
August 6 Alachua County Commission meeting items moved to August 8 meeting

Press release from Alachua County

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Due to impacts from Tropical Storm Debby, the County Commission Special Meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 6, 2024, is canceled. The agenda items are moved to the Thursday, August 8 Special Meeting.

The Thursday Special Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. in the Grace Knight Conference Room on the second floor of the Alachua County Administration Building (12 SE 1st St., Gainesville).

The meeting will not be available on Cox Channel 12. It will be available on the AC TV app (Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku), the county’s Facebook and YouTube sites, and the county’s Video on Demand website.

The meeting items of interest:

  • FY25 Budget Development Departmental Review
  • Enforcement of school zone speed limits
  • Request approval of manager authority, special pay, and piggy-back agreements with World Sports Turf and Geo Surfaces for West End improvements
  • Tree protection in developments

View the meeting agenda and backup items.

  • This meeting MUST be held this week. The BOCC is abdicating their responsibilities and authorizing the county manager to exceed her $50k purchasing authority to spend the $685k West End money. Lieberman MUST be able to hire Bankrupt Celebration Pointe buddy Svein with unlimited money. The WMA track meet is driving the bus. Lieberman is leaving Sunday to go to Gothenburg Sweden on a taxpayer paid vacation junket to “promote” Alachua County. Svein is bankrupt, but he found the money to travel to Sweeden too. The WMA boondoggle continues. Tax money at work I mean waste.

    • The County Manager’s trip is being paid by grants and the bed tax money earned from hotel stays. Purpose of the trip is to learn more about the WMA and the logistics of the competition.

      • Memo to NC: Please cease the misinformation campaign. Grants are tax money taken from the citizens. The 5% hotel bed Tax is a tax on citizens. It is totally improper to call this money effing EARNED. It is taxes taken by the government. Taxes are not EARNED by a government.

        It is a little late for the “learning” process. This shows the local politicians were oblivious to what they were getting the county into over a year ago when they spent money to bid for the WMAs. And the costs just keep growing.

        Also: please clarify which grants are being used for this trip?

  • The SOE folks can open early voting places at 9 AM tomorrow, but the prima donnas of the BOCC cannot make a short 1:30 PM meeting when it will be bright and sunny. Spinless wimps X 5.

  • Tuesday update: My heart goes out to the brave tough kids at school, the early voters at the polls, the Post Office workers, and the childless cat owner shoppers at Publix working through this brutal weather.

    The weather outside is frightening. I saw one drop of rain. The weather is almost like an above average day in August in that there Florida. Too brutal for the BOCC to be asked to go out in. Hunker down commissioners, your safety is all important. Suggest sheltering in Gothenburg, Sweden, where perhaps you can survive the 75 degree sunny day today.

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