City of Gainesville holiday schedule

Press release from the City of Gainesville

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – In observance of the holiday season, City offices will be closed Monday, Dec. 25; Tuesday, Dec. 26; and Monday, Jan. 1.

Residential curbside collection for garbage, recycling, and yard trash will not be picked up on Dec. 25 or Jan. 1, and will delayed by one day for the rest of the week.

Bus service is on reduced service Dec. 16-24 and Dec. 26-31. Reduced service is indicated on RTS route time schedules with an “R.” RTS will have no service on Christmas day, but will provide holiday service on New Year’s Day. Please plan accordingly.

  • As the holidays are here, there will be an up-tick in serious crimes.
    Gunfire and homicides will see a dramatic increase while residential burglaries will skyrocket!
    All while city leaders turn a blind eye and guzzle their eggnog & rum.
    Ya’ll voted for them, deal with it.

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