
City Commission prepares to sue if Clemons’ bill is passed

Commissioner Bryan Eastman speaks at the March 23 General Policy Committee meeting


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – At today’s meeting of the Gainesville City Commission’s General Policy Committee, Mayor Harvey Ward put an item on the agenda to discuss the local bill proposed by Rep. Chuck Clemons that would establish an independent governing board for Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU), appointed by the governor. Ward said he put it on the agenda because he has “a tremendous amount of anxiety” about the bill, particularly the uncertainty inherent in working on next year’s budget when the final language of the bill has not been set. Ward said Clemons had encouraged amendments to the draft language, and “this is the best opportunity for us as a commission to have a discussion about that.”

Commission Bryan Eastman said he thought the voters spoke in 2018 when a referendum that would have created an independent board appointed by the City Commission failed. Regarding a governing board, he said, “It’s a structure that can work. Our voters didn’t want that structure, but it can work.” However, he called a board appointed by the governor “experimental” and said it could “force us into odd angles that we’re not sure where they’re going to go.”

Eastman preferred a referendum or at least getting input from the Greater Gainesville Chamber of Commerce or the Finance Department at GRU to get “a replicable, just normal authority, board, that is not as experimental as this is.”

Willits agreed that the bill is “experimental, even the word ‘radical,’ it’s a radical consolidation of power at the state level, as opposed to the local; I think it’s hard to argue against that.” He said he hoped Clemons would seek feedback from “people who live in Gainesville, people who have been active on our Utility Advisory Board, people who have been active on this commission in the past who have been, you know, the board of GRU.” He wondered whether the City Commission would continue to set the salary for the GM or would have to pay a salary they have no control over. 

“We cannot sit back, let it happen, and not take any action. So we need somebody out there fighting our battle for us because it is a battle. This is not a little nice gentleman’s agreement, this is not a little nice gentleman’s bill. This demands action on our part.” – Commissioner Cynthia Chestnut

Commissioner Cynthia Chestnut recommended continuing to work on their response to the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, cutting the General Fund Transfer from GRU to General Government, and sitting individually with their lobbyist to discuss amendments to the bill. She asked her fellow commissioners to “seek a consultant or outside counsel to assist us in this process. As Professor Little pointed out to us, there are severe constitutional defects in this bill. We cannot sit back, let it happen, and not take any action. So we need somebody out there fighting our battle for us because it is a battle. This is not a little nice gentleman’s agreement, this is not a little nice gentleman’s bill. This demands action on our part.”

Ward said, “Folks have come to understand over the decades that it’s the job of the people that sit up here to deliver [City] services, through our excellent City staff of more than 2,000 Community Builders. What I’ve read from the bill put in front of us… leaves so many questions open that I cannot, with a straight face, go to any of our constituents and say, ‘I trust that everything’s gonna keep working if this passes.’ I can’t say that with a straight face.”

“Nothing being contemplated is going to change your pensions.” – Mayor Harvey Ward

However, Ward said he was confident that “nothing being contemplated is going to change your pensions… Beyond that, particularly as it pertains to the utility, there are so many unanswered questions in this draft bill that I can’t tell you that everything’s gonna work just fine… We, I believe, have a responsibility to make sure that the people of Gainesville are cared for… and that if they are not, we speak loudly enough so that they know we’re on their side.”

Ward said the situation is “entirely unique” because the local bill was filed in the middle of the legislative session, “not before the legislative session, as the constitution requires.” The legislative dates document for the 2023 legislative session states that March 7 (the date Clemons announced the draft bill) is the deadline for a bill to be approved for filing.

Commissioner Ed Book requested that staff provide a full update on the City’s response to JLAC at the April 6 City Commission meeting “because that April 10th deadline looms large, and if there’s any opportunity for us to say, ‘Wait just a minute–we are taking very significant fiscal actions,’ that’s the date.”

