2023 Florida COVID Summit to be held in Ocala on Nov. 11

Press release from Dr. John Littell

OCALA, Fla. – Please join us as we address the ongoing three-pronged assault on our food supply, our families, and our physicians as they are increasingly denied the freedom to practice the art and science of medicine according to the dictates of one’s conscience and the laws of nature and God. Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo will be a Special Guest.

We will bring together experts from diverse fields such as animal and food science, regenerative and organic farming, child psychiatry and pediatrics, immunology and vaccinology, cardiology, and family medicine. Be a part of this memorable event as we explore ways to restore trust in America’s food, America’s farmers, and America’s physicians.

The Summit will be held on Nov. 11, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the World Equestrian Center in Ocala. Morning coffee, pastries, and lunch are provided with a ticket, and a VIP dinner will be held at 5 p.m. for an extra cost.

Click here for tickets and more information.

Our Speakers & Agenda:

Ryan Cole MD, Lynn Fynn MD, Stephen Hatfill MD, Pierre Kory MD, Robert Malone MD/PhD, Paul Marik MD, Brian Tyson MD, Richard Urso MD, Craig Wax DO

Shawn Baker MD, (Author, The Carnivore Diet); Leo McDonnell and Brooke Miller MD, (Past President U.S. Cattlemen’s Association); Alfie Oakes (Organic Farming/Seed to Table); Emiliano Carmago (Regenerative Farming); Mitchell Knutson, PhD, (Nutritional Biochemist, U.F.)

Mark McDonald MD (Child Psychiatry), Reni Moon MD (Pediatrics), Katherine Welch MD (Pediatrics), Monica Wehby MD (Pediatric Neurosurgery), Moms for America

Jennifer Hibberd DDS (Canada), Kat Lindley DO (Global Health Project), Jill Malone PhD; also featuring Medical Students and other Heroes in the Fight for Medical Freedom.

Joseph Ladapo, M.D./PhD, Surgeon General, Florida

  • Dr. Fancis Boyle drafted the US domestic implementing legislation for the Biological Weapons Convention, known as the “Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989”.

    Dr. Boyle agrees that the Covid mRNA “vaccine” injections meet the definition of a biological weapon and violate elemements of the Nuremberg code. His recent book covers the issues: “Resisting Medical Tyranny: Why the COVID-19 Mandates Are Criminal”

    In response to a Florida “Ban the Jab Resolution” authored by Dr. Joseph Sansone of Lee County, Dr. Boyle responded:

    “I write in strongest support of this Resolution. These Nazi Covid Frankenshots are part of an offensive biological warfare weapons system that is existentially dangerous to the lives, health, and well-being of the People of Florida. They must be terminated immediately!”

    Dr. Sansone publishes a substack at Josephsansone.substack.com

      • I have not been vaxed and had the Corona virus twice. Symptoms of the common flu. Not dead or hospitalized.
        Keep your head in the sand Jazzman and don’t do any research for yourself.
        For example public knowledge the previous booster, the first Bivalent from Moderna and Pfizer, were only tested on mice not humans according to the FDA’s records. Don’t take my word for it look for yourself.

  • The Proles from the Faucipfizerian Ministry of Truth clearly feel threatened by this public expression of Wrongthink. The Thought Police must be called out!

  • Only $85 for a ticket. What a money making scam for somebody.
    But I gots to know. If I show up wearing a mask, will Desantis’ Fascist Gestapo hit men shoot me on sight for my own good cuz I might be “woke” and thus better off dead?

  • This is the press release printed above:

    “We will bring together experts from diverse fields such as animal and food science, regenerative and organic farming, child psychiatry and pediatrics, immunology and vaccinology, cardiology, and family medicine. Be a part of this memorable event as we explore ways to restore trust in America’s food, America’s farmers, and America’s physicians.”

    This is from their web site:

    “Please join us as we address the ongoing three-pronged assault on our food supply, our families, and our physicians as they are increasingly denied the Freedom to practice the art and science of medicine according to the dictates of one’s conscience and the laws of nature and God.”

    Spot the difference?

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