City of Gainesville celebrates Black History Month

Press release from City of Gainesville

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The City of Gainesville observes Black History Month with a showcase of performances and remembrances at several municipal venues.

Events are free and open to the public:

Hats: Wear Your Fancy Hats

  • 4-8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 1
  • A. Quinn Jones Museum & Cultural Center, 1013 NW 7th Ave.

An art exhibit on the tradition of wearing hats in African American culture features the creative work of visual artist Mark A. Hopkins, live jazz music, and the Smooth Flava Dance Troupe. In partnership with Alishia McDonald, Yvens Pierre-Antoine, Attorneys at Law, and Smooth Flava Dance.

A Celebration of Black Love, Art, and Poetry

  • 6-8 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 15
  • Santa Fe College Blount Center, 530 W. University Ave.

Poets and visual artists will feature the essence of Black love in a poetry showcase and local visual artists. The event is co-sponsored by Bailey Learning and Arts Collective, Inc.

The Florida Invitational Step Show, “The Stroll

  • Noon-3 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 22
  • Bo Diddley Plaza, 111 E. University Ave.

Join African American sororities and fraternities, local cheer and dance teams for an electrifying Step Show. Co-sponsored by the University of Florida Black Student Union and UF Student Government.

Matthew Lewey, Intergenerational Celebration

  • 3-5 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 23
  • The Historic Thomas Center, 302 NE 6th Ave.

An afternoon of lemonade and conversation on the life story of African-American pioneer Matthew Lewey, the postmaster for Newnansville, Educator at Union Academy, Civil War Veteran, and state legislator. In partnership with the Cultural Arts Coalition; the Alachua County Remembrance Project; the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications; the UF Smathers Libraries; and the City’s Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs Department.

Evergreen Cemetery Self-guided Tour

  • 401 SE 21st Ave.

All month long, the City honors honor the lives, achievements, and contributions of the Black residents buried at Evergreen Cemetery by sharing stories on its Facebook page. On-site honorary signage will indicate the gravesites of bluesman Willie Green, club owner Sarah McKnight, and others for neighbors who wish to take a self-guided tour of the historic cemetery, established in 1856. 

  • How about focus on these things instead of chatzkis:
    1. The restoration of the black male as the head of the household and community.
    2. The realization that the black woman can not do it all by herself, if she has finances and education.
    3. A call to return to God as our savior.
    4. The restoration of the black community in regards to not tolerating certain destructive cultures given to us by the American Entertainment Industry.
    5. The refusal to entertain any political agendas that do not align with God or the best interest for our community.

    The hat thing is foolishness, Pierre can’t even stay awake during a client consultation but he can dance and wear hats, (effeminate).

    Black people need to reject the arts and entertainment in its entirety, stop chasing careers that lead to the entertainment industry, you better off trying to make the NBA, lol.

    The Step-show is a greek custom and has no business in our community, also we denounce the “Divine 9” they aint never done nothing for us anyway but sell us out.

    Instead of an intergenerational celebration, lets educate the public about the white on black race riots from 1923- to the 70’s, Rosewood, Ocoee, Tulsa etc.

    Instead of a self guided tour, take the time to learn history not told by the Democrats in regards to civil rights and then ask ourselves, if any of the leaders we have ever had in this country operated in our best interests or in the interests and peace of mind of the white community.

    Stop letting black women speak for the community and what we should be doing, the same way the devil tricked eve, is the same way the Democrats tricked the black woman, lol they didnt even know Kamala was not black but swore we needed to vote for her because she would be the first black woman president.

    White folks, you should start encouraging the black man to straighten up and take back his household and community, the black gangsters and kids with guns werent around in the 40’s and 50’s.

    Once welfare and empowerment at the the cost of a family unit came about LBJ, thats when the foolishness started.

    • How about you say something to the black men who are shooting up the neighborhoods, killing each other, leaving women to raise their children and over populating the prisons? Sounds like the preaching needs to be directed at the so-called man making this ridiculous post

      • Or maybe the entire post and your lack of understanding of how we got here, flew right over your head. lol
        Keep talking Yankee, thy mouth doth testify against thee.

        • I’m sure the Black community is so grateful you have solved all their problem. Perhaps you could take on white men who condescend to the Black community next?

          • The white men are not my concern unless they are oppressing my people.

            What you fail to realize is many white men agree with me and recognize who we are.

            Only the most ignorant people still think Jesus was a white man, and have no clue about the Catholic church and Greek philosophy and how it was used to change and whitewash the bible.

            See the problem in America is everyone is told what the so called truth is, but only a handful are intelligent enough to go and search out the actual truth.

            In due time the world will know the truth.

            Its not my job to tell the white community how to do better unless its in regards to following Yahuaha.

            My community is my concern,
            The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.

            This is because someone lied and told God’s people they are “black” people lol, and they never questioned it.

            We are the only people on the planet who do not know where we came from or who we were.

            Africa is a land of nations, tribes, and kingdoms.

            White people can say exactly where they came from in Europe and what their progenitors heritage and language was.

            Ours has been hidden from us, just like the bible said it would be.

    • Why does the Black male need to be “head of the household?” Y’all have lots of strong women. Maybe encourage your men to be a more present part of the family unit if you must. They don’t need to lord over their wives for a family to be successful and healthy.

      • That’s the way the creator made it to be, if you don’t like it, take it up with him.

        Eve was tricked by Satan, and as a punishment she was made to be in subjection to her husband Adam.

        Read your bible, conservatism is based on Biblical law, liberalism or progressiveness is the departing from biblical law.

  • Ah yes……BHM is hear again! Can’t wait to ‘celebrate’ all of their accomplishments, entitlements, and convictions. Will it really take a whole month? I know this could take some time so I won’t hold my breath.

    • Lou,
      The crazy part is what are we really celebrating?
      The destruction of the black community.
      All this talk of great achievements, but look at the black community as a whole, we are still on the bottom.
      The asians and hispanics have overtaken us in a country that we were here from the beginning.
      You can’t make this stuff up, my man.

    • What would be the purpose of a white student union?

      What would be the need for it, in a white country, where white people control everything?

      Only people not in control or being oppressed would need a union.

      The same logic as Iron workers, Electricians etc, they were the laborers being oppressed by the employers, so they made a union to fight for whats best for them.

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