City of Gainesville stops streaming and recording many meetings, reducing transparency

Gainesville City Commission discusses budget cuts on June 14, 2023


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – In a move that was initially described as applying to advisory boards, the City of Gainesville has stopped streaming or recording many City meetings that were previously live-streamed, recorded, and archived on the City’s website. The recordings are often used by members of the public and the media to review what happened. Since it is not uncommon for City and County meetings to be scheduled at the same time and meetings are often held during the workday, the recordings have been used for many years by individuals who are unable for any reason to watch the meetings in real time.

At a June 14 Special Meeting, Communications Director Jennifer Smart proposed eliminating closed captions for advisory boards and other meetings to save $37,000 in FY24. Smart told the commission that because of ADA regulations, this would likely require the City to stop providing videos of those meetings to the public; only videos of City Commission and General Policy Committee meetings would be available to the public.

The budget presented to the City Commission on July 20 cut $327,372 from the previous year’s approved budget, but by the time the final budget was approved on September 21, $1,735,425 had been added to that, for a total increase of $2,062,797. The $37,000 was not restored as part of that $1.7 million increase.

June: “Advisory meetings would not be broadcast, recorded on video, nor streamed.”

In response to our request for clarification in June, Public Information Officer Rossana Passaniti said that if the $37,000 cut remains in the budget, “Advisory meetings would not be broadcast, recorded on video, nor streamed. Although we are still investigating all possibilities, our current understanding of ADA accessibility standards suggests we are expected to make reasonable accommodations to provide closed captioning for all meetings on video.”

Passaniti added, “To ensure government transparency, additional public access may include limited video recordings or audio recordings, as well as traditional meeting minutes in accordance with best practice.”

After our story was published, Passaniti suggested a different headline that reinforced the idea that the change would mainly apply to advisory boards: “Gainesville City Commission hears a proposal that could eliminate streaming and archived video of future advisory board meetings.”

Change will also apply to some meetings with City Commissioners

However, Alachua Chronicle received confirmation today that the change will not only apply to advisory board meetings but to City Commission meetings such as Sunshine Meetings, the Public Safety Committee, and the Finance Committee.

According to Smart, the meetings listed below are no longer being broadcast, streamed, or recorded in Fiscal Year 2024. This means that the only way for the media or public to know what happened would be to attend them in person:

  • City Commission Agenda Review (will continue to be recorded by the Clerk’s office)
  • Sunshine Meetings
  • Development Review Board
  • Finance Committee
  • Gainesville Community Reinvestment Area Advisory Board
  • Historic Preservation Board
  • Police Advisory Council
  • Public Safety Committee
  • Human Rights Board
  • Code Enforcement

The following meetings will continue to be broadcast:

  • City Commission Meetings
  • General Policy Committee
  • City Commission Budget Workshops
  • Audit Committee
  • City Plan Board

Smart told Alachua Chronicle in an email, “As always, these public meetings are open for anyone to attend.”

  • Well, there you go. The city has taken the people out of all equations and will now, more than ever go underground. The police chief just did the same thing in his memo to the city manager. Not one mention of plans to engage the public. This is so sad for Gainesville and will lead to more problems not less. Guess all we need to do now is learn Russian or Chinese. Truly a city in decay.

    • Hopefully several others will be charged and jailed like the mayor will after his sunshine violations resulting in a $3 million wasted are investigated. Time for him to resign. He’s another DEC Fraud.

    • Here’s a thought, quit whining about “engage the public” and carry yourself up to the meetings.

    • Or, you could just attend the meetings in person. naw, that would be too much effort on your part.

      • Some can’t make it. The reasons vary but are valid. But they want to be informed. This is a basic responsibility of government.

        • Funny how your lot shows such concern for others only when it fits your narrative. However those poor, unfortunate souls can still review the entire agenda of every city meeting beforehand and afterwards as they are posted on the city government website for all to review. Maybe you should take your own advice and show some “responsibility” in actually attempting to learn about government rather than point fingers at liberals.

  • Does State Law allow anyone to record the meetings with personal equipment? What if someone setup their own video camera in the meeting room

      • I am at extreme risk for COVID and should not have to subject myself to that risk to keep a watchful eye on my government. Common Sense!

