
City Commission votes for the fourth time to put GRU referendum on November ballot

Susan Bottcher speaks to the Gainesville City Commission on June 18


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – At a special meeting today, the Gainesville City Commission approved the “redo” of the second reading of an ordinance that will put a referendum on the November ballot to transfer control of Gainesville Regional Utilities back to the City Commission; the utility has been governed by the GRU Authority since October 1, 2023, following the passage of HB 1645.

City Attorney Daniel Nee explained that the Commission had already passed the ordinance, but he had recommended “[bringing] you back to redo it again” because a business impact estimate was not included the first time.

City Commissioner Cynthia Chestnut said, “The basis of this is what’s happening with the GRU transfer [of funds from the utility to General Government, which was recently cut by the Authority].” She asked the City Manager to write another press release “to explain to the public how we got to the point… of this 10-year plan that you and the former General Manager, Tony Cunningham, worked on. But I think that plan laid out, for 10 years, how we reduce the transfer and really make up… part of what happened with the biomass.”

Public comment

During public comment, nine people spoke in favor of putting the referendum on the ballot, and two people spoke against it.

Former County Commissioner Robert “Hutch” Hutchinson said there is a group of citizens who will run the campaign to influence voters to vote “yes” on the referendum, and he said he knew that the City Commission could not be directly involved, but he hoped they would “continue your discussions about what happens to the utility, particularly on November 6, when you will likely take over.” He said they needed to be “ready to go” as the new governing board of the utility, “unlike the previous board, or the current board, that really doesn’t know what’s going on.” He said they should have “some adult conversations that aren’t happening [at the Authority].”

Former City Commissioner Susan Bottcher said she agreed with Hutchinson: “What you can do is, you can demonstrate, starting immediately, that you do have control. You do offer stability. Just like for the last hundred years, there was stability with the City Commission being the governing body for our utility, because, as we’ve seen ever since October, when the first Authority Board was seated, and now with the current Authority Board, it has been nothing but disruption and chaos… The City Commission really is the appropriate body to be the governing structure for our utility company.” She added, “We will take care of making sure that the public is educated on what this referendum is, what it means, and why it’s a good idea to return to the stability of the City Commission.”


Following public comment, Commissioner Reina Saco said she would be “more than happy to do this again” and made the motion to approve the ordinance on second reading. Chestnut seconded the motion.

Commissioner Bryan Eastman said, “We really need to get this utility that’s been owned by the people it serves for over a hundred years into a place where it isn’t constantly being this politicized organization, as something that is just working, that is going forward, and so if there’s any employees, particularly at GRU, that are watching, I know that it will be a priority for me, and I hope the rest of this Commission, that there will be stability and [you can] get back to doing your jobs, which is incredibly important work of making sure we have clean water for our families, making sure that our electricity turns on, making sure that our gas is going, that we can communicate with one another.”

Commissioner Casey Willits said he was particularly disappointed that the Commission no longer gets updates on the Integrated Resource Plan to “tell us where we’re headed with our electrical power… Whether the [IRP] is followed or not – that is what this ballot measure is about. This ballot measure is about net-metering,… how that needs to be done in a way that both encourages lots of distributed solar, but also to make sure the system is whole and functioning and properly valued… I want to have those conversations.” 

Willits said he wanted to “have those conversations with a Utility Advisory Board who – you know, this extra layer of people who have experience in our utility, in other utilities, with customers, with community members.” He said that if the City Commission regains control of the utility, “I’ll be the first to suggest [reinstating] the Utility Advisory Board,” possibly with changes. 

Willits said he looked forward to a “robust community discussion” about net metering, which he said “was not had recently,” but 29 members of the public spoke when the GRU Authority decided to reduce compensation rates for new solar customers (but preserved the rates of current solar customers).

Chestnut said the debt reduction plan “is number one for me.”

