$200,000 grant awarded to Dream on Purpose

Press release from Dream on Purpose

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – American author, poet, and activist Maya Angelou once said, “Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it.” That is exactly what happened on Feb. 11, 2023, when Shareen Baptiste, 35, Dream on Purpose president and co-founder, announced that the youth-serving nonprofit organization implemented a strategic priority to open a youth center by 2025, in honor of its 10th anniversary.  

Dream on Purpose, Inc. is hosting its 8th annual dinner, “Dine with DOP,” on Dec. 16, 2023, at 6 p.m. at the Fairfield Inn & Suites, 3877 SW 37th Blvd., Gainesville, FL 32608. With a theme of “Greater is Coming,” this celebratory dinner features a youth testimonial and performance, organizational awards and recognitions, a keynote speech given by American track and field sprinter Talitha Diggs, and a check presentation in the amount of $200,000, bestowed by the office of Senator Keith Perry. These funds derive from the fixed capital overlay (FCO) appropriation grant.  

Senator Perry was in the audience when Baptiste announced the organization’s strategic priority earlier this year. Moved by the mission of the organization, the impact of its programs, and the passion exuded by the 100% volunteer-led board and team, Perry committed to securing funds to help Dream on Purpose open a youth center. “I am proud to have worked alongside Representative [Chuck] Clemons in securing funding for this important cause,” says Perry. “Our children are the future, and Dream on Purpose’s commitment to helping young women pursue their dreams is truly inspiring.” 

Dream on Purpose is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering youth, with a specific focus on young ladies between the ages of 11-18, to actualize their dreams.  

They achieve this mission by connecting youth with local resources through interactive workshops and promoting positive socialization through structured forums, such as Cupcakes & Conversations, Career Launch Intensive, Crown Placement, and DOP REACH (Radically Empowering Agents of Change through Hope). 

“I had no idea what to expect once I declared our strategic direction for the future; however, I knew that we needed to make our big, audacious goal public so it could become a reality. We believe in practicing what we preach, which is to dream on purpose,” says Baptiste.  

Every year, Dream on Purpose expands and grows. They increase the number of youths served by expanding their reach and creating new programs. They multiply their resources by growing their board, team, donor base, and funding opportunities. Since 2015, Dream on Purpose has impacted the lives of more than 1,300 youth. 

“We steward every gift that is entrusted to us and promise to do the same with this $200,000. Thank you to everyone who played a role in helping Dream on Purpose secure this FCO appropriation grant. Establishing a center will allow us to serve our youth without worry or interruption. I am excited for the future,” exclaims Baptiste. “Greater is coming!” 

Special recognition is given to Senator Keith Perry and his office, Representative Charles “Chuck” Clemons, Sr. and his office, Governor Ron DeSantis and his office, and the Florida Department of Education for the facilitation of the appropriation grant. Special recognition is also given to the Greater Gainesville Chamber Foundation for serving as a bronze sponsor of the Dream on Purpose annual dinner. 

For more information about the dinner, visit https://dreamonpurpose.org/events. This event is open to the public. Admission varies between $25-$75, and proceeds support Dream on Purpose’s youth programs. 

  • As young men go further down on the priority list, women and girls now have on average … Higher GPAs, Higher Acceptance to college or university, higher graduation rates than men, and they even are allowed to have women only job fairs. No wonder why men want to become women …

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