“For example, if there’s going to be a board, I want a seat [representing this commission] on that board… maybe two.” – Commissioner Cynthia Chestnut

Chestnut said, “The lobbyist must sit down with us. The lobbyist must know what we would like as amendments in the bill. For example, if there’s going to be a board, I want a seat [representing this commission] on that board… maybe two.” She added, “If we don’t work to get anything in the bill, we get nothing… We’ve got to ask.”

Chestnut made a motion, which was seconded by Willits:

  • Hire outside counsel to help defend the City of Gainesville constitutionally from this bill.
  • Set individual meetings with the City’s lobbyist to provide amendments. 
  • Continue to meet the requirements of JLAC and look at a “severe reduction” in the GFT. 

Chestnut said they would need an attorney “to take this into the federal courts.” City Attorney Daniel Nee said the Commission should wait to see what comes out of the legislature. He said that having a board appointed by the governor “is a significant twist that might have a fatal flaw in it, when it comes to review in the federal courts. That is a twist that provides an executive empowered to do what is typically a legislative function, but we don’t know if that’s what it’s going to be.”

Eastman said, “My hope for how this whole thing turns out is–Clemons says, ‘Oh, I’m sorry, I had a bad day. I’m gonna go back to being Speaker Pro Tem,’… that he come out with something we can live with… Whatever happens with this, it’s all on Representative Clemons.” He said they need to be prepared “right afterwards” to react. 

Chestnut said the commission needs “to get a seat or two on that board, to protect our citizens, because the citizens will not be represented on that board. The citizens are only represented by their elected representatives–that’s who represents them. We need a seat on the board. That should be very clear.”

Willits said, “We have to go to war to fight for what is truly worthy and important and vital for our residents and our neighbors… We need a full-court press.”

Book said, “I do believe that regardless of the track we take, we would want to push for proportionate representation. That’s the default… If something is in fact legislated, then we would need to have a seat at the table, and it wouldn’t be one seat… my preference would be all the seats, but it would be that proportion thing.”

Ward said a board like the Gainesville Regional Airport Authority makes sense; a majority of those members are appointed by the Gainesville City Commission “because we own the dirt, the people of Gainesville own the land under the airport, so that authority is mostly appointed by the Gainesville City Commission on behalf of the people who own the darn thing.” Ward added that the GFT will probably be less than half what it has been recently.

After public comment, which was mostly in favor of the motion, the board voted unanimously for the motion. Nee asked for a clarification on the timing of hiring outside counsel, pointing out that the City already has relationships in place with law firms who specialize in utility services. Chestnut replied, “Let’s prepare and be ready to jump into action once the bill is signed… maybe we can get an injunction.” 

Alachua Chronicle asked Rep. Clemons whether he had a comment about the City’s intention to sue if they don’t like the bill. He responded, “This proves why the bill is necessary. Instead of addressing the issues, they continue to sidestep the problem. I look forward to opening up their books and their entire operations during the discovery process, should they choose to litigate. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. This won’t end well for the City.”

  • Let the s##t s##w begin! They don’t have the discipline and brains to make drastic, effective budget cuts so they are going to start crying in their beer and sling sh&t all over!

    They don’t get a seat at the adults table!

    I guess they will schedule a quick trip to DC to see how Brandon would handle this!

    • I honestly thought the main reason Ward went to DC back in December was to butter up Brandon’s crew in hopes of getting a few extra million in covid or infrastructure slush money. The feds could buy the biomess plant as some sort of green electrical “infrastructure” or climate deal.

      • LoL! Thanks, too bad this is such a crap show we are discussing!

  • The Commission has shown that they can not manage a utility and a city at the same time. The history of bad decisions have led to this point. There is no reason to think that this group has seen the light and that the next commission will feel the same way.

    • These bozos can’t manage anything. They are wetting their pants.
      I still wonder if they can be taken to jail for malfeasance.

