Arrest made, second man sought in shootings

Ny’keil Frazier

Press release from Gainesville Police Department

On Sunday, August 1, 2021, at approximately 2:00 a.m., multiple Gainesville Police Department (GPD) units responded to reports of a shooting/shots fired at 50 SW 1st Street. After arriving to the scene, GPD officers discovered three victims (one a juvenile) with gunshot wounds, all with non-life-threatening injuries, who were then transported to a local hospital.

GPD Officers observed Ny’Keil Alijah Frazier (6/16/2000) fleeing the scene with a firearm in his hand. Frazier threw his gun to the ground and fled westbound. Later, after stopping a vehicle near 200 NW 1st Avenue and identifying a description of the suspect put out by GPD officers, an Alachua County Sheriff’s Office Deputy located Frazier in the vehicle, who was subsequently arrested by GPD, charged with Resisting Without Violence and Carrying a Concealed Firearm. The firearm discarded by Frazier and recovered by GPD officers was reported stolen by Alachua Police Department.

Ja’Rod DaJuan Cannon (01/03/2003) was also identified in the same vehicle as Frazier. A consent search of the vehicle revealed a firearm, which was readily accessible to Cannon. The serial number on the firearm was altered and not legible. A sworn complaint was completed charging Cannon with Possession of a Firearm with Altered Serial Number

This is an ongoing investigation. If anyone has information about this incident or the location of those involved in the shooting, please contact GPD Detective Prince at 352-393-7618 or Or you can remain anonymous by contacting Alachua County Crime Stoppers at 353-372-7867 or

  • Well…well….what have we here? Looks like Gville is trying to keep up with the rest of the woke Dem cities. And what do you suppose Chief Tony and his hamstrung Po PO are goin to do about it? Ha! Maybe mayor Poe will speak some kind words encouraging harmony among the thuggery. More likely he’ll just blame the gun (stolen) and plead to ‘control’ them.

    • Lou….more like right wing nut cases. I think most / all Trump cult worshippers are domestic terrorists.

    • Lou, good job at smoking out the “red doper diaper baby”…

    • Mick, thanks for your comment unrelated to the article about thug behavior in Gville. Apparently your not as woke as you think you are as this article contains no mention of “right wing nut cases” or “domestic terrorists”. Please re-read the article and pay particular attention to the mugshot of the ‘alleged’ perp. Does he look like a typical right wing nut case to you?

  • Mick irish, your one of the fools that think it’s the guns fault right? take the blindfold off buddy. do you read the news once a year? black on black crime is taking over. It’s the new in thing! young thug punks who have no regard for human life or laws only about thier street credibility. blm only cares when it’s a situation involving a white cop but if they followed the laws they wouldn’t have anything to worry about.

  • Ny’Keil “lover” is gonna be the wife, and Da’rod da John Cannon is gonna be the husband… It’s their parents’
    Faults for giving them stupid names with apostrophes.
    These 2 Black Lives Matter a lot to me and they need to be rehabilitated while they’re incarcerated…its a good thing
    The police caught them before they committed any more proximity crime..Great job GPD & Sheriffs Dept!

    • Another juvenile got shot? He should have been in bed at 9pm after doing his schoolwork! King Poe needs to call
      A curfew on juveniles on the east side of town to
      Protect them from getting shot as a result of the black
      On black crime…I thought they cared about public health…

      • If the parents can’t control their children, then king Poe and the government must be superheroes and
        Make them stay home at sundown. Good luck with that huh? They can’t even keep the panhandlers out of the street medians…c’mon man! It’s a public safety

    • While they’re in the lock-up, they need to get the Covid
      Shot and double mask so they don’t infect the rest of
      The prison population. When you’re a ward of the state,
      They can make your medical decisions for you…

    • What’s the name problem? Lots of suburban white parents name their kids Nickel and Dime to symbolize the bags they be selling when they get older.

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