        • Good for you! Your risk of COVID would be drastically reduced with a “jab”, er, nevermind. However, in keeping “a watchful eye”, are you so blind that you never bothered to go beyond your Breitbart sites and view the city government website? Too bad, because every city meeting’s agenda is posted on the city government website before a meeting and afterwards. #knowledgeispower

  • So someone like this Director of Communication rides in and less than a year into the position decides Censorship is the best way to move backwards for the Citizens of Gainesville. Did she come from the Gainesville Sun?

  • Could be due to staffing shortages, city employees quitting, too. Sad what happens to Dem cities.

  • Don’t those boneheads know they can put the videos on YouTube and free captions will be auto-generated? Like everybody else does?

    • I would imagine that they do know about YouTube access, but that is a solution to a problem that they don’t want a solution for. Shhhhhhh. Move along, nothing to see here.

    • Well, this certainly would explain how you “educate” yourself. Considering YouTube’s automatic captions typically provide about 60-70% accuracy, which means that 1 in 3 words can be wrong. This accuracy rate worsens when there is background noise, accents, or multi-syllable words. Since automatic captions are error-laden and haven’t been human reviewed and edited, they are not considered ADA compliant (29 U.S.C. 794d Section 508).

  • To improve public access, availability may be limited to the people.
    Oxymoron if ever there was one. Another smoke & mirror job by the commission to keep their nefarious deeds out of the public eye.
    First no live stream, then no public allowed to attend, then the doors are locked and guarded.
    That democrats is what you voted for.

    • How is “availability” limited? Considering every single city meetings official agenda and official post meeting minutes are posted on the city’s website, going as far back as 2016, for all to view! What is “nefarious” about that? Shows just how much you are in to keeping up with city government.

  • Sounds like the City is trying to hide the illegal and immoral copulation of the public even more.

    • No, claiming a certified general election is rigged is immoral and inciting a coup against a duly elected leader is illegal.

  • This should have never been an option. The city’s last survey revealed that many of its citizens have concerns about transparency, especially as it relates to finances. There’s no way around it, city staff that are earning above a certain threshold have got to take pay cuts.
    We have too many six-figure earners on payroll. While I believe the manager could have and should have taken a bigger cut, she started what should have been a domino-effect amongst city executives.

    If we believe in protecting democracy, we should make the necessary sacrifices to ensure everyone has access to civic engagement.

  • Keeping the wool pulled over the citizens eyes is definitely a top priority for this group. Can’t wait for a real independent audit to see how they squandered our tax revenues. I think they should all go on a junket visit to Gaza and I for one would be glad to help pay for it.

  • Keep your shirt on. This is for advisory boards, which generally have no power except to “advise”. I was on one in particular for quite awhile and it was never streamed. As to knowing what happened, there are also the minutes kept and which are available as public record.

    While I agree that it would be better if all these meetings were streamed, this is modern technology not available during most of our long history, and if you want to get upset about purposeful avoiding of transparency, look at the laws passed by our compliant state legislature to hide what the governor is doing and acts by his administration to block access to records.

    “As taxpayers pay more for DeSantis’ travel and protection, new law conceals his travel”

    “Florida loses legal battle to keep covid data secret”

    • It’s not just advisory boards. Sunshine meetings, Public Safety Committee, and Finance Committee are meetings of city commissioners (just not the whole commission).

    • Every bit of this comment comes from highly biased, far left sources. As usual, not the whole truth, just out of context tidbits. Sad that their agenda can’t be honest.

    • It’s just another case of Dems hiring incompetent tards. “We hired a WOMAN communications director! Isn’t that exciting?!?” If you look at her stats, she’s a content creator and not a technical expert.

    • Jazz, the police advisory board was being recorded and was an invaluable resource to see whats going on (not good things) within GPD. So GPD will also be less transparent. You just don’t care about the people that live here.

    • I can’t tell if you are serious or just joking. Are you that ignorant that you can’t see what is directly in front of your face? You are too busy looking down your nose at people and not genuinely understanding the turmoil this city is in.

