Arizona man arrested for allegedly trying to rob woman near campus


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Brian James Ison, 47, was arrested yesterday evening and charged with unarmed robbery after allegedly approaching a woman near campus and asking her for $2,000.

The victim reportedly told a Gainesville Police Department officer that she was walking in the 1700 block of W. University Avenue at about 9:00 p.m. last night when Ison approached her and demanded $2,000; she said she didn’t know him. She reportedly said she refused to give him any money but became afraid when she saw him holding a gun down at his side. She said he demanded the money again, and because she was afraid, she told him there was an ATM nearby. She started walking with Ison toward the ATM, but she said she got away from him when he became distracted while talking to someone else.

Post Miranda, Ison reportedly said he did not have a gun and only asked the woman for some money to buy a cigar.

Ison reportedly has an Arizona driver’s license and a criminal history in California, Nevada, Arizona, Louisiana, and South Carolina. Judge Kristine Van Vorst ordered him held on $75,000 bail.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • And why did he decide to come here? I hope the poor girl gets some counseling if she needs it. The creep welcome mat should have been taken up a long time ago.

    • Poe, Ward, and the violent crimes welcoming policy of this crazy ass liberal City.

  • The word is out, come one & all, Alachua County & Gainesville are a free-for-all.
    Come on over & you’re likely to have a ball.
    If you want something for free just give leadership a call.
    Just be careful, some folks on the outskirts don’t even like the mall.
    They’ll put you down if you try to break through their wall

  • So much for Gov. DeSanctimonious and his “Keep Florida Free” campaign! Back before “woke” took over, stalking wasn’t a crime. It was called “romance.” We’ll never Make America Great Again as long as the woke, Pelosi/AOC liberal and feminist politically correct are in control!!!!

  • Neck tattoo…you know what that means…glad they get them so we can identify them more easily!

    • I have a neck tattoo. Never been arrested. Never done drugs. College educated. Own my own business. Gosh, I’m so glad stereotypes are accurate! Great way to sit and blindly judge. Heavily rolling my eyes…

      So this man allegedly attempts to rob someone and is held on bail. A few months ago, a woman attempted to kill a stranger with a car – deliberately tried to run her over – for no reason and is ROR??! Make that make sense.

  • Why to national losers feel attracted to Gainesville? Is it the social media networking they do on their Obama phones?

  • He was in Florida because he has severe mental illness, has family who lives near Gainesville and was getting treatment for his mental illness and addiction. The article sounds bad but he is not a violent person, I’m not saying the courts should go easy on him, he deserves what he gets, just providing some context for readers wondering why he came here.

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