  • Dam just last week ward stated he would support no GTF but he was only one vote now he is saying it will be at least 1/2 of what it has been
    This is why the state needs to take over the city doesn’t have a dam clue about what they are doing

  • Hire the most expensive attorney they can find, maybe Mark Geragos or Allen Dershowitz. That will impress the JLAC committee.

    • If sunshine is the best medicine, then why is the governor and Thassee republicans passing legislation to further restrict sunshine and open records access to them and their processes? Can you spell hypocrite Mr Clemons? Do as I say, not as I do….

      • Hippocratic oath? How about some sunshine on all those redactions in that biomass contract? Trade secrets my ass.
        Redactions to cover up their ripping ratepayers off. Thank you
        Mr. Clemons for the sunshine in fixing GRU!

        • And the solar contract. The other parties know they are dealing with a public entity and know they have no right have these redactions.

          The fact that the commission takes a request for redactions seriously is a clear signal to the business that they can take full advantage of the city’s lack of financial skills.

          • The solar industry doesn’t want price competition or they might have to lower their prices. All the prices should be out in the open, which would lead to lower prices for solar overall since they would have to compete with each other more, like any other industry that is not a protected racket. For all we know, they could all be engaging in price fixing, which is illegal.

  • They have “anxiety” about losing their cash cow. You know, the one they use to finance city services with county taxpayer dollars. I pray GRU is taken away from the idiots on the commission.

  • So our city has lobbyist? If we had a commission that had a clue as to properly operate a city government lobbyist ( no doubt paid be taxes) would no be needed.
    ward and eastman have their heads stuck up their rears. They are beyond help.
    Cynthia show a bit of sense. Straighten out Book!

  • Harvey Ward needs to go put a skirt on his head and play on the interstate – at night.

  • We need a change on our bills we need help Clemson is the best person for that in Cynthia Chestnut

    • Ihe said “ We need a change on our utility bills….we need help. Clemons is the best person for that Cynthia Chesnut!

      • Let’s rephrase. “Clemons is the best person for that ChestNUT Cynthia.”

  • Ward said, “Folks have come to understand over the decades that it’s the job of the people that sit up here to deliver [City] services, through our excellent City staff of more than 2,000 Community Builders. ” Yeah right. Excellent city staff? What can you say about a bunch of clowns who think we need to provide free tampons as part of city services? Manage a utility? They couldn’t manage a lemonade stand. Manage our tax dollars? How, by hiring some useless diversity, equity and inclusion czar for over 300 grand a year? How many real public services can be provided for 300 grand instead of blowing the money on virtue signaling BS?

    • Ward is good at blowing. Problem is Poe isn’t there anymore and he’s like a lost puppy without him.

    • Paco: you are right mentioning the DEI czar…you forgot to mention anything about that Chinese climate czar…

  • The more they keep flapping their traps, the more the prove that they shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near GRU. They are so afraid of losing their cash cow, that they’re ignoring the rest of the findings in the JLAC report. Now they want to dig in their heels and waste more money on lobbyists and law suits instead of fixing their problems. Someone needs to take the keys away from the drivers of this clown car.

  • Funny thing happened on the way to the Commission Meeting…

    All of a sudden these commissioners start talking about representing the people of Gainesville and seeing our concerns are met. Now they find reason to listen to us?

    Clemons summed it up nicely…“This proves why the bill is necessary. Instead of addressing the issues, they continue to sidestep the problem. I look forward to opening up their books and their entire operations during the discovery process, should they choose to litigate. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. This won’t end well for the City.”