    • So your argument is that the state government is doing something wrong so ok if city does? Government is for the people..or it used to be

      • Clearly, and in contrast to the actions of DeSantis and the state GOP, the commissioners are not trying to hide something, and passed this to save money, something everyone here is otherwise all for. If you can’t tell the difference in the motivations of the commission with the state autocrats, you’ve lost moral bearings and are on tribal rules only.

        • No, Assman, we’d all gladly pay 25 cents a year or whatever it works out to. The communications director should have been fired a long time ago for doing such a dismally poor job with the audio portion of every video to come out of her office. She’s another dumb, unqualified DEI hire.

          • Got it, black people are DEI hires, white people are legacy hires.

            Gee, I wish I could think of some mocking, humorous, and middle school nickname based on “Peabody”, but it’s just not coming to me.

            In the meantime, if you want to huff and puff about elected representatives trying to hide things, Tallahassee is target rich – I showed you the factual news clips – and this issue isn’t.

          • Being a woman is a checkbox. So is being kinda dumb and not really qualified, apparently.

  • They cut $37K for this but still set aside $250K to fight the GRU board … priorities you know …

    • They set aside $500k to waste on the frivolous lawsuit in total, I believe.

      Ward and the city commissioners have been retaliating against the people of Gainesville ever since we revolted against their massive salary increases, their plot to destroy single-family home ownership, and supported the state taking away the keys to GRU’s piggybank.

      They raised our property taxes 27%, and now they are taking steps to hide their shady dealings from the public using the ADA as a shield. Pretty despicable, even for our corrupt and incompetent city government.

      • What’s this “we” you speak of? Did you actually win an election in Gainesville? Ward was just elected with a clear majority.

        • Probably everyone here except for yourself, Kenny Powers, and one or two others. Of course, you don’t even live in Gainesville, which makes your “concerns” all the more ridiculous. The governor picks the GRU board, and you can vote for the governor, so you should be happy now. And since you don’t even live in the city, why are you even expressing your concerns about city government videos? Don’t you want deaf people to be able to follow the meetings? How about sick people who can’t attend in person? Or are you a monster?

          • Well Mr Peabody, you may welcome the elimination of local government and rule from Tallahassee, but you were this close to Gov Gilliam. Of course no other Florida Governor has demonstrated the autocratic tendencies of DeSantis – thankfully – nor has a Florida legislature been so willing to overrule local control. Enjoy your new regime and pray you don’t get another Gilliam in your lifetime who is willing to continue the precedence the current punk in the governor’s office is setting and the willing submission by the legislature and citizens like you – just don’t call it “freedom”.

          • PS You could ask Clemons and Perry – both who have Gainesville largely removed from their constituency (or they would be gone) – what are they doing messing with Gainesville. I am a GRU customer and I don’t like having a “board” unanswerable to anyone but the governor in charge, and one where 4 of the 5 are apparently power hungry enough to occupy their positions illegally.

    • Hundred3, if you have decisions about the house you own taken away from you by hostile actors who don’t even bother to follow their own rules for “board” member qualifications, I assume you’d hire a lawyer too ….. or you should be declared incompetent.

      • If my house was taken away from me for taking money out of it and never paying it back then yes I would expect to have it forclosed on. As far as the qualifications you speak of I believe Jennifer has answered that 4 different times for you and you just didn’t like the answer.

        • A non-citizen of Gainesville – but GRU customer – is allowed one seat of the 5, and fair representation was promised by the bills authors. That is not what we have. Even Jennifer can’t explain that away.

  • I am deaf. Without closed captions, I can’t understand diaper masked speakers. I guess they don’t give a hoot about the deaf communities.

    • Email them and tell them to put the videos on YouTube, the way most cities do things nowadays. YouTube auto-generates free captions, although it usually takes a day or so.

      • Email them? Sorry Mr. P they did away with emails a looong time ago. Except during election cycles when they pander to get the vote and then go back underground right after.

  • Least we forget that on April 20th the City Commission gave final approval for a solar contract with a private entity to buy 75 MW of power we don’t currently need. Despite members of the public requesting that the Commission hold off on this deal until the new board was empaneled, they were in a big hurry, while at the same time they deliberately delayed issuing new bonds costing GRU another $2.9 Million. Seems like evidence of malfeasance to me?

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