City’s EV charger grant “on hold” after Trump administration pauses grants


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – An $11.65 million federal grant announced by the City of Gainesville on January 14 for 47 new EV charging stations is now “on hold,” according to City spokeswoman Rossana Passaniti.

Yesterday, Reuters reported seeing a memo that temporarily paused grant, loan, and other financial assistance programs at the Office of Management and Budget. According to Reuters, the memo requires federal agencies to “temporarily pause all activities related to obligation or disbursement of all federal financial assistance,… including, but not limited to,… the green new deal.”

Passaniti told Alachua Chronicle, “The grant award has been placed on hold to give the new administration opportunity to review. We expect to hear more within the next 90 days.”

    • This City Government could not even run a Parking Lot at a profit . They only know how to spend like the failed leaders that just got sent home.

      • Don’t hold your breath on the incoming administration doing much better. Some of his businesses have declared bankruptcy numerous times and by now it should be well known how he still owes bills accrued during his campaign.

          • Are you really that befuddled or just unable to acknowledge the truth because of political bias? There’s no argument. Just deniers.

        • Go ahead and hold your own breath.
          Trump has accomplished more in 4 days than Biden did in 4 years.

          • At least your not denying he declared bankruptcy and still owes thousands for campaign spending.
            There may be hope for humanity after all.

  • Good. Why should tax payers have to pay for charging stations that don’t want or drive an electric car? Should be PRIVATE companies paying for them.

    • Yeah, it’s not like taxpayers haven’t been subsidizing gas powered autos for 100 years.

      The future is coming whether Trump and his cult likes it or not and the sooner we face it and embrace it, the better. China loves us leaving this field open to them.

      • Packing thousands of pounds of batteries into vehicles and hauling them around until they wear out and need to be replaced is not the answer, Jazzman. You should have more sense than that.

        • There is no “answer”, there are “answers” and EVs are one of them and as a relatively new technology, subject to constant improvements.

      • Get real. Jazzman is not aware of the wood burner debacle but knows all about the overpriced EV charging stations. Still laughing

        • I don’t believe Trump would embrace anything unless he thought of it, or claimed to have thought of it first.

          • There are some people who will kiss Trump’s ass if he asked them to.
            That’s all many need to know about the state of this country.
            Really sad.

  • Oh no….I ‘feel’ like I’m melting….oh no that’s the Green New Steal that’s about to ‘melt’ away thanks to more competent leadership.

  • The feds subsidize all US automakers (whether GM or Tesla or anyone else). This is unfortunately how the current political environment operates.

    But federal subsidies for powering your car is a whole different monster. Could you imagine the outcry if feds started funding new gas stations in sparse areas? Figure out how to fuel/charge your own car…some thing’s just aren’t meant for government to get involved in.

  • Good, liberals are getting wrecked as they rightly should. You can tell who voted for Kamala around here because they look absolutely miserable. It’s fantastic !! hahaha!

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