  • City commissioners; you do not have my permission to use my tax money fighting Clemon’s bill. You guys are so full of BS. What voice did the citizens have when you decided to go tree burning biomass to stop climate change? And when it came to Hanrahan losing the airport? The City attorney Marion Radson and the city managers for over 20 years were so stupid that they did not know that the airport director (Rick Crider) was to be making monthly reports to the CC on the amounts of landing fees the city was supposed to receive…it was right there in CH35 of the municipal codes Airport & Aviation which has now been removed from the books. You guys cleared wetlands without permits to extend the runway. You people are all incompetent know it all’s.. such stupidity running the city
    by losing the airport…such stupidity ruining our utility going biomass and
    Sticking us with that unsustainable 30 year purchase agreement and then you do the “deal of the century”
    Buying the overpriced junker. Just focus on essential services. We know you couldn’t run an airport, we know you can’t run a utility. You don’t listen to the people…enough with the climate change and social justice. Focus on police, fire, parks, & Roads.
    Maybe Desantis needs to replace you guys right now like a swat team because you are not making any cuts to reduce the city’s debt. We don’t need rainbows 🌈 in intersections downtown or feminine products in mens rooms…we need utility bills we
    Can afford.

  • …and now they are starting to refer to pensions…. great… Looks like 20 years of work and a defined benefit pension might go down the drain for some.

    • Sad thing is some people were screwed by the city. When they were hired it was a 20 year pension. Some had been here for 3 years and it changed to 25 years. Now it’s 30. The city underpays its utility workers compared to private sector by $10 to 15 an hour. That’s why turnover is so high. Train people and lose them to higher paying private companies.

  • Oh My Goodness! What a Giant Leap backwards for this adolescents Commission and Mayor. Dig a Hole with your Superiors watching and listening to your every mindless thought and moves . Just when it appeared this bunch was past the denial state , they circle the wagons and threaten the State, GRU ratepayers , and law abiding citizens. Wow, this is not going to well for GRU and the City of Gainesville, which under the likes of Ward and Eastman have created an insolvent unsustainable Utility and City ,mired in debt. At least they are expediting the inevitable dismantling of their Kingdom, and we get some relief.

  • The city commission would have had veto power over the pseudo “independent” governing board in the 2018 referendum, that’s why it was defeated – not because we wanted the city chumps in charge of our utilities!!😡😡😡

  • All the Mayor and City Commissioners want is control of any money coming in or going out. They want to say how it is to be used wether is for the good of the citizens or another of their pipe dreams. You can see that when they said they want a seat or two on the board that Clemons wants ( Which I think is good). I say we need to keep their grubby hands out.

  • Chestnut: “Let’s prepare and be ready to jump into action once the bill is signed… maybe we can get an injunction.”

    It would be the most work the commission has done in years.

    Sending the issue to the lawyers and courts is a dangerous path for an inept commission to take with far more risk than possible gain, politically or legally, to achieve.

    The commission needs to take the consequences and learn from their mistakes which have been in clear, public view for some time. It is difficult to imagine even a PI law firm advising taking this to court.

    Whether or not Chestnut has the leverage to match her rhetoric, she still doesn’t understand the meaning of ‘independent board’ as she demands to have a seat on it if that’s way it goes.

    So, is she conceding while lawyering up? There are so many mixed messages from that group it’s difficult to take them seriously on any level.

    • The only seat Chesnut needs to be
      On at GRU is the toilet seat in the bathroom she identifies with.

    • Getting a law firm in this town would probably be difficult since most local firms know the city can’t afford a bucket to piss in.

      An out of towner? Probably easier because the city will only provide the “doctored” financials of their ability to pay the legal fees.

  • So if things don’t go their way, they have a hissy fit & threat to sue. Now that folks is maturity at its finest.
    Simply put, they do not want to be held responsible for their gross negligent actions with GRU.
    You, the democrats of Gainesville elected those bafoons now deal with it while everyone else suffers with sky high electric bills.

    • 🎵 “They got diapers on their face & earplugs in their ears Billy boy, Billy boy…they got diapers on their face, charming Billy”…

  • Chestnut claims that the proposed board will not have representation to protect their citizens. My understanding is that 2 of the 5 seats will be held by a residential customer and a commercial customer of GRU. Sounds like adequate representation to me.

    • They’re worried the seats won’t be of their political thinking. Not that they ever think, (with common sense or logic).
      That’s part of the problem, it’s difficult to think when all you can do is smell the shiat emanating from having your head up your arse.

