Breaking: DeSantis lifts all restrictions on youth activities, effective immediately
During a press conference in Jacksonville this morning, Governor Ron DeSantis said, “Effective immediately, Florida will be lifting all restrictions on youth activities.”
DeSantis went through what we know about COVID-19 and children: In Florida, we have seen zero fatalities under the age of 25. In fact, there have been more total fatalities for people age 90 or above than total fatalities for those under the age of 65. “It’s important to point out… that kids are not immune to this… I think, though, the data is pretty clear that kids don’t tend to get infected at the rate that some adults get infected.” Recent studies have shown that kids are at much less risk of hospitalizations than they would be during a regular flu season. Other studies have shown that kids don’t seem to be major vectors of transmission–kids get infected by adults, but adults don’t tend to get infected by kids.
DeSantis pointed out that daycare centers have stayed open in Florida, and there haven’t been major problems in daycares here.
He said this does not force any parent to send their children to camps or activities: “This is a parent’s decision… If you don’t feel comfortable doing it, don’t do it.”
The Department of Health will put out FAQs, but DeSantis said he trusts parents, physicians, and activity organizers to hold activities responsibly. This may include measures such as temperature checks, handwashing, and social distancing. Also, children who are sick should stay home.
Wonder if Commisar Hutchinson or King Poe will play the role of Burgermeister Meisterburger and take away all the avenues for children to enjoy themselves. For those wondering who the Burgermeister is…go back to the old Christmas classic “Santa Claus Is Comin’ To Town.”
Hope I don’t get ostracized for saying “Christmas.”
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