
August 22 Alachua County Commission Regular Meeting

Press release from Alachua County

ALACHUA COUNTY, Fla. – The Alachua County Commission will conduct its Regular Meeting on Tuesday, August 22, 2023, in the Jack Durrance Auditorium on the second floor of the Alachua County Administration Building (12 SE 1st Street, Gainesville). The meeting begins at 11:30 a.m. The evening portion of the meeting is canceled.

Meetings can be viewed on Cox Channel 12, the AC TV app (Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku), or online.

During the Regular Meeting, the public can make comments at the meeting in person or call in during the 12 p.m. (noon) comment period. Callers will have three minutes to comment on anything not on the agenda and three minutes to discuss anything on the agenda. Callers can choose either or both. Those commenting on items on the agenda will not be allowed to comment again on agenda items if attending the meeting in person later in the day. The call-in number is 1-929-205-6099. When prompted, enter meeting ID 873 5974 1977. Callers can hear the meeting while on hold and can use the system to listen. If you wish to comment, Raise Your Hand by dialing *9 (star nine). Once you are called on by the last four digits of your phone number, unmute your phone by dialing *6 (star six).

Items of interest:

  • Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Board appointments
  • Gainesville-Alachua County Regional Airport Authority Citizen-at-large appointment
  • Advisory Board Update – Healthcare Advisory Board presentation
  • 2nd Quarter Infrastructure Surtax (January, February, March 2023) Financial Report Presentation and Joint Project Application Form
  • Presentation of Meridian Behavioral Healthcare, Inc. Annual Report and Funding Agreement Approval
  • Request to Advertise Amendments to Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element (FLUE) Policy [Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU)]
  • Capital Improvement Revenue Note Series 2023
  • Request to advertise Notice of Public Hearing for proposed amendments to the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) and for an amendment to the Alachua County Code
  • Scope of Work for Meat Processing Facility Request for Proposals
  • Z23-000002: A public hearing to consider rezoning for Park Place Car Wash from R-1(b) (Single Family Residential, 4-8 units per acre to BH (Highway Oriented Business) at 7404 NW 4th Blvd
  • Construction Contract between Alachua County and North Florida Regional Medical Center for Realignment of SW 41st Boulevard

View the meeting agenda and backup items.

  • Tomorrow will be interesting. The BOCC has been looking for an offramp for the slaughterhouse folly, and Newberry has given them a diamond studded gold plated off ramp. Will they take it?????
    The slaughterhouse is an IFAS project and IFAS employee Prizzia is an unregistered lobbyist who should abstain from voting and file a Form 8B but she won’t. Another day, another ethics violation.
    The slaughterhouse operator proposal is one of the worst written government documents ever. No for profit private corporation could possibly bid on all the social justice unknowns required in the RFP. Prediction: (come back in 6 months and see if I am right). If they send out the RFP, the ONLY outfit who will possibly submit a bid is Prizzia’s do gooder taxpayer funded outfit, Working Foods. This whole slaughterhouse project is a plot to get a perpetual taxpayer subsidy for Prizzia’s own corporation. I am not a lawyer but this looks to me like a massive conflict of interest and with millions of Federal dollars this looks to me like a Federal RICO activity the Federal DA in Jacksonville may need to investigate before this is over. Time will tell. Stay tuned.

  • 8-22 Newberry Springs County Meat Plant hosts first slaughter: Itself.

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