Biden orders flags flown at half-staff for victims of Maine shooting

Staff report
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Following a proclamation from President Joe Biden, Governor Ron DeSantis has ordered all flags in the state of Florida to be flown at half-staff as a mark of respect for the victims of the senseless acts of violence perpetrated on October 25, 2023, in Lewiston, Maine.
DeSantis wrote, “President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. directed all flags to be lowered to half-staff immediately. Pursuant to this direction, I hereby direct the flags of the United States and the State of Florida to be flown at half-staff at all local and state buildings, installations, and grounds throughout the State of Florida immediately until sunset on Monday, October 30, 2023.”
Please see the Proclamation by President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. here.
Flags should be flown at half mast in memory of the USA given the terminal destruction being wielded by “Preyzident” Bribem [LOL 80 million votes YGBFKM] and his nefarious minions.
“U.S. economy grows at blockbuster pace in third quarter
GDP grew at an annual rate of 4.9 percent from July to September, the highest reading since 2021”
About that coming “recession”…
Ole Dammegard, awarded the Prague Peace Prize, is an author, International speaker, former journalist, and investigator, who has dedicated the last 40 years to researching many of the global conspiracies. Listen to any of his videos and learn that all shootings, mass and otherwise, are well planned psyops by the deep state cabal to set us up to have our guns taken away. Give him 20 minutes of your time and learn the plans the cabal has to take away our guns. Don’t believe their lies and never give up your guns.
How many flags were lowered for the American citizens killed in Israel?
Congress might consider budget more funding for flag and pole purchases.
It’s getting messey outside the DC beltway bubble.
Doesn’t Maine have a law against mentally ill gun ownership, if criminals obey laws?
Oh yeah Jeff, that would definitely do it! And everyone knows that of all the things which distinguish Americans from the other countries in the developed world who don’t tolerate slaughter on their streets, schools, churches, it isn’t our gun laws and gun ownership, it’s our addiction to video games and high levels of mental illness.
Yet people are still risking their lives and their families’ lives to get here.
Doesn’t make sense does it? Why on Earth would people want to come to a country with high crime, bad medical, racial inequities, and unfair labor practices? Something’s not right.
Almost all these mass casualty shooting events are government sponsored as sensational media attacks against the 2nd amendment. Using a custom Google search-by-date, I found this shooting uploaded into mainstream media servers days in advance of the “event” and currently posted on my NewsParadigm substack.