18-year-old charged with possession of gun with “Glock switch” that makes it fully automatic
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Jalen Malik Campbell, 18, was arrested yesterday and charged with possession of marijuana, possession of a machine gun, and possession of a firearm by a delinquent under 24 years of age.
At about 1:58 p.m. on Friday, Gainesville Police Department (GPD) Officers saw a group of people at Sweetwater Square Apartments (3101 NE 15th Street) that included someone who was previously trespassed from the property and had a history of gun violence. The officers moved toward the group but lost sight of them.
A GPD officer who was patrolling the area reportedly saw Campbell, the trespassed individual, and another black male at the southeast corner of the C building; when the three males saw the officer, they reportedly ran to the east along the fenceline at the southern edge of the complex.
Officers on NE 31st Avenue apprehended Campbell after he reportedly jumped a six-foot “no-climb” fence back into the apartment complex. Officers reported a “heavy odor of cannabis” as they approached Campbell, and a search incident to arrest reportedly produced 16 grams of marijuana and $438 in cash.
Officers and a K-9 team retraced Campbell’s path to find any evidence that may have been discarded, and they reportedly found a loaded .40 caliber Glock 27 with a 15-round magazine and an aftermarket “Glock switch” modification. The “Glock switch” makes the gun fully automatic.
The officers noted that there was no dirt or debris on the gun, indicating that it hadn’t been there long. There were also reportedly red fibers on the front of the gun that matched Campbell’s red hoodie; Campbell’s black shirt reportedly had similar red fibers on it.
Post Miranda, Campbell reportedly admitted the Glock was his and said he purchased the “Glock switch” from an unknown white man in his mid-30s for $150. He also reportedly admitted the marijuana was his.
Campbell’s full criminal history is unavailable because juvenile records are not public, but he was convicted as a juvenile of an offense that would be a felony for an adult.
Judge Donna Keim set bail at $40,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
Golly gee, he’s going to have to miss those math nationals now, I guess
good candiate for city ambassador
But he gradumicated from Reichert House. From such a stellar program, how could he go wrong?
Obviously there’s more for the City Commission and their liberal lemmings to worry about besides UF wanting to renegotiate bus service and Israel to stop defending themselves.
Maybe if the protestors stood up against these types to demand they disarm themselves they may actually make Gainesville a safer place.
I agree
That’s really sad that it’s hit here in Gainesville that’s not the only place that they have them at these youngsters with no male figure in their lives no Open Bible with scriptures being read this world is going to hell in a handbasket that’s why I don’t even go outside unless I have to go to the grocery store the bank and the laundromat.
I feel sorry for young men and women who have not been able to have the chance to be raised by both of their parents in a constructive way. My children have also suffered from the same syndrome and I always tell them please stay from round people stay focused work go home and take care of your own business and don’t be out there with a bunch of different random people who they say are your friends and don’t try to be the class clown of the whole crowd it’s not cool.
I’m not a perfect parent and one of my children is serving 10 years all from something that he thought was cool and it backfired on him and hopefully when he gets out cuz he has five more years this is taught him a life lesson that guns are dangerous and they take people’s lives and they cannot play God thank God no one was hurt when the incident happened but he sure is paying for it in the long run and he wasn’t the only one involved he was just the only one that confessed that he did it because he’s such an honest person they did not have their father in their life and it has been a long road to raise them but I do thank God that they’re grown and one of them has a child of his own and he’s learning that everything that I have taught him is not in vain it’s a slow process but I keep talking to All My children that way they don’t lose Hope and Faith and they know that they are loved so they don’t end up like this wasting their lives on something like this. My son who is incarcerated right now was 19 when he left here and he’s 25 now and he just says that he wishes he could turn back the hands of time Lord knows I do too. They need to take these guns off the streets but we know that’ll never happen and if they gotten in trouble by law enforcement I’m just let him go with a slap of the wrist make an example out of them like they did my son and start at an early age when they start showing trouble in school grade school
Forward the charges to the U.S. Attorney on the full auto glock. Federal charge might due him some good.
What should the parents responsibilities be in this kind of crime?
Given his history, parents have already lost the war.
He’s 18, so unlikely his parent(s) are legally responsible.
Time for fed charges on these scumbags. Fleeing from the police with a machine gun and dope gets a $40,000 bond? Should have been $400,000.
If I were found in possession of an unregistered full-auto pistol, I would for certain face Federal charges and a 60-month day-for-a-day Federal prison time sentence.
One squeeze of the trigger and all his bullets are gone bye-bye. $150 was a deal for the switch. $40,000 will get his grandmother to pony up $4000 to spring him outta the slammer.
Sadly you’ll see his mug again in this paper before long.
Just hanging out on Friday afternoon with drugs, weapon, pocket full of cash & NO job?!?
Wow! Who is housing & feeding him – we are!!
Gangsville is too full of dumb mofo’s.
What a surprise….not.