
ACPS defends Assistant Principal featured in viral video

Dr. Crystal Marull (standing) questions witness Terwilliger Elementary Assistant Principal Garrett Jones (sitting) on January 24


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – After a video of witness testimony from the district hearing on a parent’s challenge to the book Melissa went viral today, Alachua County Public Schools and Superintendent Shane Andrew released a statement supporting the witness.

The district book challenge hearing was held on January 24 after Dr. Crystal Marull appealed a decision by the Terwilliger Elementary Library Advisory Council to keep the book, which she challenged because she believes it is not appropriate for elementary-aged children.

Screenshot of the form originally submitted by Dr. Marull, showing the reasons she selected for challenging Melissa.

At the January 24 district-level hearing, Dr. Marull called Terwilliger Assistant Principal Garrett Jones as a witness; Jones was a member of the Library Advisory Council at Terwilliger and had voted to keep the book at the school-level hearing. The following video shows the beginning of Jones’ testimony and the entirety of the discussion about whether he would find the book appropriate for his own children. The rest of his testimony concerned whether the book met Florida standards for library books, and Jones did his best to answer the questions but was uncertain about the requirements of the law regarding library books.

Jones’ testimony can be found at about 1:08:30 here.

Libs of TikTok post

Today, the “Libs of TikTok” account posted a 49-second clip from the hearing with the caption: “UNBELIEVABLE. Garrett Jones, assistant principal for an elementary school in @AlachuaSchools says he thinks it’s appropriate for 8-year-old kids to be reading p*rnogr*phy and dirty magazines in school.” The post has received 1.1 million views to date, with over 2,400 comments and 8,900 re-posts.

However, the caption does not accurately capture the content of the video. The questions from Marull were about whether Jones thought the material was appropriate for 8-year-olds, and he said it was, but the book itself does not contain pornography; Marull’s objection was that it introduces the concepts of pornography, “dirty magazines,” and deleting web browser history to elementary-aged children.

The book’s publisher describes Melissa (previously published as George), by Alex Gino, this way: “BE WHO YOU ARE. When people look at Melissa, they think they see a boy named George. But she knows she’s not a boy. She knows she’s a girl. Melissa thinks she’ll have to keep this a secret forever. Then her teacher announces that their class play is going to be Charlotte’s Web. Melissa really, really, REALLY wants to play Charlotte. But the teacher says she can’t even try out for the part… because she’s a boy. With the help of her best friend, Kelly, Melissa comes up with a plan. Not just so she can be Charlotte — but so everyone can know who she is, once and for all.”

In the book, George’s 14-year-old brother says to 10-year-old George, “That’s my little bro! Growing up and looking at dirty magazines.” In another place, this quote appears: “George had been reading websites about transitioning since Scott taught her how to clear the web browser history on Mom’s computer.” A third quote: “Dude, I thought you had porn or something in there, so I took a peek.”

Here is the transcript of the video posted by Libs of TikTok:

Marull: Mr. Jones, I believe you, too, have children. Is that correct?

Jones: Yes.

Marull: What ages are they?

Jones: 18, 16, and 13.

Marull: And would you find it appropriate if they brought this book home and were talking about dirty magazines and pornography in a K-5 environment?

Jones: I think it would open up a conversation that we would have.

Marull: So you think the book is appropriate in the K-5 environment, even though it’s referencing pornography and dirty magazines?

Jones: I think in my–what I voted for was that it would be for the three-to-five age group.

Marull: Which would be what ages?

Jones: So that would be eight to 10? 12?

Marull: So you think an eight-year-old would be appropriate, age-appropriate, to be reading about pornography and dirty magazines? From school?

Jones: Yes.

Alachua County Public Schools statement

The statement from ACPS begins, “To be clear up front–this Superintendent, the district, and the staff believe no student should have access to pornographic materials in their schools. That belief is shared by the ACPS employee who has been the subject of recent social media postings about a book challenge.”

