April 15 Alachua County Commission and City of Archer Commission Joint Meeting

Press release from Alachua County

ARCHER, Fla. – The Alachua County Commission and the City of Archer Commission will conduct a joint meeting on Monday, April 15, 2024. The meeting begins at 6 p.m. The meeting is at the Archer Community Center (16671 SW 137th Avenue, Archer).

In-person public comments will be taken for the agenda items, and the public will also have an opportunity to speak about items not on the agenda.

The meeting items of interest:

  • City’s Proposed Infrastructure Surtax Partnership Project(s) update
  • Archer Roads Program Timeline
  • SR 24 / Archer Road Widening Update

View the meeting agenda and backup items.

  • The tour begins…
    Archer voters, don’t be duped. Single member districts has the opportunity to give you an equal vote at the dais.

    • And at-large districts give you five votes at the dias. One of the current at-large commissioners lives in Archer.

      • Yes, you have five votes at the dais. Conservatives have zero. Can’t have any dissenting voices up there – and no, there’s little chance of ever having a conservative majority, but at least dissenting voices would get more than 3 minutes to talk.

        • I see. In your mind, single-member districts are a way for the GOP to try to manipulate a district that will elect a conservative? Gerrymandering at its finest. I suspect that you will be disappointed in the November election results because the districts, by their very nature, include a majority of people from the urban areas.

          • Do you even know what gerrymandering means? The county commission creates the districts, so they’re the only ones who can manipulate them.

          • Most of the counties in Florida aren’t a post-Civil War slave town combined with the remnants of a bunch of Klansmen. How many counties have had their county seat mayor abduct and castrate a priest?

          • I know math is hard for some, but. . .
            Alachua County has five commission districts. Florida law REQUIRES equal populations in each district. There are not enough rural/conservative voters to carve out a safe Republican district no matter how horrible and/or illegal the gerrymandering is. There will always be enough Gainesville urban area voters in each district to elect a Democrat. You cannot gerrymander one Republican district, let alone three.
            While speaking of numbers, someone here complained about not having a voice representing them. Monday night there will be FIVE city commissioners representing their Archer agenda, plus one county commissioner who lives in Archer. Monday night six of the ten people on the dais will be Archer representatives, yet you complain you don’t have enough. How many of the ten will be enough to stop your whine? Just wondering.

          • Archer Commissioners can say all they would like in Archer but everyone knows it’s the FIVE County Commissioners who dictate policy in Archer. Just as the County has to tread lighty with regard to violating State policy, Archer has to do the same with County policy. There’s been numerous times the County Commission has directed the County Attorney and Staff to find ways to circumvent state policies.
            Haven’t you ever wondered why Alachua County and Gainesville have always had difficulties in Tallahassee? If you have, stop already.

        • Dear Miranda: Do you fail to remember history, or do you try to revise it like a good MAGAhead?
          You HAD a CONserative on the board. Couple years ago when a commissioner had to resign for not living in her district. Governator Desantis appointed Ramen Noodle-Glen to the BOCC. A hard core Rethuglican. Her brother runs a Tallahassee agency.
          What did she do? Collect a paycheck and cash it. Easier money than being a private practice lawyer.
          She said virtually NOTHING while on the BOCC, she did not advocate or the CONservative agenda, she did not object to the BOCC woke politics, she did not offer any motions even knowing they would die for lack of a second. Every vote passed 4-1.
          She proved that appointing or electing a hard core Rethuglican does not automatically give you MAGAheads a “voice” on the county commission.
          She was a Desantis loyalist who now is running for a higher office to collect a gumment paycheck and do nothing. (I am sure Phat Cammack is her role model on this.) The R next to her name is the only thing different between Ramen Noodle-Glen and a Democrat welfare queen.
          You, however, will vote for her. Sad.

      • Wrong. I’d be willing to bet there’s far more honest, ethical, morally driven voters in Archer that are able to see through their guise than those who are easily fooled by their false promises and camouflaged care for rural communities.
        Your “one” from Archer has become infected with progressive liberalism. If they’re true, they shouldn’t have anything to worry about and will happily be voted in for another term. Wouldn’t you agree?
        Or is it that’s what they’re really worried about, no dilution of the vote from progressive Gainesville?

        That’s the real truth.

        • We’ll see how the voters decide when there is time for an honest campaign that clearly states the pros and cons of each model. I look forward to joining the other 40 counties (most of them Republican dominated) that vote at large.

          • I guess we will. If Single Member Districts eke out a win again will you stop your whining and accept it or will we have to listen for the following year about how it wasn’t fair?
            Hopefully your owners will actually tell the truth about it, which you aren’t willing to, instead of parlaying their fear of losing their seat into voting for them.
            On the other hand, I hear San Francisco is looking for some residents since theirs are leaving, you’ll be welcomed with open arms. They must have gotten tired of the high taxes and crime, not to mention the growing homeless population.

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