City of Gainesville using stickers to designate vaccinated employees


As we reported last week, the City of Gainesville is requiring both employees and visitors (including members of the public who wish to attend City meetings) to provide proof of vaccination or wear a mask. This applies to all departments of the City, including Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU) and the Gainesville Police Department.

A memo sent to GRU employees on May 24 tells employees that they are no longer required to wear a face covering at work if they are fully vaccinated (2 weeks past second dose) AND have proof of vaccination on record with Employee Health Services.

The memo continues: “Employee Health Services will be issuing stickers indicating proof of vaccination to be played on your employee badge. Once you have received your sticker, you may also discontinue daily temperature checks. EHS will be sending the stickers via interoffice mail.”

  • I can think of something that could be done with that roll of stickers but I don’t think King Poe would appreciate it no matter how big an @rseh0le he is…sorry has.

  • I think every day should be polka dot shirt day for City employees….

  • Good to know who’s got the Covid shot because
    They’re wearing the “scarlet letter”….If they got
    The shot, I want them to continue wearing the mask
    So I don’t get infected from them shedding their spike
    Proteins…people who have been vaccinated may have
    Turned into “typhoid Mary’s”..

  • From the perspective of semiotics, the mask has become a tribal totem or signal. It has a significance far beyond its presumed utility. It will be very interesting to follow the half-life “decay” of the phenomenon over time. Also, it will be interesting to follow the dynamics of reinstitution of masks when the next communicable disease comes along. I predict we will see transient peaks in mask wearing corresponding to the intensity of medically unrelated intense political discourse. The sticker may prove to be a substitute for the mask, a useful symbol, as is the “shield” badge used in law enforcement which symbolically replaces a real shield.

  • Direct violation of Executive Order 21-81 issued by Gov Desantis.

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