Mayor Harvey Ward thanked the people who had come to speak about the ordinance “all four times” and the people who went to Tallahassee last March, “asking that we take these steps, way back then. I am ready to respond with finality to the request of the community, and then we will put it in the hands of the community. That’s what this is. This is not about managing the utility. This is about asking you who you want to manage the utility. This is, as Commissioner Chestnut noted a few weeks ago, this is about basic democracy.”

The Commission voted unanimously to approve the ordinance on second reading.

    • Botcher! You are one of the many radical zealots that got us here! It “worked for 100 years” did it? Not at all Botcher! The inexperienced spendthrifts you supported ran up hundreds of millions in wasted funds and supported the single worst contract in the state of FL: Biomass! What a waste of time, $ millions while polluting the environment by burning 10,000 trees a day after using dozens of big trucks to get them onsite. We’d
      be much better off without you, your nonsense and the candidates you support. Please leave town!

      • You are correct. The demise began with pegeen and most of those on the city commission since then. BUT, it was pegeen and her minions (Susan being one of them).

  • The Gainesville City Mayor and Commissioner’s will continue to contribute in many ways to Gainesville’s financial follies as long as they are in denial of their many failures , starting with GRU. If they just could accept reality it would be a start. Do they realize that they are the only Group in Florida that has been fired and removed from running a utility??? They are the butt of jokes all over the State ,and they still think they are smarter than our neighbors who are not bankrupt. The down ward spiral continues as long as the woke citizens that speak mistruths and are SOS losers of Gainesville support them. It’s time to stop the Lie and Thievery.
    https://tinyurl.com/3a5fsuee. When they lose GRU Customers win.

  • Former County Commissioner Robert “Hutch” Hutchinson said there is a group of citizens who will run the campaign to influence voters. ~ Sure there are, because he and botched up Bottcher have and continue to do everything they can to run the city over a cliff and into the ground. I don’t recall ever seeing a group of $0ci@lists so intent on destroying their home as much as this group of idiots.
    For the people new, “Bob” is the idiot who told everyone else to wear masks while he was caught on camera, shopping without one. He’s another screwed up progressive liberal who claim to know what’s best for the rest of us.
    If he wants to jump over a cliff, let him. Maybe he’ll do a tandem with Bottcher, without a parachute.

  • All Hutchinson and Botcher can do is degrade the other side! Typical Democrats! Only 2 people spoke against the referendum because most are afraid to show up in a meeting stacked against them! It is well known that the GNV CC and AC BOCC are dominated by the Dems, and arguments against their beliefs are not accepted and ridiculed!

    Hutchinson and Botcher are nothing but old news trying to remain relevant by licking the boots of the current version of themselves: Local politicians who want to spend hard working taxpayers money on bull squat and pet projects! They and their current replacements on CC and BOCC take their instructions on fleecing the taxpayer from Biden’s handlers (not from senile/pedophile Joe)!

  • I really think this is not fair to all rate payers since many rate payers are outside of city limits. I will vote against the city.

    • If I remember correctly, if you live outside the city, you don’t have a vote in the matter. They’re making sure of that.

      • I think it is only city voters who get to vote and we KNOW how the majority will vote. . . after all, look at the commission.

      • If you don’t live in the city you don’t own GRU, just like you don’t own Duke Energy or Fl Power and Light.

        • If one lives in the city, they don’t share in the profits the Gainesville Commission has been taking either.

          • 1. The citizens elect their leaders and have every opportunity to not elect them if want.

            2. Do you have some proof of personal enrichment by commissioners from GRU? Show it.

          • 1. Some citizens elect some leaders. ( I believe you’ve mentioned that numerous times in your own eloquent way)

            2. I never mentioned “personal” enrichment. Profits can be utilized many ways. You as a business owner, shareholder or just profiteer should know that as well.

            You probably profit a lot from tooting our local liberal “elected” leaders policies.

          • 1. Apparently needs restating because some of you must be from Russia or someplace and don’t understand the exceedingly simple principles of democracies. Even if you don’t like it, it is the principle for our governments.

            2. Glad you clarified that you have no evidence of personal enrichment by Gainesville commissioners using their positions.

