17-year-olds on probation charged as adults in December shooting

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Mikale Immanuel Fuye, 17, and Jordan Isaiah Howard, 17, have been charged as adults with firing a weapon into a building, firing a weapon from a vehicle, firing a weapon on residential property, and possession of a firearm by an adjudicated delinquent for allegedly shooting from a vehicle driving through Eastwood Meadows on December 18, 2022.
Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a report of shots fired on the afternoon of December 18 at the apartment complex at 925 SE 43rd Street. Witnesses reported hearing 12-15 gunshots, and bullet impacts were found on five vehicles in the parking lot. About 15 minutes later, another caller reported that a car had been abandoned by four teenagers, two males and two females. The car was described as a blue sedan full of bullet holes. The teenagers reportedly hid in the woods until another vehicle arrived to pick them up.
Deputies made contact with the registered owner of the sedan, who said her daughter had taken the car and her daughter’s friend was driving it because her daughter’s license was suspended.
Deputies located the daughter’s friend, and she reportedly confirmed that she had been driving the sedan, but her statements were reportedly inconsistent. At first, she reportedly said that only the two girls had been in the car, but she later said that two males had fled on foot. She provided false names for the two males, saying they were “Larry Harlou” and “Sammy Jones.”
The daughter reportedly said her friend had been driving and had dropped her off at a friend’s house, then returned with two unknown boys in the back seat. She said that as they drove into Eastwood Meadows, she heard gunshots, and unknown people started shooting at the car. She said a bullet hit the window next to her, causing pieces of glass to hit her face. She said they abandoned the car nearby and were picked up by the driver’s father.
Detectives collected video from Eastwood Meadows and reportedly saw the sedan entering the complex at 1:44 p.m. at a high rate of speed. The two occupants of the back seat can be seen firing handguns out the window. Three young children can be seen playing on the playground, and the children are seen running when the shots are heard. Other people in the parking lot can be seen running for cover. The sedan then turns north onto SE 44th Street and out of view.
A search of the vehicle reportedly produced 11 live .40 caliber rounds, two spent 9mm shell casings, and one spent .40 caliber shell casing.
A witness gave deputies the street names of the two teenage males in the back seat of the sedan, and deputies were able to match those to the legal names of Fuye and Howard. Fuye and the friend who drove the car are both on juvenile probation and are required to wear ankle monitors. Deputies tracked the location of their monitors and reportedly found that both were in the area of the shooting at the time of the incident. Fingerprints found on the car reportedly matched Fuye and Howard.
Fuye has two felony convictions as a juvenile and is on probation for battery by a person in a detention facility and resisting arrest.
Howard has one felony conviction as a juvenile and is currently on probation for carrying a concealed firearm and unlawful possession of a firearm by a person under 18 years of age.
Bail has been set at $500,000 for both defendants by Judge David Kreider.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
Yep, I can really see Publix and Golden Corral opening up shop on E. 43rd St. 👹🤡🥺
JeffK, shines a whole new light on it potentially being a person’s “last meal.”
Maybe a Walmart where criminals can shoot up cops a la Markeith Loyd. 😔
You should proofread before posting, but being overzealous got the best of yu, and many of us know why.
Calls someone out for not proofreading, then makes grammar mistake. SMH. Come on now.
Hope they provide an old fashioned crew-cut to their heads! That’s the ugliest hair-do I’ve ever seen, hard to look at. Shear down immediately!
Welcome to Gangsville! The city where super libs claim to help the poor east side but hurt them tremendously by reckless spending and insane requirements like onerous annual rental inspections and high utility rates so poor folks can never afford to move to the safer White-west side.
weird hair, parent is proud of them. that culture IS the gun problem by itself
Nah, they are just the victims of an unjust system.
Can’t fix those who don’t want to be. Too bad they can’t be put into the “cat snip” program. That would help “fix” some things.
Even juveniles have guns. If you’re legally able, protect yourselves from people like these – people like them are keeping LEOs busy.
Maybe some of the local leadership will contribute to their defense fund. Nope, that’ll never happen.
The typical Democrat voter on display. Both, criminally minded but not too bright.
Whew! Good thing no K-9s were involved. Wouldn’t want these two to get bit while they’re ‘complying’ with law enforcement?
