Alachua County Environmental Protection Advisory Committee Vacancies

Press release from Alachua County

The Alachua County Commission seeks applications to fill openings on the Environmental Protection Advisory Committee (EPAC). EPAC currently meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m., at the Environmental Protection Department Conference Room A, located in the Seagle Building (408 W. University Avenue, Gainesville).

EPAC provides an opportunity for citizen involvement on environmental issues and concerns affecting residents of Alachua County. It advises the County Commission on appropriate measures to safeguard air, water, and natural resources and the responsible management of public lands and natural resources. Terms are for three years unless a person is appointed to fill a partial term. EPAC currently has six at-large positions that will need to be filled starting in July.

Interested citizens can apply online (scroll down to Environmental Protection Advisory Committee).
Find out more information about Alachua County Advisory Boards.

  • I served on EPAC for 3 years back around 2013… I was curious and spoke with Mark Brown today… The committee meeting format has changed significantly from previous non-covid years. We can expect no return to in-person monthly meetings as the 2-demensional ZOOM sessions (not real meetings) are expected to be the “new normal”.
    Almost all ZOOMS are covering the issue of “climate change/global warming. (yawn)… I suggest you talk with Mark Brown before you apply.
    EPAC Online ZOOM Meetings began last January and can be seen on youtube at:

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