April 6 Alachua County Commission Special Meeting

Press release from Alachua County
ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – The Alachua County Commission will conduct a Special Meeting on Thursday, April 6, 2023. The meeting begins at 5 p.m. in the Jack Durrance Auditorium on the second floor of the Alachua County Administration Building (12 S.E. 1st Street, Gainesville).
Masks for vulnerable citizens are strongly recommended. The public may view the meeting on the County’s Video on Demand website. Due to scheduling issues, the meeting will not be available on Cox Cable Channel 12.
In-person public comment will be taken for the agenda items, and the public will also have an opportunity to speak about items not on the agendas. Members of the public who wish to speak are asked to limit their comments to three minutes.
Meeting items of interest:
- Alachua County Jail Telephone System
- Alachua County Jail Inmate Fees
View the meeting agenda and backup items.
Citizens are encouraged to stay informed by following the County on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, and subscribing to the County’s Newsletter/Press Release group
I was hoping the meeting would be about making the jail larger so criminals could be locked up longer…
I see they are encouraging masks again…
…you do know that when you combine facial expressions with speech, a full form of language is created which enables
us to interact and communicate with a much more complex and detailed form of communication….
What’s that you say, you can’t hear me? Putting face masks on is like them putting ear plugs in….they don’t want to hear what you’re saying…
“Mr. Floyd, your 3min are up!”🫢
The County never stopped recommending masks for those who are vulnerable. It is completely up to the individual.
Mark; those vulnerable people should get their Covid shots and boosters…Criminals wear them to hide their faces and social justice
People wear it as a political statement. The fascist Marxist mask wearing new world order types want you to get a Vax passport to travel.
This BOCC hates non-tree huggers and are going to spend taxpayers money on their special interests – ALWAYS! These five grinning asses should wear masks just so the tax payers of AC don’t know what they really think of them!
Mark is merely an extremely well paid pawn of these wads!