright Future’s scholarship that he receives from God hasn’t fallen through because no one initially filed an application on behalf of this child. As I respond, I am crying out to God on this child’s behalf in the name of the father, son and precious holy spirit that the reins the devil has on this child is released immediately. Amen.
He looks like he’s twelve.
Whether he looks any age over or under 12, my heart is greiving for this child and other children in this city that is under attack from Satan. Everyone should come together on the Bo-dilly plaza and cry out to God on behalf of these children and about what is happening in our city with all the murders and criminal things that are happening. The devil is mighty but God is Almighty.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster is Almightier!!!
Rich and poor have this in common: The Lord is the Maker of them all. (Proverbs 22:2) “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. We’re all disobedient and equally guilty before him, and we need Jesus.