18-year-old arrested and held without bail after allegedly driving recklessly with no license, killing Gainesville realtor and his dog
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Clayton Deneal Wamsley, 18, has been arrested on a warrant for vehicular homicide, driving without a license causing death, and driving without a valid license following an investigation into the death of Matt Umanos on January 2. Judge William Davis, who signed the warrant, ordered him held without bail on the vehicular homicide charge and set bail of $60,000 on the other two charges.
A Gainesville Police Department investigation found that at about 5:41 p.m. on January 2, Wamsley was driving his car northbound on NE 7th Street, ran the stop sign at NE 16th Avenue, and hit Umanos, who was crossing NE 7th Street in a marked crosswalk. The victim was thrown about 124 feet before landing and striking a cement culvert; he was transported to UF Health Shands, where he died a short time later.
Wamsley was reportedly still entrapped in his car when law enforcement arrived. A check of his license found that he had an identification card but had never had a driver’s license.
A witness told the investigating officer that she was in her front yard when she saw a silver or gray car traveling southbound on NE 6th Terrace at a speed of about 60 mph in a 25 mph zone. She said the car ran the stop sign at NE 13th Avenue and made a left turn, with its tires screeching. After it was out of sight, she heard the car accelerating as it traveled north on NE 7th Street.
A second witness was traveling southbound on NE 7th Street, just south of NE 16th Avenue, and saw the sedan approaching her in the northbound direction. She said the vehicle seemed to be out of control, and she estimated the car was going at least 40-50 mph. She said she looked in her rearview mirror and saw that the car was going too fast to stop at the stop sign, then saw the car run the stop sign before crossing NE 16th Avenue and crashing.
A third witness was walking with the victim and said they were walking in the crosswalk on the north side of the intersection when a car ran the stop sign and hit the victim and his dog.
Post Miranda, Wamsley reportedly said he had been upset and thinking about harming himself at his home and decided to drive around the block from his home on NE 6th Terrace. He said he was driving north on NE 7th Street when he got a text message, picked up his phone from the dash, and started reading the message. He said he looked up as he passed the stop sign, saw the victim, and swerved to the left to avoid the victim. He said he was sorry.
The officer noted that roadway markings at the scene supported Wamsley’s account that he had run the stop sign and swerved to the left after crossing the roadway.
Speed calculations estimated that the car was traveling 41 to 49 mph when the victim was hit. Additional calculations using a different method indicated that the car was going at least 48 mph after hitting the victim and braking. The event data recorder from Wamsley’s silver 2014 Ford Escape reportedly showed that the car was going 55 mph prior to impact.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
He killed a dear friend to many in the community and his mother, father and brother will be grieving the rest of their lives. Clayton clearly has issues. Now he will spend the rest of his life thinking about this. Very sad all the way around
He is an individual I knew. I understand this is a monstrous act. But it was accidental. He deserves respect as his life is permanently altered. He has a good soul. He sought help for his problems. He was open honest and willing and this is tragedy that has no answer.
I suggest 50 years in the pen.
It was not accidental. He probably did not deliberately wish to kill anybody, but he knew he was driving without a license. He knew he ran a stop sign at high speed. He knew that his actions were irresponsible and endangered other people. He deserves treatment for his problems, but he also deserves to be punished according to law.
Not his first time driving that way in our neighborhood.
It’s just the first time his recklessness killed someone and their dog. I would not call that omission being “open and honest.”
Plz tell your theory to Matt’s brother who witnessed the killing and subsequently suffered a stroke. Talk about lives permanently altered….
But we should feel bad and have “respect” for someone who has no regard for anyone or anything and did not have enough “respect” for his neighbors to not drive like a lunatic?
Good luck with that narrative.
He had no license and wreckless. That’s not an accident it’s irresponsible and stupid choices. Hope he lives the life he deserves. In prison.
He is not a good soul. He deserves no respect. He repeatedly drove recklessly through the neighborhood at high speed with no regard for others? How did he access to the car keys? Get him away from society forever.
It was not a accident when you shouldn’t be driving a car without a license or speeding texting. Good luck in prison there going to like u.
he claimed to be upset, all this was, was him throwing his average emo temper tantrum like he always used to. I went to school with him, he used to display pedophilic behavior, Clayton is not right in the head. He got into that car without a license knowing full well the risk, this is his punishment.
They’re gonna need a bigger box…I mean boat.
He’s going to bright the light in. He is kind. You are rude as ****
Yet you’re the one who drops the ****.
Every child is born ‘good.’
At some point between birth and death they all have choices to make that may have serious consequences in their future.
