Alachua County Emergency Action and Short-Term Emergency Order Extended

Press release from Alachua County
At their Tuesday, September 7, 2021, Special Meeting, the Alachua County Commission voted unanimously to extend both their Emergency Action, declaring a Local State of Emergency, and their Short-Term Emergency Order, requiring masking indoors in businesses and requiring businesses to display the County Emergency Order sign. As with the initial Order, this renewal is in reaction to the alarming and dangerous spike in COVID-19 cases and the enormous strain on County residents, businesses, hospital personnel, and first responders.
Read the Emergency Action
Read the Short-Term Emergency Order
Signs for businesses are available here:
Business sign letter size
Business sign legal size
Business sign 18×24
Bar and restaurant letter size
Bar and restaurant legal size
Bar and restaurant 18×24
Well, so, you know….that we have 25% or 80 million that have not been vaccinated in US. And they are the reasons that Covid is now still causing deaths, if the death records are correct.
Our total population is 333,304,877 and those 25% include all children.
Our County will attempt to apply Biden’s new requirements even more so if they have not already done so.
You’re an idiot. 99.8% survival rate rounds up to
100% survival rate…you left brain commies are deluded.
Keep wearing the mask and take that clot shot & boosters please!
Hi Jerry,
Here are the numbers (
75% of the population 18 and over at least part vaxxed, only 53.4% of total population fully vaxxed. 208,305,270 people with at least one dose. 125 million not vaxxed, many of which are children.