Chabad UF vandalized early Friday morning

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Chabad UF, the University of Florida Jewish Student & Community Center, has reported that its building was vandalized with antisemitic graffiti early Friday morning. The vandalism has been reported to law enforcement and is being investigated.

“We will not be cowed by hate, but will in fact double our efforts to strengthen Judaism, advocate for Israel, and continue to bring light and joy to the UF, SFC, and Gainesville communities,” said Rabbi Berl Goldman, Director of the Center.

“Anti-Semitism is the oldest hatred in the world and is once again rearing its ugly head in the form of anti-Israel bias and hateful tropes, blaming the Jews using all sorts of lies and conspiracies. This is a repeat of the dark ages, when such accusations and blood libels were used to blame the Jewish community for all sorts of grievances,” said Chanie Goldman, Co-director of the Center.

Chabad UF has asked anyone who recognizes the person in the images below to contact Gainesville Police Department and Rabbi Berl Goldman at Chabad UF.

    • If you knew a guy that’s been kicked out of hundreds of different bars, would you think it was always the bars fault or the guy getting kicked out?

  • Good thing they got a top dollar security cam! Looks like a flip phone taped to a tree

  • Whoever wrote that vandalism got it wrong. The child murders are the Palestinians, specifically, their Hamas government in Gaza, not the Jews.

    Israel belongs to the Jews. The Palestinians never had a country there. The West Bank belonged to Jordan and Gaza belonged to Egypt before the 1967 war in which Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq attacked Israel and Israel kicked all their asses in 6 days and captured some of their territory: The Sinai, Gaza, The West Bank, and Golan Heights.

    The Jews have bent over backwards to try to live with the Palestinians in peace, but the Palestinians don’t want Israel to exist. and want the whole country for themselves. That will never happen.

    • This commenter obviously gets his history from Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager. Nice try shabbos goy.

      • this is the republican party circa 2023 . the only thing they have to run on is hate . just listen to donald’s pre written speeches and the things Puppet ron desantis is told to say . Ron’s supporters Fly Nazi Flags . 90 % of commenters here love ron ! the hate is here folks !! every thumbs down shows how many nazis are among us !!

        • So Ron/Don supporters are nazis because they support Israel.
          While libs hate Israel openly and support a fascist terror regime with no church state separation in Palestine.

          Libs with degrees for some reason can’t do basic math with their logic

    • The Turks and Arabs sided with Germany in both WW I and WW II — and lost both times. Why should we give them a third chance?

  • Don’t worry little Abigail…the United States will drop 10,000 bombs on Hamas (and their supporters) for what they’ve done to you.

  • Was the perp wearing a veil or is that hair? Either way it’s sad how Jews are less safe in Dem cities now. They need to wake up and switch sides in 24.

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