          • 1. We understand democracies. Some may be from Russia, can’t answer that. If they are, maybe they came to the United States to escape the effects of it’s politics. Unlike you and others, it’s doubtful they’re trying to remake the USA into the USSR or one it’s satellite countries.

            2. Clarified? There was never a need to unless you’re reading something between the lines.
            Don’t be naive thinking politicians don’t profit from their positions. If you don’t think Biden, Trump, Obama, and many others haven’t, there’s oceanfront property for you in Kansas.

  • Did they say WHY all the recent high density infill isn’t paying enough taxes — and added GRU bills — for their ever expanding annual budget?

  • REDOs only work in children’s games. Dosen’t work in real life. I think GCC has shown that multiple times over and millions of dollars lost trying to play kid’s games.

  • The way GRU was managed was bad and changes are needed. That doesn’t mean that control by the voters should be taken away by the State fascist conservative republican morons and appointments made by the their fuhrer DeSatan instead. That’s wrong and that’s fascism pure and simple.

    What it all boils down to is the minority here in Gainesville does not like the commissioners elected by the majority and the decisions they’re making and want to overrule them. If the minority doesn’t like it, too bad. Here in America, elections are decided by the majority. That’s democracy. So stop whining about it and suck it up.

    • Minority do t like commission? 🤣🤣🤣
      Only 3% elected them. Count their winning votes and do the math. 👿👹💩D

    • Hey everyone. PAULIE wants the Ole piggy bank back so the elected ones can run the city like a clown operation.

    • Think of it like this, if you can’t spend your allowance responsibly, your mom and dad will take your allowance away until you’re able to spend it wisely.

      The majority of voters don’t like the Commission spending it on their pet projects, it’s just they’ve been told how and who to vote for for so long, they just don’t know any better. Some have become so addicted to social handouts that it’s become part of their culture, others are just so indoctrinated with progressive politics, they just don’t know any better. Still others are so ignorant and accepting of this group’s continued financial incompetence, they could care less as long as the government can control lives.

      Sounds to me like Gainesville is concerned with who’s spending their money than they are with how it’s being spent. Stupid Democrat majority.

        • You poor kitty, someone piss on your wheaties this morning or did your master not give you enough cream before you went to bed last night?

    • Really?!?! Under 20% of registered voters participating in elections is a majority of our area?!? Wake up and don’t drink the kool-aid!

      • Golfer, if your comment is to me, let me clarify. If there’s only 19% of “registered” voters participating in local elections and 90% of those voting are “electing” those commissioners, it’s easy to understand my comment.
        Or numerically…
        20% of 100 voters vote.
        90% of 20 = 18.
        75% of voters in Alachua County are Democrats.
        The logical conclusion is a majority of those 18 people who voted are Democrats which makes it highly likely that 13.5 voters had more sway over the election than the Republicans who decided not to vote.

        People need to stop drinking the kool-aid and pegging away at their keyboards and go vote.

      • Disc, in America it is exceedingly rare that a majority of eligible voters show up at the polls. That does not invalidate the results, even when a loser like Trump is actually rejected by most voters but wins the EC. The guy has never won a vote by humans.

    • you lose your argument once you start using words like fascist and fuhrer to describe those you don’t like.

      • Then stop applauding the destruction of local democracy Infinity because that makes it hard to distinguish you from those groups.

    • Those ‘morons’ have a huge surplus in the budget (unlike the brilliant ones in CA) and have cut taxes. Not to mention, created an environment everybody wants to move to. You probably should go to one of those other places.

    • “If the minority doesn’t like it, too bad.”
      Remember this quote everyone.

    • Wrong. It wasn’t problem with GRU management, it was/is the city commission going back pegeen. That is when things started to go downhill for GRU.

    • Exactly Paulie, but this far right comments board – their opinions are minority in the county and in America – prefer autocrats to elections as long as the autocrats are on their side. They have no principles for governing except they have to win – no wonder they like Trump.

      • This sounding board seems to allow far-left comments as well.
        You’ve apparently noticed those opinions are a minority on this particular medium.
        Nice for the Chronicle to allow both.

