8th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission announces vacancy due to the retirement of Judge Thomas Jaworski

Press release from 8th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The Eighth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission announces a County Court vacancy due to the retirement of Judge Thomas Jaworski.

Applicants must meet the qualifications for a COUNTY Court Judge as set forth in the Florida Constitution and Florida Statutes. All persons interested in applying must SUBMIT TWO COPIES OF A COMPLETE APPLICATION IN .pdf FORMAT VIA EMAIL TO norm@normdfugatepa.com. ONE OF THE .pdf COPIES SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN REDACTED FORMAT* AND ONE IN NON-REDACTED FORMAT.

*Redacted format means that the document is submitted with redactions of all information which is confidential and/or exempt from the public right of access under Article I, Section 24(a) of the Florida Constitution, (for more information, refer to the 2023 Sunshine Manual: https://legacy.myfloridalegal.com/webfiles.nsf/wf/mnos-b9qq79/$file/sunshinemanual.pdf). 

The deadline for submitting the applications is April 29, 2024 by 12:00 noon. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications may be downloaded from The Florida Governor’s JNC Information webpage:   https://www.flgov.com/judicial-and-judicial-nominating-commission-information/

The inclusion of a photograph is encouraged.  

A list of the members of the Eighth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission is available via The Florida Bar’s JNC webpage.

Direct contact with a Commissioner, initiated by an applicant regarding his or her application, is discouraged.  Candidate questions regarding the JNC process should be submitted in writing to the JNC Chair, Norm Fugate.

  • I’m not an attorney but I’d be willing to bet I could interpret the law better than most of those sitting on the bench.

  • Bye Tommy Boy. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. You will only be missed by the criminals.

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