8th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission announces vacancy due to the retirement of Judge Thomas Jaworski

Press release from 8th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The Eighth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission announces a County Court vacancy due to the retirement of Judge Thomas Jaworski.
Applicants must meet the qualifications for a COUNTY Court Judge as set forth in the Florida Constitution and Florida Statutes. All persons interested in applying must SUBMIT TWO COPIES OF A COMPLETE APPLICATION IN .pdf FORMAT VIA EMAIL TO norm@normdfugatepa.com. ONE OF THE .pdf COPIES SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN REDACTED FORMAT* AND ONE IN NON-REDACTED FORMAT.
*Redacted format means that the document is submitted with redactions of all information which is confidential and/or exempt from the public right of access under Article I, Section 24(a) of the Florida Constitution, (for more information, refer to the 2023 Sunshine Manual: https://legacy.myfloridalegal.com/webfiles.nsf/wf/mnos-b9qq79/$file/sunshinemanual.pdf).Â
The deadline for submitting the applications is April 29, 2024 by 12:00 noon. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Applications may be downloaded from The Florida Governor’s JNC Information webpage:  https://www.flgov.com/judicial-and-judicial-nominating-commission-information/
The inclusion of a photograph is encouraged.
A list of the members of the Eighth Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission is available via The Florida Bar’s JNC webpage.
Direct contact with a Commissioner, initiated by an applicant regarding his or her application, is discouraged. Candidate questions regarding the JNC process should be submitted in writing to the JNC Chair, Norm Fugate.
I’m not an attorney but I’d be willing to bet I could interpret the law better than most of those sitting on the bench.
And Judge Green died recently.
Bye Tommy Boy. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. You will only be missed by the criminals.