
Alachua County Citizen Climate Advisory Committee Vacancies

Press release from Alachua County

The Joint Water and Climate Policy Board is seeking applications to fill three openings for the Citizen Climate Advisory Committee (CCAC). The CCAC currently meets via Zoom and in-person at the Seagle Building on the second Thursday of each month.

The CCAC provides an opportunity for citizen involvement in climate change issues and concerns affecting Alachua County, the City of Gainesville, and surrounding municipalities. The Committee advises the Joint Water and Climate Policy Board on bold and innovative climate adaptation and mitigation strategies, policies, and target goals. The primary task of the CCAC is to advise the creation of a county-wide Climate Action Plan that will guide policy and decision making in multiple jurisdictions. The Committee also engages with relevant stakeholders, agencies, non-profits, and the community to ensure that neighborhoods and communities that are most impacted or disadvantaged by climate change are taken into account in the development of policy recommendations and action strategies.

The Committee assists the County, Gainesville, and other municipalities within Alachua County in the promotion of greater community awareness of climate-related issues and involvement in government climate resiliency initiatives. Terms are for three years. The Joint Water and Climate Policy Board is tentatively scheduled to select new CCAC members at their next meeting at 9:30 a.m. on August 30, 2021. Meeting agenda and back up materials, including information on candidates up for selection, will be available online through the City of Gainesville’s website. Members of the public will have the opportunity to provide their input on candidates during the Public Comment portion of the August 30 meeting.

Interested residents may apply online (click on the Vacancies tab and scroll down the page to the Citizen Climate Advisory Committee).

  • No need to apply if you’re a white male, employed, pay taxes, support the Constitution of the United States, aren’t woke and don’t fall in line with any/all of the CCC’s ideals.

    • Save the planet. Sounds nice. It’s great reset stuff.
      Co2 regulation, carbon footprint, carbon credit…take
      Away private property rights…Agenda21, Agenda30…
      It’s how the commies take over the world and destroy
      The US constitution…climate change is controlled by
      Solar procession!

    • Try to be “real” in your knowledge… You gave the typical dumb@rse liberal response to people who actually are aware of “real” things happening in local government.

      Don’t you think it’s time for you to really “wake” up?

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