Eastwood isn’t in city, it’s county! Just saying K-9 for ASO is awesome.
After the shooting “They were picked up by their father”. Sounds like a culture of violence. Like father…..like son. Must be celebrating BHM?
How about the culture and religion of White Supremacy ?
Not to make light of the real crimes, but Fuye definitely deserves added time for hate-crime-level felony hairdo violation.
The GNV CC needs to seek Federal funds because we have a “hair-do violence crisis” here…
Just get all the guys with the crapped-on head hair-doo’s and the face & neck tattoos and put them in jail and our “gun violence crisis” will be solved.
Not at all, you still have terrorist Mass shooters that come from the dominant society. What should be done about them ?
Marg, most aren’t terrorists but they are evil. Put ’em down works for most animals.
Does the ACSB have a “hair policy”? Do they allow kids to have the doo-doo hair in classrooms?
Just lock them up and throw away the key.
Uhmm…her parent (mother?) lent her vehicle to her daughter even though she KNEW her daughter had a suspended license?? Whaa???
Worthless Scum!
i appreciate mikale’s hairstyle, its a good good clue that a crime is imminent when out and about.
This whole incident is just disgusting….what were they thinking?
Well that’s just it Sherman, they have nothing to think with.
It’s sad that these kids never had a chance. Their parents are trash who can’t love their children enough to show them the right path. Then their children become society’s trash and the cycle continues.
Parents, plural? That’s racist…and so is mathematics.
Danielle, they had a chance. They also had a CHOICE.
They made a stupid one and now they’ll have to deal with the consequences.
Is Eastwood Meadows a section 8 government assisted “affordable housing “complex?
Take a guess. And there’s no volunteer crimewatch I bet either.
I’m guessing yes and the GNV CC wants to destroy single family residential zoning in neighborhoods to create more “affordable housing” so the “crime, gun, and hair-do crisis”is distributed equitably throughout the city…
Don’t forget the “vagrant violence crisis”…when is the GNV CC gonna have a meeting on that?
Time to address the panhandlers, vagrants, & Grace Mktplc.
Crime in Gainesville like any other city is spread all over, never does it occur in just one area, section, side of town.
The answer to your question is yes.
With criminal lover demorats running the city, ASO and GPD, the thugs arexout of control with no fixing in sight!
You can see right here how well probation doesn’t work, especially on crimes involving guns.
Was going to comment on the “hair-doo” but others have summed it up nicely. One does wonder though, if these people don’t have mirrors? Can’t see? Too busy committing crimes to take care of their hair?
The world was a better place before Donald Trump made all of you bigots feel like you have a legitimate platform. I’m a republican and you people make it hard to be proud of that.
The world may have been a better place before Trump. May even have been better before Obama.
What’s clear is it’s not much better since and Biden isn’t doing much to correct things. Of course we have to take into account this happened at a local level. We also have to take into account that these types of crimes appear to be increasing at an alarming rate.
Just a stab in the dark here but could it be that the local politics may be having an effect, detrimental of course, to prevent these crimes from being committed?
Some comments may appear to be derogatory but that may indicate how fed up with the perceived lack of action and/or the continued condonance of such behaviors by said leadership and the lack of parental influences on the lives of our youth.
Oh aren’t you just a self-righteous wee judge and jury? How DARE you call people bigots because their opinions don’t agree with yours. Look up the FBI crime stats by race and then come back and apologize.
I’m sick of all the same things. Getting on the internet making bigoted comments about people you don’t even know isn’t going to change anything. The people that are making these comments aren’t doing so out of displeasure for our local government. They do it because they’re racist. Try to hide behind whatever excuse you choose but it’s still racist.
I’m calling BS on that…it doesn’t matter what color those morons are…you got a chip on your shoulder and are the racist. Racism comes in all colors…Freud may say that your defensive racial position may be rooted in jealousy…a sin.
I invite you to go through as many of my post that you want show me where any of my posts are any different base on race I call it like I see it a POS is just that if they commit robbery, murder, break in homes steal attack people they are useless in my book doesn’t matter to me white black green male or female I post under GH
And I’m sick of people like YOU. People who self-righteously judge others to be “racist” without a clue. Check out the FBI crime stats by race then come back and apologize.