He obviously made several bad choices that particular day.
If he’s kind, I’d to meet someone unkind.
Anyway, he’s off the street for good thank god. Perhaps he’ll find kind friends in prison who will show him the same kindness he should the man he hit.
He wasn’t a realtor. He worked for GACAR as their government affairs director.
Hope this kid has good insurance. He is going to need it. Oh and a good defense for the civil lawsuit pending of course. The victim’s family deserve every penny you will wind up paying them. You screwed up your whole life Meatloaf…
He will just go bankrupt.
This was a part of his path in life. He’s going in to help people. He has compassion and love in his heart. Be kind and remember to always ask WHY
Yah.. unfortuately the realtor and his dog were smack dab in the middle of this dude’s ‘path in life’….
Why was he driving when he had no license?
you mean his parents? Under 25, and no License. Kind of doubt he had insurance of his own.
Who’s going to fill his jelly roll?
Whoever is in charge of the phones this week at the jail.
Sounds like you have first hand knowledge
Raised by a culture of violence and not by a father, just a wild guess. It’s an epidemic.
I know he’s gonna eat his cornbread
That’s gonna be a lot of cornbread.
One look at this 🤡 tells you why he doesn’t have a driver’s license… his IQ looks <70
Uh, there was a Harris sign in their front yard, if we’re going to be that petty.
WTF does that have to do with this article? Oh yeah, nothing.
Read Harsh Truth.. I was replying to him, are you related? Both seem to have the same mentality. Or can you only retain one reply at a time? That’s what it has to do with this
Have you never made a mistake in your life chill out. Go live a little and maybe you won’t be so miserable and entitled
I agree Hannah, Clay is a good kid who made a very poor choice. He came from a crappy home as a child and was adopted by an amazing woman who did her best. Clay is special needs and certainly has some residual issues from his childhood. I am sure he is absolutely devastated that he caused someone’s death. It’s very sad for everyone involved for sure.
He weighed in at 400 lbs. at the jail. How on earth did she allow him to get into that condition? He was adopted by age 5, based on a photo you can find online, so he probably can’t remember before then anyway. And allowing him to drive with no license? Stop with the BS. She’s obviously worried about herself, but it’s a little late for that now.
My mistakes haven’t killed anyone.
A mistake? He knowingly got in a car without a license. That’s not a mistake. It’s a choice.
According to voter records, he was registered NPA and never voted: https://www.voterfocus.com/VoterInformationLookup/voterSearch?county=FL-ALA
(you’ll need to look up his birthdate in court records to do the search)
A clear point why we should not assume based on looks.
A clear point why we should not assume based on looks.
He certainly doesn’t look like a kid who listens to Joe Rogan or values hard work and discipline. I will just leave it at that. I hope they have masks to fit him at the jail or he might have a health crisis and cost the county more money.
Do you even pay taxes. Have you ever seen the homeless shiver in the cold and die from lack of healthcare. Do you have any idea how hard people crawl out of the childhood traumas. Have you ever tried to live with compassion instead of entitlement and judgment
Hannah..that rings a bell, clayton’s ex right? yeah no wonder you’re all under his balls putting up this horrid defense with your garbage excuses for a wreckless idiot that caused a man his life. you’re no shield, get off this website.
He’s 18. Who the hell cares who he voted for he’s just trying to figure life out
He was at a major disadvantage and trying his best. He was active in a community of people trying to recover.
Stop trying to defend a wreckless criminal idiot. We’ve all been young and had our problems, but we’ve never killed anybody. He deserves what he has coming and everyone in this community agrees. Society is better off without these idiots roaming around.
He will be someones gape partner.
A real piece of work.
Who’s car?
His mom’s second car she was keeping for him. She allowed her special overindulged boy to drive it some even though he had no license yet (so I have heard). I wouldn’t be surprised to see her charged as an accomplice or accessory.
You should be ashamed of yourself. Let his family live and grieve the same way the victims family can. It was a mistake. He is a good person. He care about people. Obviously care more than you do. Show some humanity. This is sickening
What is his family grieving for?
They gave him the keys to the weapon. They are guilty as the reckless driver.
Fat boy came through with some momentum!
Gosh I wonder why he wasn’t put on the right path in life much sooner? Did he go to one of our DEI public skools where they told him everything is fine, ok to be “different” ?
HE WAS ON THE RIGHT PATH. HE WAS TRYING. THIS WAS AN ACCIDENT. I believe god put him where he can find the light in the darkest of souls and bring forth happiness and change. He had a good soul
He left home thinking of harming himself instead he took a innocent person’s life instead of his own. What RIGHT path are you talking about? If he cared about people so much he would have taken care of business at home and saved an innocent person.
