UPDATED: 18-year-old charged with negligent homicide in death of realtor and his dog

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Clayton Deneal Wamsley, 18, has been charged with vehicular homicide, driving without a license causing death, and driving without a valid license following an investigation into the death of Matt Umanos on January 2.

A Gainesville Police Department investigation found that at about 5:41 p.m. on January 2, Wamsley was driving his car northbound on NE 7th Street, ran the stop sign at NE 16th Avenue, and hit Umanos, who was crossing NE 7th Street in a marked crosswalk. The victim was thrown about 124 feet before landing and striking a cement culvert; he was transported to UF Health Shands, where he died a short time later.

Wamsley was reportedly still entrapped in his car when law enforcement arrived. A check of his license found that he had an identification card but had never had a driver’s license.

A witness told the investigating officer that she was in her front yard when she saw a silver or gray car traveling southbound on NE 6th Terrace at a speed of about 60 mph in a 25 mph zone. She said the car ran the stop sign at NE 13th Avenue and made a left turn, with its tires screeching. After it was out of sight, she heard the car accelerating as it traveled north on NE 7th Street.

A second witness was traveling southbound on NE 7th Street, just south of NE 16th Avenue, and saw the sedan approaching her in the northbound direction. She said the vehicle seemed to be out of control, and she estimated the car was going at least 40-50 mph. She said she looked in her rearview mirror and saw that the car was going too fast to stop at the stop sign, then saw the car run the stop sign before crossing NE 16th Avenue and crashing.

A third witness was walking with the victim and said they were walking in the crosswalk on the north side of the intersection when a car ran the stop sign and hit the victim and his dog.

Post Miranda, Wamsley reportedly said he had been upset and thinking about harming himself at his home and decided to drive around the block from his home on NE 6th Terrace. He said he was driving north on NE 7th Street when he got a text message, picked up his phone from the dash, and started reading the message. He said he looked up as he passed the stop sign, saw the victim, and swerved to the left to avoid the victim. He said he was sorry.

The officer noted that roadway markings at the scene supported Wamsley’s account that he had run the stop sign and swerved to the left after crossing the roadway.

Speed calculations estimated that the car was traveling 41 to 49 mph when the victim was hit. Additional calculations using a different method indicated that the car was going at least 48 mph after hitting the victim and braking. The event data recorder from Wamsley’s silver 2014 Ford Escape reportedly showed that the car was going 55 mph prior to impact.

A warrant for Wamsley’s arrest has not been issued, and Wamsley has not been arrested.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • A sad situation all around. Reports from witnesses said the driver was warned to slow down earlier. He did not heed their advice and now he has to live with the fact he killed someone. He will spend time in jail but Matt’s family and friends were given a life sentence of grief.

  • And Matt’s dog was killed as well. I hope they throw the book at Walmsley and sentence him to jail for a very, very long time.

    • Which unfortunately won’t undo the deaths or treat the driver’s probable
      mental illness.

      • I think the idea is to deter any future crimes by severely punishing this criminal for this act of death and mayhem. No one has suggested he is mentally ill. He is not the victim here, and he certainly should be prosecuted, tried, and sentenced accordingly.

          • The “not guilty by reason of insanity” bar is pretty high in Florida. It takes more than an out-of-control emo teenager having a fit. His mother knows him better than anyone else, and she apparently elected to purchase a second vehicle for him to use.

          • That’s no excuse. He didn’t have a license and shouldn’t have been driving a car. He knew what he was doing and was reckless and killed a person while waking his dog….this is unimaginable…i walk my dog in the safety of marked crosswalks in my residential neighborhood and this was an unnecessary tragedy.
            He should go to prison .

    • i hate that fake g8d for allowing the Beautiful , innocent dog to suffer and die . Ef You jebus !

      • Given your comment I’d say a “fake name” is understandable and appropriate.
        What I want to know is what do you people get out insulting other people’s beliefs? And, if you think God is a “fake” then he cannot possibly responsible for the dog’s death. You’re not very logical are you? But you ARE bitter and nasty poor thing you.

  • Something tells me the M & Ms of the world won’t be filing any wrongful death lawsuits.
    Contrary to popular belief, and what they may tell you, it’s not worth pursuing unless there is adequate financial compensation for them.

    • 3 attorneys didn’t like you implying they don’t care about anything but their cut.

      After having been involved in an accident several years ago when I was rear-ended coming off the interstate, I would agree with your conclusion. Once several local attorneys found out the person who hit me didn’t have insurance, no assets to mention, and wasn’t a company vehicle, they didn’t want to expend any effort. Slip in a grocery store or trip on a raised piece of sidewalk and they’re all over that though.

  • So this kid had a temper tantrum and killed a man and his dog in a car he had no business driving. He should do at least 5 years hard time. He probably won’t do a year.

    • AC or someone please find out why this murderer is receiving special treatment! No arrest or mugshot? Why because he is a white adult? Had he been black he would be locked up no bail.

  • I had some classes with Clayton, honestly this is the least I expected from him as he would often display acts of pedophilia with younger students

  • It is extremely difficult for those of us who live near the victim and the perpetrator, knowing that he has not been arrested, is still at home with his mother, and, worse, could potentially harm himself and others in the process.

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