Branford man arrested for pointing gun at three nightclub employees

Updated on April 15 after court records were posted to change bail amount.

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Nathaniel Dewayne Williams, 25, of Branford, was arrested late last night and charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, improper exhibition of a firearm, and property damage after allegedly threatening three people with a gun at a nightclub.

At about 8:50 p.m. last night, Gainesville Police Department officers responded to a call about someone pointing a gun at the Spurred Up Saloon (112 SW 1st Avenue).

The three victims, who were working at the nightclub, told the officer that Williams had tried to come in the back door, and one employee refused to let him in; Williams allegedly responded by pulling a gun from his pocket and pointing it at the employee.

Williams reportedly ran around to the front door of the nightclub with three companions; a promoter who was not employed by the nightclub reportedly let him in.

Williams allegedly flashed the gun at the first employee, who reported that he was in fear that Williams would shoot him. The employee reportedly tried to have Williams removed, and Williams allegedly pushed over a speaker, causing about $350 in damage.

Three employees reportedly tried to remove Williams from the nightclub. Williams was allegedly holding a gun in his hand; he dropped the gun and picked it up, then allegedly pointed it at the three employees.

Williams eventually fled the nightclub with his three companions, and officers reportedly saw a white sedan leaving the area at a high rate of speed. A traffic stop was conducted, and all four occupants were identified.

Williams was allegedly the driver of the white sedan, and a .40 caliber Glock 27 was reportedly found in the driver’s side door of the car.

Williams was last arrested in Alachua County in 2021 during an investigation of an armed disturbance, but the charges were later dropped. At the time, he had no criminal history. Judge Donna Keim ordered Williams held without bail, and the prosecutor has filed notice that it intends to ask a judge to keep him in jail until trial.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

    • *are
      If you’re gonna make fun of people for being dumb, please use correct grammar. – MGT

      • Common mistake.

        There ARE dumb rednecks who like to visit Gainesville as well.

        Feel better?

  • If Biden would get tough on crime and stop letting everyone over the border! This one looks like a liberal for sure.. if you can’t stop the ignorant might as well join them

    • Janet Wiles WOW just WOW. he’s from Branford. He pulls a gun out at a place called spurred up saloon. And say he looks like a liberal. WOW 😲 do you live in a alternate universe.

    • I don’t have any counts of assault with a deadly weapon. Who’s dumber?

    • Or improper exhibition of a firearm, and property damage either.

    • Your brother needs to learn how to conduct himself…..
      Instead of trying to be all gangsta gangsta.
      He pulled his gun at the wrong night club.
      Had y’all been at one of the clubs up on Main Street in the Downtown area, one of our local brothas would have shot his wanna be gangsta ass.

    • Not sure what group of Williams from Branford you are kin too their are two sets I know most of the older ones since I was born and raised there I am sure as hell they would not approve of this type of nonsense from him and they would put him in his place your right he is not a red neck he gives a red necks a bad name he is a stupid SOB

      • mind your business & keep it moving he’s from branford not born and raised y’all don’t know nothing , he’s never been a
        “ redneck” 💋.

        • Boy like i said he is too stupid to be a red neck. And I am dam glad he is not truly kin to any of the Williams from there they raised there family to respect the law and have common sense

        • Let me clarify to you what a redneck is
          It’s a man who believes in God and this country his guns, right and wrong He has worked hard his whole life outdoors to take care of his family and feed them. He respects others and will always step in to help someone in need He gets his redneck from the sun shining on the back of his neck while he is outdoors working, his kids are raised to also to respect their elders, teachers and hard work has never hurt anyone not to look for government hangouts if you want some work for it don’t steal it. This one’s gonna blow your mind. There are quite a few blacks that also rednecks. They were raised the same way i know quite a few

          • Actually he’s just a POS that needs some prison time had her pulled a gun in Suwannee, Columbia county were people do carry a gun to protect themselves from stupid people like him he never would have been locked up

          • If you desire for others to listen to you, and take what you say seriously, perhaps you might consider elevating your vernacular to match the occasion.