  • The utility “…is owned by the people it serves.” Where is the voice of the county residents, under the GRU monopoly, heard. I thought the R in GRU was for regional, not a monopoly to benefit the city as a cash cow.

  • Let’s be clear, The City of Gainesville no longer owns GRU. They can pass all the referendums and votes they want but it’s pointless.

    Why do they think they can take something that’s not theirs? That’s called stealing by the way.

    This wasn’t the court but Tallahasee that took this away because you were taxing the non-City voting customers. That’s taxation without representation.

    The delusion you can just take something that doesn’t belong to you is tantamount to being a squatter… and you aren’t even in the house. Which is worse.

    • GRU is owned by the citizens that have been disserved. The City of Gainesville, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida is the legal owner-not the City Commission or Commissioners. HB 1645 is a reorganization of the governance of the management of GRU. Our locally elected state representatives have determined in a process that began in 2015 that ALL elected City and County Commissioners from 1/2000 through 2018 were unworthy of serving on any initial Authority envisioned in the Perry Bill (HB 769). These disgraced miscreants are behind the latest attack on ratepayers they sold into economic slavery.

      • Yes Jim on your 1st 2 sentences, but completely wrong to lying on the rest of it.

        No, “our locally elected state representatives” did not determine or shape this bill. Clemons, who is elected by a small part of Alachua County and none in Gainesville but by the citizens of Gilchrist and Levy counties, and Perry, who has a small part of Alachau County and a smaller part of Gainesville in his district is elected by the citizens of Marion and Levy counties. Like you neither of them could get elected dog catcher in Gainesville. On the other hand Rep Hinson, who does get elected primarily with Gainesville and Alachua county citizens opposed this BS hostile takeover.

        This gerrymandering to neuter Gainesville and Alachua County should be opposed by all their citizens, not just Democrats and liberals. I live 2.5 miles from Gainesville and 9 miles from University and Main and MY STATE REP. IS IN MCCLENNY AND MY STATE SENATOR IS IN ORANGE PARK!!!! You think this is an accident? No, it was done to cement Clemons and Perry’s thin majorities.

        This hurts us in Gainesville and Alachua County and helps the state GOP. Is that what you are for?

    • That is completely false Tim, not to mention none of your business. Why don’t you try and act the part of an elected official from a neighboring town – you know, with dignity – and stop embarrassing those who elected you.

      As to your claim that utility customers must have a vote in how the companies that serve them use their profits, tell that to Duke and FPL. You’re in over your head and clearly don’t understand the principles of ownership and democracy.

      Poor Newberry!

      • Jazzy Eastman. You keep comparing GRU to Duke and FPL and state that the customers of Duke and FPL have no say in how those companies should be run. Using THAT logic, the citizens of Gainesville, and thus their elected officials, should have NO say in how GRU is run. THANK YOU for proving the necessity of the GRU Advisory Board.

    • Yup!!! I’m one of those who gets taxed but doesn’t live in the City. And I never will. The City of Gainesville is in a downward spiral and has been for years. They are all about image and deflection. Just want to “look” good. If these City Commissioners get this done on their ballot, I hope the State steps in and tells them, nope! For years, a large percentage of the users of GRU have been County residents and get nothing from the GFT. This goes to show how County residents have supported the Cities budget. County residents have never had a say in what happens with GRU and when that was brought up, all Botcher would say is, “Annex into the City and you’ll have a vote.” That’s not going to happen. This has even slowed down and most of the land grab votes for annexation have failed. I personally would love to see the opposite. People that live on the fringe should file for de-annexation, also called contraction in F.S. Ch. 171

      • Brett, you have no say in Duke Energy or FPL’s use of their profits either. So what?

        • More often than not, profits are returned, (in part by way of dividends), to shareholders and/or used to make improvements to assets. The idea is to increase profitability for those who have a stake. Whether those improvements are R & D or company infrastructure. The City Commission has decided instead to use profits to fund their priorities, which do not include it’s shareholders, the customers.