ACPS writes that the video “was taken out of context and was misleading” and clarified that the witness “did not intend to convey that this book was, in fact, about pornography and dirty magazines. He certainly does not agree that it is appropriate for an elementary school student or any student to read pornographic materials. It is rather his belief that this particular book is not pornographic, does not violate state statutes and can therefore be read by elementary school students in grades 3-5. The parent never actually asked the ACPS witness if he believed this book is pornographic. The witness did clarify later in the hearing that he did not believe this book is pornographic.”

The statement admits that the book introduces the concepts of “dirty magazines” and “porn”:

There are two sections of the book in which the words ‘dirty magazines’ or the word ‘porn’ are mentioned. They are as follows:

The phrase ‘dirty magazine’ was used by a teenage boy taunting his little brother. The little brother was, in fact, not looking at a dirty magazine.

The word ‘porn’ appeared later in the book, when the same older brother stated he knew his little brother was not reading porn.

This is the full extent of the use of those two terms in the book. The book contains no pornographic scenes, pictures or descriptions.

School board voted to keep the book

Following the January 24 hearing, the Alachua County School Board voted 4-1 to keep the book in the Terwilliger Elementary School Library, with Member Sarah Rockwell saying, “Telling my child that she can’t have access to an age-appropriate book that does not violate state statute violates my parental rights because not every parent can just go to Amazon and purchase Melissa if their child wants to read it and they’re okay with that.” Member Kay Abbitt, who voted to remove the book, said, “I don’t think we should have things that indicate to fourth-graders, third-graders, and second-graders that boys are trying to get into your underpants and that nobody but the boyfriend should be able to do that. I’m just telling you how I feel. I’m old-fashioned.” 

  • Any parents with common sense need to remove their children from the Alachua County public schools–they are in a death spiral that will end with the employees “trying to get into your underpants” for lack of anything more rewarding or constructive. They can have at each other all they want, just get the kids out of this sick public-funded morass.

  • In a healthy society, Garrett Jones would not be allowed within 500 feet of a school; instead, we have him running the asylum. I repeat: these people look ‘respectable’ but they are dangerous. Get your kids out of indoctrination factory that is public school.

    • Throwing stones at someone who has been misquoted and misrepresented is wrong. I hope you never are in his shoes. He is a good man who is morally sound, kind and conservative in beliefs and lifestyle.

      • How was he misquoted? He was asked if he thought 8yo was an appropriate age for a child to read about porn and dirty magazines in school, to which he answered “yes”. Maybe that wasn’t his INTENT but that doesn’t change his actual answer. If his answer has now changed, he should issue a statement to correct the public record.

      • Misquoted? The video is posted in the article with an accurate transcription.

        If these positions are ‘morally sound’, you can keep your morals and the pharisees that wear them as a cover for their cowardice.

    • He plays along to get along.
      In other words he does what he
      has to, to move up. He does not care about the kids.

      • @Kay Direct quotes from this article: Marull: “So you think the book is appropriate in the K-5 environment, even though it’s referencing pornography and dirty magazines?” Jones: “I think in my—what I voted for was that it would be for the 3-5 age group” Marull: “Which would be what ages?” Jones: “So that would be 8-10? 12?” Marull: “So you think an 8 year old would be appropriate, age appropriate, to be reading about pornography and dirty magazines? From school?” Jones: “Yes.” I ask you, Kay, how is that a misquote?!

  • It’s wrong to tell kids to disregard consequences and hide evidence. If it’s sexual in nature, you have to suspect the adults advocating that to kids. Seriously, that book should be OUT of all schools, it’s no better than letting “the village” raise your kids. Why have schools then?👹😡🤡🍦🍦D
    Libs want more chaos and mentally ill kids. It brings in more job security for govt workers and grant contractors feeding off human misery. It’ll cause more kid suicides and school shootings, not less.

  • Don’t forget that the ACSB and the teachers’ unions forced face masks on the kids and they want vax mandates…
    There are nut job triple face diaper wearers walking around town like that pig with the mask on the ACSB and Sick Saco on the GNV CC…these people are whack jobs!

