Ballots will warn voters Amendment 4 could require Florida taxpayers to subsidize elective abortions
Press release from Vote No on 4 Florida
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – The Supreme Court of Florida approved a financial impact statement that will appear on the ballot with Amendment 4. This statement informs voters that Amendment 4 could force Florida taxpayers to subsidize elective abortions and would allow abortions to be performed on minors without their parents’ consent. The ruling is a victory for the truth and a blow to the dark-money groups pushing Amendment 4, counting on lawfare and deception to mislead Florida voters.Â
“The Florida Supreme Court made the right decision by approving the financial impact statement that will appear on the ballot with Amendment 4,” said Sara Johnson, Vote No on 4 Statewide Grassroots Director. “This statement advises voters that Amendment 4 could result in taxpayer-funded abortions and would allow abortions to be performed on minors without a parent’s consent – information that Florida voters deserve to know and that the extremists who wrote Amendment 4 are attempting to hide.”
When voters complete their ballots this fall, this statement will inform them that Amendment 4 would open the door to forcing Florida taxpayers to fund elective abortions – and would violate parents’ rights by allowing any provider to perform a risky surgical procedure on a child without parental consent. These are just some facts that the dark-money groups bankrolling Amendment 4 were desperate to keep secret from Floridians.
Activist groups like the ACLU have fought in court to mislead Florida voters by attempting the same devious bait-and-switch they pulled off in Michigan, which passed a similar amendment in 2022. At the time, Michigan voters had no idea that their own tax dollars could be used to fund abortions because the amendment language did not warn them of that possibility.
But just a few weeks ago, the ACLU – which drafted and defended both Michigan’s 2022 abortion amendment and Florida’s Amendment 4 – sued Michigan to compel the state to force all taxpayers to pay for abortions through Medicaid.
Make no mistake, the same ACLU lawyers would immediately file the same lawsuit in Florida if Amendment 4 passes. Amendment 4’s radical funders want to keep voters in the dark about their real end-game: Forcing Florida taxpayers to pay for elective abortions, even on minors whose parents do not consent.
At only 34 words, Amendment 4 provides no definitions for any of its operative terms, creating enormous loopholes and entry points for inevitable lawsuits. But today’s court ruling dealt a blow to the deceptive wordplay and costly lawfare on which the Amendment 4 campaign was built.
For more information on how Amendment 4 was deliberately written to deceive voters, visit
Solid court decision. The financial impact statement needs to be included on the ballot in order to fully disclose what this proposed amendment aims to do…most voters don’t study these issue deeply enough to know these details..they vote on emotion instead. Regardless of your position on abortion, tax payer/government funds should never be used to pay for these elective procedures.
You down voters are shameless. He made a very reasonable comment. Not only do you want to kill your baby but you want others to pay the bill. What in the hell is wrong with the world?!?!
Agreed. Funny how they don’t disagree with the warning statements on packs of cigarettes or alcohol, but they disagree with the statement alerting voters of the financial impact and parental consent for their minor child having an abortion.
Not so funny will be how many voters are actually willing to participate in the mass killing of the unborn; yet they scream genocide at Israel doing what’s needed to defend itself.
Liberal hypocrisy has no limits.
Agree. Very well put Slice.
Govt paid abortion is just one more step to get taxpayers to pay for child and adult sex changes, accept the erasure of Title IX female sports protections, and legalize sex trafficking. It’s all public knowledge in the Womens Studies library books and research papers.
I see you support the ALCU, the SPLC and the Democrats. At least you admit it.
NO! I DON’T want to for someone to kill a baby. I don’t want to pay for Medicaid or welfare either. Too many deadbeats abuse the system. Why don’t politicians talk about reducing welfare? Hmmm… because the parasites would have a fit.
Of course they did. DeSantis and the far right GOP owns our courts now.
This is based – by their own admission – on the flimsy excuse that lawsuits have been filed elsewhere making this claim. Hey, lawsuits of all types are filed and all it takes is a filing fee. This is propaganda and is the heavy hand of state government trying to tip the scales on an issue that the overwhelming majority of Floridians and Americans disagree with them on with a BS excuse without any basis in fact.
Mind your own damn business!
Vote for freedom!
PS Here’s “Vote yes on 4″‘s web site
How about Freedom for the Baby? Oh, kids are tools to be manipulated (sexually), trafficked (Harris the Kid Trafficking Czar), and even murdered (yes, abortion ENDS a life – and that’s the problem here!)
A fetus is not a baby.
Harris put sex offenders in jail. Trump partied with them.
Don’t stop there…
By the way, how was that walk around downtown?
I think you have me confused with the voices in your head.
Just the liberal idiots…wait a second! That is you.
I get you people confused once in a while – both figuratively and literally.
I feel your pain.
Just like all the dems did with Epstein. Nice try liberal.
What does ‘viability’ mean? None of the Prop 4 proponents seem to be able to name a number.
Hard to believe some adults are viable given those who depend on the government to care and provide for them.
They demand it while unborn voices go unheard.
Can you? Surely not 6 weeks, right?
When is conception? Don’t get that confused with perception.
Better yet, this discussion likely wouldn’t be happening if some practiced contraception instead of fornication.
Something you found on NE 1st Ave?
You do get that both things can happen during the same incident, right?
Seen it. Right there on 1st Ave sidewalk. That path you’re afraid to travel. Papa Ward won’t let you cross the street without his supervision?
Did he tell you that could happen?
Did he also tell you that it doesn’t happen with like gendered participants? Sorry, impossible.
Time for an intervention.
Given your intimacy, is there an object in City Hall that causes such flatulence?
All of that deflection has to go somewhere besides here in the comment section.
It would have been good to leave the law how it was and see how the changes worked out in other states. But this amendment is completely open ended to whatever some undefined ‘healthcare provider’ might approve.
Good for who?
The ACLU is a serious organization that does not file flimsy lawsuits. It is not propaganda to point out the ultimate objective of what they sue to obtain under a similar circumstance in another state.
All kinds of things are possible which will not happen and among those you can take to the bank, an ACLU victory in a law suit is not one of them. They file suits not based on if they have a high likelihood of winning , but to crystalize their position and gather support. If we made decisions based on law suits in Timbuktu we’d be rendered non-functional.
So you’re saying the ACLU doesn’t support the stated goals of its lawsuit?
I’m saying that the odds of them prevailing in court are unknown at best, including to them.
You do know that people can sue Florida for injuries or death from a gun, right? Does the state feel compelled to publicize this fact on ballots when candidates advocate for more gun availability? Why not?
Vote ‘hell no’ on this BS. Next, they’ll be asking us to pay for their trans surgeries too.
Mind your own business and vote yes on amendment 4