  • Oh no…they must be so very upset that their incompetency has consequences. Most residents are upset about their utility bills, and likely have zero qualms with letting someone else come in and do what these clowns won’t. They are scared of losing their grip and the ramifications on their political futures.

  • ….and “the people’s” GRU will fund that failure as a GFT black pill.

  • Notice they want to file on Federal court – why? Because they know it would go nowhere in our State courts.

    It’s a last ditch tantrum. Clemons is right – Discovery is a beautiful thing !! Be careful for what you wish for.

    • Spot on! Their reaction when called out for screwing the good people of GNV and those stuck with GRU who live outside GNV city limits is to call on Brandon for help!

  • The Gville City Commission has already proven it can not fix this mess. They’ve simply dug the hole deeper and deeper. They are pissed JLAC and the bill could be taking away their piggy bank. Listen when someone becomes incompetent to handle their own finances, a power of atty is set up on their behalf by the courts. City of Gainesville….. you are there. (As an aside, I don’t believe having a Governor appointed board is the answer. An independent board yes but not from the Gov’s office.)

    • That’s what happens when the fox has the keys to the henhouse, or in this case, the thieves have the the keys to the vault.

      Liberal Democrats haven’t figured that out yet. Probably never will.

    • What good would an independent board be if the members are hand-picked by the commission?

      How would this fix the problem? The members would rubber stamp what the commission wants.

      • I get giving them one or two seats – but that’s if you up the board to 7. In no way should the city be able to influence outcomes by having the deciding vote on issues.

    • I would think nothing less than a Governor appointed board will be required .

    • Reliance on “the courts” for resolution of GRU’s troubles can be quicksand. Litigation costs a ton of money. The city commission wants to waste more money on frivolous litigation to enrich a gang of bottom feeding blood sucking lawyers. And why do we presume that judges, (who are more often than not just failed lawyers who got political and won an election), have the wisdom to resolve anything, except by tyrannical fiat? Let the people speak through their legislature and stop trusting our future to judges who are often political hacks and idiots.

  • That’s not a wise move, drawing more attention to their doomed political careers AND Gainesville’s rust belt style financial status alike. But making wrong moves isn’t surprising.

  • There’s no one qualified on the City Commission to manage a utility, yet they intend on spending our City tax dollars to sue if a qualified GRU Board of Directors is allowed to be seated by the State. I wonder how much that will cost the taxpayers.

  • Hopefully the State will make those pushing to sue pay all fees associated with said suit. NOT the city taxpayers. Hold Ward and Co. responsible for their “frivolous” lawsuit much like the State is trying to stop such lawsuits due to the effects on other aspects of residents’ lives.

    • Excellent suggestion. They never have paid a dime for their reckless governance . The Biomass 8 walked, Hunzinger, and his assistants walked, Hanrahan walked, Poe walked . They also need to checkout the leftovers that serve on any City of Gainesville Boards, Committees, and Charter Officers. It is time to puke and purge the villains then sue them

  • The city has 46 job postings open and is still hiring employees that were interviewed or in the hiring pipeline. No hiring freeze yet. No progress in cutting spending. Offer city employees eligible for retirement a voluntary early retirement incentive to retirement and do not fill the position. Those positions that are critical can be filled at base pay salary’s instead of topped out salary’s.

    • So you have no idea on the turnover rate the utility has or RTS or other areas obviously. City employees are underpaid by about 10 or more per hour for the same job in the private sector. The HUGE problem is the city is TOP HEAVY on management. 150k a year jobs like it’s nothing. The DEI needs to go, the DEPARTMENT OF DOING needs to go(whatever the hell it even does), about 3/4 of management needs to go.