      • that’s my brother regardless of what he did & his family gonna forever love him, you never know what a person is going their and maybe that’s was his breaking point maybe he couldn’t take the bs anymore y’all just judge people off what you here that’s why your irrelevant

        • You need to go back to school and pay attention during english class a bit more. You think you sound all “badazz” but really you sound like an uneducated loser.

          • who said anything about sounding “ Badazz” nobody but you. move on your missable , y’all don’t even know dude and y’all got so much to say be so deadass

        • He need to stay his ass in jail redneck or not “he couldn’t take the bs” are you foreal? they wouldn’t let him through a door why didn’t he walk around to the front door?😂 wanna be gangsta ass boy paying the price lmaoo

        • yy, you may love him forever, but he needs to clean up his act. Otherwise, you’re going to end up spending your weekends driving your mom and grandma to the prison to visit him.

        • I tried to decipher what you posted but i failed ebonics miserably. Give English a try.

  • He likes to play with guns. He got off the last time maybe this one will work.

  • It doesn’t say anything about him being drunk or getting a DUI. He had to be on something- if by any chance he wasn’t then that makes his behavior even more disturbing.

  • The bond is only for the firearm charge and damages to property. No bond on the agg assault

  • Guns and booze generally do not mix well. Perhaps Branford hasn’t learned that yet?

    • Hey his is not originally from Branford he needs to move elsewhere before he gets Branford a bad name

      • Branford is already a bad place racism is still a thing in Branford, if your not born and raised in Branford or your not white your not welcomed in Branford so like I said Branford already has a bad name

  • This dude is a straight up LOSER and yy i don’t know what you talking about “racism” don’t try and be a hoodlum in the country and that sh!t won’t happen!, i know multiple black people from branford and they don’t complain about it. Don’t try and act gangster when your not and they need to up that bond atleast a good more 30k just saying

    • That’s only the bond for property damage and improper display of firearm. The 3 counts of aggravated assault received zero bond. This story is super incomplete. I did a bit of research and found out a bit more on my own. It’s a lot better than running with 1/2 the story.

      • The bond (he is being held on no bond) was updated today, when the paperwork was posted to the clerk’s site. The jail site said $15,000, and that’s all that was available on the weekend.

        • Jennifer OG stated there was no bond for 3 counts of aggravated assault on Sunday. I guess they could see into the future or maybe they didn’t trust the internet and actually called the jail or sheriff’s department and got better answers vs running with a partial story to make it sound like the courts slapped a weak bond on someone. The reporter obviously had an agenda they were trying to push. In the comments on Sunday that was stated long before a website updated lol

          • I’m the reporter, and there is/was no agenda. Information posted on the jail site is “official” – and it still says the bond is $15,000 (which is incorrect). There are instances in which “official” information is incorrect, and we correct articles whenever we learn that the information available at the time the article was written was incorrect. The article was updated as soon as there were “official” documents stating that there is no bond. I assume OG knows the defendant or his family personally.

  • I wish I had the time to stay on AC crime archives, and defend a fellow white guy’s mugshot who pulled a gun in a nightclub, and got his ass handed to him by our local boys and girls in blue……
    Unfortunately, I’m too busy 10hrs a day getting my daily “Redneck On” for me and my family.
    At my work I have a vacuum extractor pump that we use for evacuating freon out of a/c units.
    So, there is a small manifold with two dials that the pump’s hoses run to, and the dial gives me pressure spikes as the pumps in in operation.
    These pressure spikes sometimes cause the needles on the dial on the manifold to raise up due to heavier oils in the mixture.
    The dial on the manifold has a redline reading, that spikes all the up too
    “Retard”…….. When the vacuum pressure gets too high.
    For some reason,,,, I just…..
    Kinda felt that,,, I needed to explain the ins and out of a Freon Extractor Pump.
    The manifold dial sometimes just kinda says that……

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