2025 State of the City address to highlight recent advancements, celebrate Gainesville

Press release from City of Gainesville

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gainesville city leaders invite all neighbors to the upcoming 2025 State of the City address. The event is free and open to the public.

When: 10-11:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 29

Where: Cade Museum for Creativity & Invention, 811 S. Main St.

Mayor Harvey Ward hosts the annual event, during which he and fellow Gainesville City Commissioners will highlight the progress of the City’s programs and initiatives, including economic development in East Gainesville and downtown, IMPACT GNV, and policies to promote affordable housing, among others.

The public address will be livestreamed on the City’s Facebook page. It will be recorded for later broadcast on Community 12TV, Cox Cable Channel 12, and archived online. It also will be available on-demand on GNV TV through the Roku and Amazon Fire TV devices.

  • Is he going to tell us how “great” our roads are and about how ecologically friendly the city controlled traffic flow is

  • Here’s hoping the word gets out on the street to the homeless population.
    Let those who’ve been the primary cause meet the results of their ignorance and stupidity. Maybe some will question their hypocrisy.

    Progressive liberalism is a cancer. Unbelievable how many local voters keep voting for it.

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