  • Amazing number of “small government” Republicans cheering on taking away local control and giving it Tallahassee, but that’s the only way Clemons and Perry can get their way here. They’re both traitors to the county and city who put the GOP and DeSantis against local interests. Both voted last year for the education bill which withheld funds from school boards (like Alachua County’s) which legally challenged DeSantis edicts on covid. Hostile takeovers – see Disney, New College, Tampa DA, and now GRU – are the specialty of this group of autocratic partisan thugs. To further protect Clemons seat – both he and Perry would have lost to Enneking without the dirty tricks the state GOP has become known for – more parts of Alachua County were carved out of his district. My state rep is now in Macclenny and state senator in Orange Park. If that isn’t gerrymandering the word has no meaning.

    • I assume you enjoy being raped by the city of Gainesville ( GRU ) to fund their woke movement. With market place inviting the homeless who in turn commit crimes against the taxpayers to show their appreciation. Just to list on of many things they do to waste our money

    • Nothing more partisan than the scum ruining Gainesville and Alachua county! Leftist trash is the sole reason the city of Gainesville is in the position it’s in!

    • When the local government is failing its people as badly as Gainesville’s is, it’s the States duty to step in. This isn’t a red vs blue issue. This is an incompetence issue. Take your stupid identity politics elsewhere.

    • Hey Mayor Ward, CC (or better yet, Chinese Communist Party)members: You are so predictable after 2 + years of Brandon! Spread some more Lies and fear!

  • Alachua Chronicle asked Rep. Clemons whether he had a comment about the City’s intention to sue if they don’t like the bill. He responded, “This proves why the bill is necessary. Instead of addressing the issues, they continue to sidestep the problem. I look forward to opening up their books and their entire operations during the discovery process, should they choose to litigate. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. This won’t end well for the City.”

    Well, that sure highlights the level of “good faith” with which Alachua County and Gainesville perpetual enemy Clemons approaches this. Maybe some transparency about he and Perry’s funding in their narrow victories over Enneking would be in order. Wouldn’t we love to “open up those books”? Maybe in his world locally elected officials just cave to another power grab by DeSantis and the GOP – that’s what he does – but fighting back is what the people who elect them should expect.

    By the way, a very good news article, written with fairness and plenty of information.

    • Let’s open the books to see who all the fools were who donated to Eastman’s PACs. Especially, the one he set up to convince people to vote against the Independent Board.

    • I’ll change the words to an old tongue in cheek saying, “Facts talk and BS walks!” If you, or any others, have proofs of misdoings, provide them! Otherwise, stick to the article and the subject at hand!

      I don’t care if you are R or D; slinging sh** on the wall and see what sticks is exactly how many politicians govern these days! Do/say anything in order to distract people’s focus on the problem at hand!

      Just like the GNV Mayor and CC, you like to spread rumors and convince people they will lose self governing rights if they don’t stick with the status quo!

      The people have suffered enough with the BS GNV government leadership has pulled on them with GRU and other wasteful spending through the years! Unfortunately, many of them believe the fear mongering spread by the same local politicians who are fleecing them! Liars and on the payroll of too many people claiming to represent “at risk” groups with big money at the top!

      No taxation without representation is a real thing when you live outside GNV City limits but are subjected to the whims and spending sprees going on in the walls of City Hall!

  • Transferring taxpayer funds to lawyers is one of the few things the cc is good at. Oddly enough, the aba is one of the democratic party’s largest contributors.

  • So elected official represents citizens on the utility board? I’m a GRU customer and live outside of the city. Which elected city representative represents me?

  • Whatever happened to that Communist-style grocery store they spent all that time on – in the old Food Lion? Another failed project?

  • Is this guy for real? “Eastman said, “My hope for how this whole thing turns out is–Clemons says, ‘Oh, I’m sorry, I had a bad day. I’m gonna go back to being Speaker Pro Tem,’… that he come out with something we can live with… Whatever happens with this, it’s all on Representative Clemons.” He said they need to be prepared “right afterwards” to react. ”
    SMH……What I want to say is inappropriate so, I just end it with, the commissioners need to step aside and let a professional fix this.

  • The city commission isn’t going to let their cash cow go that easy. How else will they be able to steal from everyone?

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