Barbergators Chorus to hold Open Rehearsal/Guest Night on March 28

Press release from Barbergators Chorus

GAINESVILLE, Fla – The Barbergators Chorus will hold an open rehearsal and guest night on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. at Grace Presbyterian Church, 3146 NW 13th St, Gainesville, FL. They invite all men who like to sing to attend and learn about the chorus, barbershop harmony, and a cappella singing. Guests will learn a new song with the chorus and sing along as the chorus rehearses some of their summer repertoire. Refreshments will be served. (Pizza is rumored to be involved.)

They invite men who like to sing to come and experience the fun and fellowship of barbershop harmony.

The chorus is fresh off a 5th-place finish at the Sunshine District (State of Florida) Chorus Championship and are preparing for their summer concert season.

The Barbergators Chorus has come out of the COVID-19 pandemic with a new focus. Through their public performances, they have raised over $6,000 for non-profits in 2022. They’ve donated to Grace Marketplace and Helping Hands Clinic and SFC’s Bridge Scholarships for veterans, all Gainesville-based charities. They also did a benefit concert at Ocala Civic Theatre.

“We came out of our pandemic shutdown with a new music director and a fresh new mission,” said Dave Jacobs, the chorus president.

Their new director, Mark Slamka, is a barbershop quartet champion, having won the Barbershop Harmony Society’s 2003 international quartet contest with his quartet, Power Play.

The new mission, which revolves around enriching the community through barbershop harmony, has given new energy to the chorus and is attracting new members. “Although our numbers dropped when we had to shut down during COVID, we’ve had more new singers join us in the past 12 to 18 months than in years past,” said Jacobs.

As they approach their 50th anniversary year, they hope events like this will help them grow and have a bigger impact on the Gainesville community.

The Barbergators is a men’s barbershop chorus that has been active in Gainesville since 1973. They are a chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society.

  • One of my best friends from college is a Barber Gator. His late father was too. They are wonderful.

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