Alachua man killed in crash on CR 235A

Staff report based on Florida Highway Patrol release

ALACHUA, Fla. – A 55-year-old Alachua man was killed this morning in a crash on CR 235A near the distribution warehouses.

At about 5:55 a.m. on January 29, a tractor/trailer driven by a 34-year-old Ocala man was turning left onto CR 235A from CR 2054 after leaving the Dollar General Distribution Center; as the semi turned left, the Alachua man’s pickup truck, traveling southbound on CR 235A, hit the side of the semi’s trailer.

The driver of the pickup truck was pronounced deceased at the scene; the semi driver was not injured. Both drivers were wearing seatbelts.

  • Sorry for the loss to the man’s family. I drive on this road daily and those semi’s pull out in front of cars doing the 50 mph speed limit and expect them to stop on a dime.

    • And I’m sure that’s what happen thinking they could make it before the pickup got close sad but true

  • We’re so sorry ! Praying for his family🙏🏻May God surround the family and friends with comfort and peace!

  • The semi trucks don’t stop most of the time as they pull onto 235A…this is at all of the distribution centers connectors but primarily Dollar General….they do a slow roll into the intersection and pull out in front of the on coming traffic. I’ve had to hit the brakes many times due to the semi’s not coming to a complete stop and pulling out in front of me.
    Sad that a life is lost possibly due to the “I’m bigger than you”
    attitude of the big trucks.

  • Not to worry. Alachua has the solution to increasing the safety on 235A. The just broke ground for the Keith warehouse, next to the Dollar General warehouse, which will add 200 more semis per day on 235A.

    Mayor Gibby has it all figured out. Build enough warehouses on 235A and eventually the volume of trucks will create gridlock, causing all of them to slow down. Way to govern, urban transportation planner Mayor Giblet.

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