    • Liberalism is a mental disorder.
      Those two look alike with the face masks. “birds of a feather flock together”.

  • I don’t want my property tax dollars going to that…Desantis needs to do something. Stop funding public school with property tax and enact user fee for kids in public school system. You breed em, you educate & feed em…

  • Rockwell said, “violates my parental rights because not every parent can just go to Amazon and purchase Melissa if their child wants to read it and they’re okay with that.” That’s not exactly the same feelings she had about the locally imposed and enforced mask mandates was it?

    What I find alarming and unsettling are the lengths the SBAC went to defend him, despite the comments he clearly made.
    Further evidence if one falls within their progressive plans, you’re likely to get a free pass.

  • The gray haired moderator is gaslighting the issue. She keeps switching from “your kids” (aged 13-18) to the K-5 age group in question.
    But what school libraries sexually grooming mentally ill kids in any grade? That’s not for self-diagnosis and self-treatment in “the village” where it leads to unsupervised outcomes. It’s strictly for the parents and their chosen therapists to address.

  • Dr. Crystal Marull did an amazing job making her case. Most parents probably can’t present an objection to having grooming books in libraries that well to a hostile group.

    The determination of the school librarian, administrators and school board to keep that book that teaches children how to be sneaky and explore sexual topics without their parents’ knowledge is illuminating and disturbing.

    I’m all for exposing the principal for advocating for keeping this book, but I am sorry that his testimony was not accurately represented in the viral video. His real opinion, that the book is appropriate for kids, is problematic for a principal as well.

    • It’s called “hiding the truth”, to save yourself from repercussions, it is still a lie.

      • I agree. That goes on way to much in society no matter what the political or social agenda may be. No one ever wants to admit the truth, say the truth, and stick to the truth.

  • What a big bunch sicko leaders within the Alachua County School Board. The perv fits right in and will not be disciplined. Just ask the kids that are not disciplined as well . Only thing good that can come out of this is legislation to release property owner from having to fund the immorality and lawlessness that rules Public Schools.

    • Cap Shad: Bingo!!!! If you don’t have a kid in the public school system, you should be exempt from paying that tax. The parents need to be responsible for educating & feeding their children. It’s called personal responsibility.

      Nuclear family is best for raising a child with both a biological woman mother & biological man father…but, that’s racist like arithmetic…

      Soddom & gommorah…don’t look back!

  • Wow!! the mental gymnastics the ACPS just performed to make what Garrett Jones said is acceptable deserves a gold medal. Their minds are literally twisted.

  • While I get trying to keep overly graphic stuff out of little children’s hands, the truth is that we cannot totally insulate and bubble wrap our children from the world. There is a lot about this world that is very unkind and not conducive to good values, and the sooner they recognize this the sooner they can begin to fortify themselves and learn to reject the bad and strive for thr good.

  • It is inappropriate to have in elementary school….. take your kids to the local library, surely in this town they will find many copies there

  • The reason he wants to allow this is because he believes in it also, he is anti-CHRISTIAN, AND MAY BE A CLOSET PERVERT, (PERSONAL OPINION), this is the Libs/Socialist’s showing their true colors, “if it feels good it is ok to do”, WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP WE HAVE RUNNING OUR GOVERNMENT.

  • Ah, the age of innocence, how I miss those days.
    I don’t think the book is “grooming” per se but it is introducing something to a young child that shouldn’t at that age. Think about it for a moment; very few, if any that age can spell gynecologist – much less tell you what one does.

    Children that young should be playing with one another and not playing with each other.

    • Sure Jim but not in the 3rd grade, or in the 4th or 5th for that matter.
      Problem with liberals is they want 16 year olds to be able to vote and some younger than 8 to be able to decide what gender they are, (of 2 if you’re curious). Irony in that is many don’t feel those same 16 year olds should be punished as adults for committing some crimes. The excuse is they didn’t “know better.”

      Generally speaking, most children aren’t aware of good and bad until they’re been taught. Hopefully they’ll have “good” parents/teachers who teach them right from wrong.

