APD asks for help in robbery investigation

Press release from Alachua Police Department
ALACHUA, Fla. – On October 11, 2022, at approximately 9:11 p.m., the Alachua Police Department responded to the 15200 Block of NW 150th Road in One 51 Apartments for a report of a robbery that had just occurred to an elderly victim.
The victim had arrived home and was taking groceries out of the trunk of her vehicle when she was confronted by two males. One of the suspects forcibly snatched the victim’s car keys from her and threw them to the second suspect, who was standing near the front of the vehicle. The first suspect then attempted to forcibly snatch the victim’s purse from her arms but was not successful. The victim was able to scream and fight off the suspect. Both subjects fled the scene.
The victim identified both suspects as black males in their teens to early twenties wearing dark hoodies and clothes.
Detectives ask that you review the sketches and help us identify the two suspects. We urge anyone with any information to contact the Criminal Investigations Division at 386-462-1396 or Alachua County Crime Stoppers Inc at 352-372-7867 to leave an anonymous tip. You may also download the Alachua Police Department app or the Crime Stoppers P3 Tips app.
YGTBFKM . . . 4 months ago, now they’re asking for really hot tips?
Yeah, I know…they should have caught these hoodlums right away
And they’re still committing crimes!!!! They need more funding,
And officers & K9’s!!!!!
“Noob Saibot and Smoke are armed and dangerous”….
Yeah, cowards robbing old ladies and stealing purses….they’ll prolly end up getting shot & killed robbing one of their homies for their drugs and cash…
poor kids must be mad they still don’t have thier 40 acres and a mule yet. gonna take a old womans purse in lue.
Q: Why aren’t Dem schools teaching basic courtesy and respect for elders?
A: they’d lose voters — and inmates— later.
Why aren’t parents teaching basic courtesy and respect?
Because these thugs are being raised by one parent and are on the welfare. No father figure in their lives…
Don’t forget they are living in the ghetto with the section 8 affordable housing….drugs, hookers, crime, trap houses…
I know a guy that has children with 4 different baby mommas….
Then they plop em in the public
School system and Walaa!, bullying in school, and then graduating to
Robbing little ol’ ladies and worse…
Jeff: the ACSB needs a stricter dress code…they should ban hoodies as unacceptable clothing… no underwear sticking out of pants that need a belt. Clothing needs to be clean and fit properly…can’t be walking around like a prison thug…& bullying? You gonna end up in Reichert house..
The ACSB needs a hair code too…
No hats, no doo-doo hair-do, need to have button down shirts with collars..pastel colors, —Kaki or Navy pants, black or brown shoes.. nothing with political message on it….
The “usual suspects” I see. What “big” men they are, two grown men robbing an old lady. Classless, cowardly, and criminal.
What did Barry say “if he had a son…”?
You REALLY need to croak. For all of us.
Croaking is too tough a punishment for these two thugs…
A stint in jail may save their lives…
Keep your eyes peeled for Tutankhamun on the right, everyone…