Hate to meet someone with a bad soul.
To pretend that this murderer was acting out “God’s plan” and that this horrible crime will “help people” is beyond insulting. You are a horrible person, almost as bad as the killer himself. Shame on you.
I must say, It’s about time. Over a month! Matt was the friendliest guy with the nicest dog Elmyra. Everyone knew him as he knew everyone. This kid needs to stay locked up. He has ruined a family and scarred the whole neighborhood that he lives in. Such a sad and horrible situation. I have no pity for the kid and my whole heart for Matt’s family. Keep that boy locked up. This is how he deals with his internal conflict resolution? A huge bad decision. I also think the mother has some type of contributory negligence as she was teaching him to drive without a license nor permit. That is illegal too.
Your bias doesn’t deserve to be public. Stop hating on a person already at their lowest. I know him from a different perspective and he was a good person trying his best met with the most extremely difficult life. Be kind or keep your mouth shut. Doesn’t do anybody any good
This feel good garbage makes me sick. In all of your words and all of your ‘have compassion’ BS, you have not once expressed concern or sympathy for the victim here. No, don’t reply with ‘well how does it feel’…
U go to jail with him
This is so tragic. A typical situation where a teen doesn’t think. Unfortunately, it had tragic, tragic consequences. There but for the grace of God go I. We’ve all made mistakes, and, unfortunately, this one has life altering consequences for this young man. I feel for everyone involved. Prayers go out to all of them.
He said he was sorry…
That’s not going to cut it. Enjoy prison.
What you just did isn’t helping anyone. I believe in humanity and compassion and show some when I tell you he. Is. Good. He does feel the worst he’s probably ever felt in his life. He cares so much about people. Maybe you should give it a try
Yo you need to stop this. You look like an idiot. He killed a man in front of his brother. You have no grasp on reality and he can care all he wants, he murdered a man and his dog in broad daylight in a 35 mph zone. He will die an inmate and his crime dictates it is right and warranted.
He’ll be doing a lot of ‘favors’ for that extra commissary $$$ in the Pen.
Well how nice of you to send him money. Get a grip. You’re awful for that
Finally! The neighborhood was not going to let him get away with this. From car data, witness accounts and prior history of neighbors telling him to slow down in the neighborhood, how come he was not charged with reckless driving too? Throw everything at him. He will never be worth what he took from the neighborhood and Matt’s family.
You should be ashamed of yourself. He was trying. He was a good person. He was young. He will learn his lesson. Doo ok my post things to bully people who can’t respond. And don’t gossip about people who aren’t around
YOU should be ASHAMED of YOURSELF assualting these people who knew the actual victim. YOU ARE THE BULLY CLAIMING VICTIM and you are not, HE IS DEFINATELY NO VICTIM.
Good luck in prison you’ll be someones toy
Trying to suck
Oh my, the poor first responders who had to try and get this thing out of his car. He weighs more than the car no doubt!
I knew Clay. I admired Clay greatly. He was the person to bring a smile to everyone’s face with his wit charm and compassion. I saw him New Year’s Eve and I he gave me nothing but genuine support. Please don’t hate on this article. He has people that love him. He made a drastic mistake and I can ****ing promise he’s going through hell. I feel this only happened because his light deserves to be felt by those in their darkest times. Pray for the family that lost lives. Pray for the soul that lost its life on earth. The same ANGEL the would have saved the pedestrian is the SAME DEMON that distracted the driver. EARTH IS CHOAS RESPECT ITS NATURE AND FORGIVE ITS PEOPLE.
He chose to drive recklessly and now he has to pay the price. It would be pretty easy to ask people around the neighborhood about how wonderful they think he is, if that is supposed to be part of his defense or a reason for a light sentence. I wouldn’t get your hopes up too high.
You admired a murderer. You cause chaos by demanding people respect a murderer who is more a child than a man but HE DID A MANS CRIME your ANGEL is going to die in prison and he deserves that.
He was in a community of recovering people but he wasn’t recovering… only putting on a facade. Actively lied to his mother and those around him continuing addiction. He is a kind soul without a doubt being around him having good times and conversations with him but he’s caused the death of a man and an animal.
Yes get this gangster off the streets
Hannah Gibb-STAND DOWN THIS IS A GOOD PERSON – Honey! If you think this man is innocent, why don’t you bail him out and let him stay at your place?
The driver was on a path to destroy himself but ended up killing someone else and a dog. I hope the State does the right thing and removes him society permanently. He’s a menace to society.
Good luck in prison
Throw him in jail for life