Bryan Bielanski Live January 9, 2023 in Gainesville at University Club – Tabernacle of Hedonism

Press release from Bryan Bielanski

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Upbeat and energetic North Carolina singer-songwriter Bryan Bielanski is coming back to town! After 10 months on the road promoting his new album “Bryan’s Super Happy Fun Time II,” Bryan Bielanski is making another appearance in Gainesville on January 9, 2023, at University Club as the featured performer in The Tabernacle of Hedonism variety show hosted by Tom Miller.

Bryan Bielanski’s music has been compared by many to the likes of The Beatles, Nirvana, Buddy Holly, and Tom Petty, but he definitely has his own unique style as well. This road warrior has been taking his upbeat catchy songs from city to city for years now, living the nomadic life and trying to spread some good vibes and a positive message at each and every tour stop.

This critically acclaimed globetrotting singer/songwriter has been touring the U.S. and the world for the last 10 years. During that time, Bryan Bielanski has performed in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Austria, Belgium, California, Canada, China, Colorado, Connecticut, Costa Rica, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Italy, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Luxembourg, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mexico, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Netherlands, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Poland, Rhode Island, Russia, South Carolina, South Dakota, Switzerland, Tennessee, Texas, Thailand, United Kingdom, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

If you want to find out more about Bryan Bielanski, his music, and his tour schedule, you can check out his official website at

  • Bryan who? Nice advertisement, but 99.99% out there don’t give a flipping . . . Is he better than the Detroit Dirtbombs?

  • What time? What is the cost? Is free beer included, if the UC still has ‘free beer Mondays’? Most artists tour (go on the road); that alone is not really a reason to see a performance, and the emphasis placed on it seems misguided.

    • Hi Mr. Peabody. Show’s at 10:30. It’s not free beer, but it is free cover. Fewer and fewer artists are touring these days. Bryan’s one of the hardest working players I’ve ever met, and I support local music. Glad the Chronicle gave him a little attention. I’m the host of the Tabernacle, the longest running continuous live variety show in the country. I’d be happy to buy you a couple beers. Cheers!

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