Alachua man charged with repeatedly crashing frat party, fighting with and threatening to kill guests, resisting officers

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Dominique Tremaine Stanback, 23, of Alachua, was arrested early yesterday morning after allegedly crashing a party multiple times, fighting with and threatening to kill the guests, and resisting officers.

At about 4 a.m. on Sunday, a Gainesville Police Department officer responded to the Pi Kappa Alpha house at 1904 W. University Avenue, where a private party was being held. Two house residents and a former resident told the officer that Stanback crashed the party and was asked to leave.

They said he left, and they locked the gate. The victims told the officer that Stanback then climbed the 8-foot fence and jumped; the three victims and several other guests reportedly pulled him out of the bushes and checked to see if he was injured. Stanback allegedly started punching several guests, and one of the victims reportedly restrained him in a choke hold until he began to lose consciousness. The victims told the officer that they carried Stanback off the property, ensured that he was breathing properly, called 911, and again locked him outside the fence.

The victims said that Stanback walked around the property’s fence and told the victims that he was going to get a firearm from his car and come back to kill them. He eventually found an opening in the fence and allegedly came onto the property again and charged the victims in an attempt to start a fight. The three victims said they were able to detain him before he could strike them, but Stanback allegedly kept trying to fight them until one of the victims placed him in another choke hold until he began to lose consciousness.

The officer reported that Stanback was still on the property when he arrived, but when he tried to interview Stanback, Stanback allegedly assumed a fighting pose and advanced toward one of the victims in an apparent attempt to fight him. The officer reported that Stanback twice tried to push past him to get to the victim. Stanback allegedly resisted being handcuffed, but the officer eventually forced him against a fence and forced his arms behind him.

Once Stanback was placed under arrest, he allegedly refused to get into a patrol car and then forced his feet into the door jamb to prevent officers from closing the patrol car door. Officers decided to hobble his legs, which he also allegedly resisted by kicking toward the officers who were applying the hobble. He then allegedly laid back in the seat, with his head preventing the closure of the opposite door, and resisted efforts to get him to sit up.

Officers transported him to a hospital for clearance, where he allegedly twisted around and grabbed the door handle to prevent officers from opening the patrol car door to get him out of the car; he had to be physically picked up and placed in a wheelchair, where he allegedly continued to resist efforts to move him to a hospital bed for medical evaluation.

Stanback has been charged with one count of trespassing, three counts of assault, and one count of resisting an officer without violence. He has no criminal history. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $30,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • I heard that abuse of certain drugs will make someone stupid enough to take on a frat house. I read or heard about the drug abuse making people feel invincible. Might have been in school or my parents may have to told me. Guess this guy didnt get the information.

  • Why does the town of Alachuway keep failing to tell their youth there’s major employers nearby there? They don’t need to get sucked into Gainesville, where they’ll never escape.

    • Jeff: For 20 years Santa Fe students have been told “The city fathers of Alachua have mapped out your future. You have two choices. One, move boxes in a warehouse for $500 a week, or Two, be a self employed entrepreneur the Republicans will be proud of and run your own business, set your own hours, work a few hours per night and make $5000 a week selling products locals want.”
      The second option also employs lots of police, jailers, judges, court staff and most of all enriches Rodney Long Bail Bonds with that revolving jail door.
      Guess what the kids pick?

  • I guess he couldn’t yell ” I can’t breath” since it was frat boys choking him out and not cops. Where’s the BLM outcry?

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