ASO and GPD command staffs meet to discuss collaboration

Press release from Alachua County Sheriff’s Office and Gainesville Police Department

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Today, Sheriff Emery Gainey and Gainesville Police Chief Lonnie Scott and their respective command staffs held a joint meeting to discuss ways their respective agencies could work together and build strong partnerships. By cooperating and sharing resources and technology, the agencies are able to better serve the community collaboratively. They also agreed to continue to work together to rebuild and foster new relationships and foster open communications to better assist each other and the community.

“I believe that our neighbors are best served when we work together collaboratively to provide for the Public Safety. Those that threaten our community are keenly aware of the inefficiencies of law enforcement miscommunications and distrust. Today, the Gainesville Police Department and the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office proudly proclaim that we will work in unity with our community and other law enforcement agencies to keep those we serve safe,” said Chief Scott

“Creating pathways to stronger communications and using our shared resources, we will be able to serve our communities more effectively and keep all citizens safe. Working together will make both our agencies stronger,” said Sheriff Gainey.

  • This is a great idea! Welcome to the city ASO. Seriously, I feel safer all ready. I noticed the increased presence today and traffic actually “adjusted” to your presence. Please, cruise Archer road whenever you can.

  • They need to also *communicate* with the DA, public lawyers and judges. Very clearly.

  • Feel good meeting. Gainey will get more done in 6 months than Scott will in 6 years.
    And do it better!

  • The two agencies have always collaborated… this would be news if the title and/or contents stated “The two agencies will CONSOLIDATE into one…”

  • I think I like Sheriff Gainey already–he actually referred to us as “citizens”, instead of using the liberal newspeak term “neighbors” that our local government is so fond of.

    Why do they do it? Citizens have Constitutional rights. “Neighbors” don’t.

  • I think that collaboration is a great idea.
    GPD, ASO and FHP have already been working together on the Traffic Intradiction Program,
    keeping us safe from everything from Human to Drug and Gun trafficking off I 75.
    I see that a bigger ASO presence is more often in SW Gainesville.
    Overall, the entire Law Enforcement Presence in Alachua County as a whole, has deteriorated greatly over the past 4 to 5 years.
    I have mad respect for what our men and women in Blue and Green do everyday.
    I do believe the whole “I’m a city cop”, “Well I’m a County Deputy” rival thing needs to go in place of more a professional approach.
    You are all on the same team.
    I also think GPD officers are handling things too “softly”, where as ASO Deputies have a more “stern” tone to things.
    (FHP officers are excluded from my opinion here) Those Men and Women are one of a kind to start with.
    In conclusion
    I feel like it’s an overall good idea.
    The crime articles I read here tell me without a doubt that our officers in the field on any given day, in any given situation, whether GPD or ASO, risk thier lives to fight crime, and they are simply exemplary men and woman .
    Keeping us safe from the bad guys.

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