Alachua County Water Resources Program Manager on Alachua County Talks

Press release from Alachua County
ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – A new episode of Alachua County Talks featuring an interview with Alachua County Water Resources Program Manager Stacie Greco is now available. The program focuses on the Alachua County Environmental Protection Department’s efforts to ensure the future of our water resources through science-based regulatory and educational teamwork.
The interview is available to watch on YouTube now. It premieres on Community12 TV on Cox Cable at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, December 1, 2023.
In speaking of the interview, Alachua County Talks host Mark Sexton said, “The importance of preserving our water resources cannot be overstated. The County Water Resources Program is helping us to do that through a combination of public education and regulation designed to protect our aquifer for current residents and future generations.”
Yeah, many people do overwater their lawns but you completely gloss over actual culprit, agricultural operations. Just because the utility/government does not meter their use does not mean it does not exist. Be honest, not deceptive.
In the interview, Stacie talked about Ag as a major water user and the fact that the State has preempted counties from regulating water usage on ag lands.
I realize and appreciate that it was briefly discussed, although glossed over, before being swept under the rug. (Mark asked the ‘hard hitter’ around 4:25 mark…her answer was awkward and telling)
To be more clear, I guess my problem lies with the way this is being handled. Why not just come out and state the obvious…that these large scale ag ops are siphoning out unknown and unimaginable amounts of water. Don’t blame the dude that just wants a patch of green around his home…that is classic government sponsored gaslighting
Let’s see if they approve the new UF golf course near Parker Road, right there on the aquifer recharge area. I hear those don’t need much water, right? Or fertilizer?
..And with forked tongue they speak about forced conservation while whoring themselves out to special interest.
One of the big backers of the Parker UF golf course is a foreign national who wants to golf in the USA. Another terrible project that the BOCC will pass 5-0. UF jock worship clouds the minds of so many folks in this county.
Of course everyone ignores the free water (in the millions of gallons a day) that foreign owned businesses siphon off, to sell back to us in bottles (that are not environmentally friendly).
Very true but crops require much more water. And most Fla crops (unless from a smaller farm operation) are instantly exported out of here. For instance, try to find 100% Fla orange juice next time at the store. Not to mention the farmers who waste water growing corn for federal government ethanol subsidies that only make our fuel worse and more expensive.