Bread of the Mighty distributes turkeys, produce, and dry goods in Hawthorne

Photo courtesy of Feeding Northeast Florida

Staff report

HAWTHORNE, Fla. – Bread of the Mighty, in collaboration with the City of Hawthorne, Gator Dentistry, and WestFarms Landscape Services, distributed turkeys, fresh produce, and dry goods to more than 177 individuals and families in need on Saturday, November 18, as part of the organization’s inaugural Harvest Helpings initiative, an effort started by Feeding Northeast Florida. The food bank served an additional 326 families at a secondary distribution as part of the Harvest Helpings initiative at Lake Butler Church of Christ on November 21.

The distributions by Bread of the Mighty (BOTM), a branch of Feeding Northeast Florida, made a difference in the lives of those suffering from hunger and food insecurity in time for the Thanksgiving holiday. One in seven adults and one in five children throughout the four counties served by BOTM are affected by some level of food insecurity. While that is never an acceptable number, it is especially difficult to fathom during the holiday season. 

Photo courtesy of Feeding Northeast Florida
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