  • The board voted to keep the book. What to say about the principal of the school board also wants to keep the book? They are all wrong. These people should be kept away from any child.

  • Gee, you mean a random 8 year old will pick up this book in the school library, read all the way – wherever that may be – to the reference to dirty books and pornography, have the slightest idea what that is – if they can read the word “pornography” – and so be traumatized, and to keep this from happening we will keep said book away from all kids who may benefit personally or may widen their understanding of what others go through.

    Can’t we put it on the top shelf or limit the age group who can access it?

    Was that reference to dirty books and pornography – a tangential issue – Dr Marull’s primary objection, or was it the author’s viewpoint and purpose in writing the book?

  • LibsOfTikTok must have meant kids are reading those words, a reference to the material, instead of reading the material itself. It still puts the idea in their heads, especially when combined with erasing browser histories as the book teaches. So the headline is not necessarily wrong.

  • They’re going way beyond reading, writing, and rithmatic. This is not their f*&^ing job.

  • If you are a parent and have a functioning brain REMOVE YOUR KIDS FROM THIS SCHOOL!!!

  • “We all knew who we were then.
    Girls were girls and men were men.
    Mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again.”
    — Archie Bunker. “Those were the days.”
    Remember when America wasn’t quite the moral cesspool it has become? If you think this is going to end well you are delusional.

    • Sure, you mean back when Saturday lynchings on the public square were family time, blacks couldn’t eat in our restaurants, and women couldn’t vote? Those days?

      • Now we have Saturday shootings on the public square, we can’t eat in restaurants because of mentally ill street people, and we wring our hands and pout because illegals can’t vote.

        • Good one Peabody, but “moral cesspool” refers to the dominant morals of the time, which segregation, domination of women, and even lynchings represent – the Klan ran many state governments as late as the 1920’s – not the danger from criminals who are a small portion of the population and who don’t represent the dominant morals of our time.

          • Morals are not dominant. Morals are objective. Morals have never wavered. It is people who have wavered and justified the atrocities they commit.

  • Watched as much of this as I could stand, but the proper summary is found in Dr Marull’s comment that Tallahassee will rule differently. Probably so, and our burden in Florida is the increasing control of our lives by politicians who are knee jerk reactionaries to the lowest common denominator. We know have them directing curriculum from kindergarten to tthe university level.

    What could go wrong?

    • You sound like somebody connected to UF, which would certainly explain your far out left wing mental illness. You just don’t get it do you? We don’t want our kids indoctrinated by freaks who are clearly mental misfits. Please post your size so we can provide you with the straight jacket you deserve.

      • I have been building houses since 1978 and have no connection to UF except for my AA.

        What’s your excuse?

        • Buidling house, that’s great. I’m happy to see your profession doesn’t require you to interact with children.

  • Love the comments here about the charged low moral standards of the school board, employees, etc., as if the founder of Mom’s for Liberty, wife of the head of the state GOP, and member of the Sarasota School Board wasn’t a swinger involved in 3 ways with her rapist husband and another woman.

    Cripes! They get their morals from Trump?

    • Low morals run rampant in both political parties. Nearly all politicians are psychopaths or trash. Political activists, politicians, and wannabe politicians run our schools locally, via the board and admin, so they deserve blame in this instance.

      Stop deflecting from this local story using out of town political hacks. Wrong is wrong. Lose the partisanship and the blinders come off

  • Strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create hard times.. There’s absolutely no reason why children should be introduced to pornography, LGBTQ, or anything along the lines of sex in school BELOW grade 11. The job of the school should be to teach proper reading, writing, math, all history not some of it, economics, physical and health education. The job of the parents is to teach their children about the realities of the world. I DON’T CARE who, or what anybody may say that’s how I feel and that’s the way it should be. When you go telling CHILDREN it’s ok to be LGBTQ without the consent of the parent I consider that “grooming” and should not be tolerated in a public hell any school system. And how does Trump make it to this conversation lol. C’mon Jazzman find something else to harp about, he’ll win in November and I’m sure you’ll be punching the air like the other liberal/leftist😂

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