          • Jizzman looks like he has an issue with anyone other than his handlers or himself getting use of profits.
            Sounds like Biden and most other progressive liberals if you think about it.

  • I once told Mr. Poe that GRU was Taxation without Representation. He said the answer was simple – I should ask to be annexed into the city, LOL! Even if the vote passes, they will loose in court and have wasted a bunch more money.

  • if the ballot referendum passes, they should have all GRU customers and lines outside of the city limits transferred to Clay.

    • Do it. Rep Hinson tried to add an amendment to the bill to this effect and was voted down on a party line vote. This false issue – you don’t have a say in any utilities business except a limited one in coops and GRU is not a coop – to justify the hostile takeover.

  • Robert Hutchinson is in my opinion a disgusting sociopath who has already gleefully burned hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars in multiple failed attempts to circumvent the laws created and approved by our elected state legislature and governor.

    The fact that Susan Bottcher is aligning herself with this sleaze tells you all that you need to know about her character.

    Eastman and Ward are pathetic embarrassments as usual. They have handled this so poorly and been defeated so soundly that they are not even allowed to speak their own thoughts any more– they just read prepared statements crafted by a teenage intern at the national Democratic party level now.

    • “If you lie down with dogs, you’ll get up with fleas.”
      Bottcher evidently doesn’t mind some scratching.

  • The Left playbook is on display. Instead of touting the virtues of their leadership, experience, and past successes as the governing board of GRU, they attempt to distract, discredit, and demonize their opposition. It’s a classic tactic.

    Clearly, they’re all out of successes…

  • In the five months of RINO Carter’s failed leadership absolutely nothing got accomplished on the GRU board except being obstructionists and playing paddicakes with the City Commisson.

    Many people had high hopes for the GRU board but the combination of unqualified people being appointed, inexperience, people embarrassing themselves, and constant infighting destroyed any chance of making this a success.

    This went downhill immediately after DeSantis signed the bill to create the GRU board.

    • Every dollar cut from the GFT is a success. And there is a real CEO again, not one who took a business class or two in college but can’t remember exactly.

    • OH! , not so fast pilgrim. I think your Zero Heroes just got busted for syphoning off $68,000,000.00 from GRU and repayment is being demanded. The Cities yes man , Tony has been terminated. The transfer the City is addicted to is being reduced and possibly eliminated. Sounds like improvements for everyone but Gainesville. That is great news for the GRU tax slaves that have been abused for 2 decades. Your commission wreaks of haters.

  • How bout us county dwellers get a referendum on the ballot the allows county residents to opt out of GRU and choose the utility who won’t overcharge them?

  • Thank you Hutch for using private funds to file nuisance lawsuits that blew up a stymied Authority. The new Authority will not obey the disgraced cult of miscreants you represent. After flaunting your own residency requirement while in office, you challenged the residency of two of three Authority members according the Governor a free redo. Your a prime source of the chaos and confusion your cult complains of. We need an analysis of a failed experiment with a Monarchy.

  • Susie, Susie Creamcheese, this is the voice of your conscience baby. You and you’re friends are the ones who got GRU into the financial mess it’s in with almost $2 Billion in debt and annual debt service payments that run over $65 Million per year. Nothing about your agenda is sustainable and your days of enriching your friends with GRU money are over. Now please go back to trying to teach black people how to feed their children, that went so well the first time.

    • Debt service and Defeasance will be $138 million- around 1/3 of the entire Budget.

  • Botcher: you ruined GRU and the rainbow. . Please wear a face mask to protect us‼️

    • She looks as if she’s ready to board a rainbow flying saucer and fly away. I’m guessing she’s pandering to future voters, or at least testing the waters.

  • The Ordinance passed is void ab initio. The City Commission is expressly and unambiguously preempted from advancing a misleading referendum. The question, if getting in front of voters AND counted, could be nothing more than a straw ballot. The chaos and confusion caused by this outrageous stunt will cost GRU Ratepayers dearly.

    • I’m sure the bond agencies are less than pleased at the drama and uncertainty of management.

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