
August 6 Alachua County Commission Special Meeting

Press release from Alachua County

This meeting has been canceled, and the agenda items have been moved to an August 8 meeting at 1:30 p.m.

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The Alachua County Commission will conduct a special meeting on Tuesday, Aug. 6, 2024. The meeting begins at 1:30 p.m. in the Grace Knight Conference Room on the second floor of the Alachua County Administration Building (12 SE 1st St., Gainesville).

The meeting can be viewed on Cox Channel 12, the AC TV app (Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Roku), the county’s Facebook and YouTube sites, and the county’s Video on Demand website.

The meeting items of interest:

  • Request approval of manager authority, special pay, and piggy-back agreements with World Sports Turf and Geo Surfaces for West End improvements
  • Enforcement of school zone speed limits
  • Tree protection in developments

View the meeting agenda and backup items.

Citizens are encouraged to stay informed by following Alachua County on FacebookX (Twitter)NextdoorInstagram, and subscribing to the county’s newsletter/press release group.

  • Dear households living near West End Golf Course: Prepare to be poisoned so the county manager’s pet project can profit some private companies. The WMA boondoggle never ends.

    The county needs to inform the Europeans in the World Masters that they will be playing in a chemical soup, some of which Europe is trying to BAN.

    They are hiring a company to “renovate” nine acres of the 75, the “temporary” javelin and discus areas. Hundreds of thousands for these “temporary” facilities. For the money they could build and give away five Habitat houses to LOCAL citizens, instead of trying to impress Europeans, who will be sadly disappointed by the **** show Alachua County is going to foist on them in March.

    “Apply a mixture of Glyphosate/Fusilade three times spaced seven days apart to all areas being renovated.” This toxic soup kills everything.

    “The contractor shall apply Ronstar pre-emergent herbicide to the entire designated renovation area to prevent weed seed germination 3 to 5 days after sodding.”

    In addition, the Hypocrites at the BOCC are not following their own rules. Who is surprised? Not me.

    “The contractor shall fertilize the entire sodded area with one application of 15-20-15 fertilizer.”

    Oh wait. Mark Sexton, under his alias “Alachua County,” issued this press release July 1, 2024 on the Alachua Chronicle: “Alachua County’s landscape fertilizer regulations prohibit using landscape fertilizers with nitrogen or phosphorus from July through February.”

    The County and World Masters are obviously exempt from rules citizens are required to follow. Waiting to fertilize March 1 will not grow much grass by March 20.

    In addition, grass does not grow much over winter. Sodding it now is no guarantee that there will be any grass in March for the World Masters. Can’t grow much grass in 7 months. Ask your extension agent, BOCC.

    • Thank you for bringing this to our attention!!! Am sick and tired of this WMA boondoggle! We will be left with debt and pollution!

  • “Tree protection in developments”

    Really?? You mean like Celebration Point where you allowed them to clear cut ALL of the trees prior to development. Money talks and we get the BS walk.

  • And requiring that anyone who owns a pet must register each pet for $25.
    These people are not right!

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