18-year-old sentenced to 90 days in jail on charges of vehicle theft, drug equipment possession, and driving without a valid license

Press release from Alachua Police Department

ALACHUA, Fla. – On Sunday, September 4, at approximately 12:21 a.m., Sergeant B. Young was conducting traffic control on NW US Hwy 441 and observed a white passenger van traveling at a high rate of speed. Sgt. Young was able to utilize his speed measuring device (radar) and captured the vehicle traveling 77 mph in a 55 mph zone. A traffic stop was conducted at the 15000 block of NW US Hwy 441.

The vehicle pulled into a nearby gas station and struck a concrete barrier near the gas pump which caused the vehicle to come to a complete stop. The driver immediately exited the vehicle and was cooperative with the officers.

Upon questioning, the driver admitted to not having a valid driver’s license and was identified as 18-year-old Ronnie Padgett. Padgett also admitted to having marijuana inside his pocket. Padgett was placed into handcuffs and Sgt. Young searched Padgett. The search revealed a glass smoke pipe with a piece of brillo pad and a smoked blunt. Ronnie stated the pipe was not his and he did not know what it was used for. Sgt. Young also located four gas cards that belonged to a business within Alachua. Padgett stated he was given the gas cards by a friend.

The passenger, 51-year-old Alvin Crews, was “sleeping” in the front seat during the officer’s encounter with Padgett. After being awakened by officers, Crews was asked if he had anything illegal inside the vehicle or on his person. Crews stated, “That’s a good question” and began to empty his pockets. Crews pulled out a glass smoke pipe stuffed with a brillo pad and a small silver container. The container had a clear lid, and officers were able to see a white powdery and solid substance consistent with cocaine. Officers conducted a roadside field test of the substance, and it tested positive for crack cocaine. The total weight of the crack cocaine was 20.8 grams.

Officers made contact with the registered owner of the passenger van, and it was discovered that the van was stolen from their residence.

Officer C. Vargas responded to the business that was listed on the gas cards located on Padgett. Ofc. Vargas discovered a crow bar stuck between the passenger side window and the door frame of a vehicle belonging to the business, and several of the business vehicles were unlocked.

Padgett was sentenced to 90 days in the Alachua County Jail with credit for 55 days served, 2 years drug offender probation, cost of prosecution and fines, no alcohol or illegal drugs, and random drug screens.

  • Wow. What a “get tough on crime” sentence(note: sarcasm.) Not even 6 months for car theft, possession of drug paraphernalia and crack. Who says crime doesn’t pay?

  • And the crackhead in the passenger seat was still sleeping?
    Even after carrot top ran into a concrete barrier?

  • That boy got lucky. If he would of went to state, he would of gotten that purdy hair of his cut off to the scalp.🤣

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