APD K-9 Thor recognized at Alachua City Commission meeting

Press release from Alachua Police Department

ALACHUA, Fla. – On Monday, February 27, K-9 Thor was recognized at the City of Alachua’s Commission meeting for his eight years of dedicated service to the City of Alachua and its residents.

Thor was born on July 21, 2012, and was donated to the Alachua Police Department on May 30, 2014, when he began his career in law enforcement. Thor became certified in narcotics detection and patrol functions such as building searches, locating wanted persons, and locating lost evidentiary articles that would not likely be located without the use of a K-9.

In 2017, Thor located a suspect who had fled from the scene after breaking into a residence and crawling into bed with the resident, who the suspect did not know. Thor located the suspect at a nearby residence after tracking him from the crime scene. See article: https://www.fox5atlanta.com/…/burglar-enters-window…

Thor’s energetic personality will be greatly missed around town. Thor will live out his retirement days with his handler, Sgt. J. Horn. Enjoy your retirement, Thor, and don’t forget to come back and visit!

Watch a video of K-9 Thor’s visit to the Alachua City Commission

    • He’s a beautiful Belgian Malinoir. I have one that turns 13 this month… “man’s best friend”.

  • Police dogs are a positive benefit for the police department and law abiding citizens.

  • The comments so far are as stupid as I expected them to be. Can’t wait to see what other trash starts flowing in here.

    • Well, here’s an intelligent comment for you Mama: The only comment so far that is stupid is yours…are you the stupid felon SOB that ran from the cops and lost an eye blaming it on the k9 or was that your offspring? Next time, don’t run from the cops after doing your felony. Break into my home while I’m sleeping to rob or kill me and I will be in fear for my life and you will be DRT…”don’t worry about the dog, worry about the owner”. Dogs are man’s best friend..you are a disgrace to the human race. You must be the byproduct of the “it takes a village to raise a child” philosophy. You are the problem, not the dogs…take some responsibility for your actions.

    • Kenny: hurt a k9 that’s on duty and you will be in jail. They do have careers…they are working dogs.
      Military & police use them daily.

      • Yeah, still sounds like a dog. They just “use them.” Unless you can show me an application a dog filled out for the job.

        • Kenny, my dog goes to work every day with me. He’s trained in personal defense and tracking.
          He is my best friend & treasure.
          I love him and he loves me. He’s
          A Belgian Malinoir. He’ll be 91 this month (13)and loves to go to work every day and swim in the ocean on the weekends. You try to hurt me and see what happens. No need for an application because he’s trustworthy, loyal, and obedient, and wants to protect me…
          We are like Orion & siriius.

          • I love that you and your dog love each other. Truly. But your dog is not “going to work.” He’s been trained and conditioned. He’s been made into a tool to serve human purposes.
            Dogs aren’t cops any more than hammers are carpenters.

  • Glad the dog was able to stay with his handler. I hope the local police K-9 programs continue.

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